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i Gass is Ivostigating a pendulum. © ge." and 1.2 show the pendulum. tarp t port. one complete ‘ecliation Fig. 14 Fig.1.2 (@) A student adjust the pendulum unl ts langth f= 50.06m, ‘State one precaution that you would take to measure the length Las accurately as posse. ‘You may draw a dagrem, a" ‘Mu /Ramez Raout . x » 7 > 9 3 ? 9 3 3 cy » » > > > * > > > 2 > (0) Te sent sean tno ponum tb ky ae oat ot Tansee eats 28 Slat chara a spon bas gr AOS (Record theme & ins, shown on the stopwatch in Fig. 1.2 fo eee em (i) Calouiate the pared T of the pendulum. The period is the time for one complete oselaton. Ti snelt (Gi) Exainwlsy measuring the time or 20 oscitions, rather thant oscilaton, gives @ more: ro (©). The student adjust the length ofthe pendulum untl ts lngth [= 100.0cm. She repeats the procedure and cain a value forthe period T. T= 2.088, - ‘Another student euggests that douiing the length I of the pendulum should double the petiod 7. State whether the reaults cuppor this suggestion Jusiy your answer by reference to the raat slalement css a 7 justification ia {@) 70 continue the investiztion othe reatlonship between the length Lof the pendulum andthe period 7, tis necessary to Use a range of values of length Lst adtona [values that you would plan to use inthe laboratory 2) (Tota: eases Mr /Ramez Racut ‘G22 2 CPOE SP MAADAARA SE: > * 3 9 ? y ’ , 3 y x y ? a > . » > > , , > , ) > _| The IGCSE cassis invastigating the osolation of a pandulum “Tho apparatus is ot up as shown in Fig. 2.4, clamp: bob. TOTTI. one complete osellaon Fig.24 Fig. 22 ‘The height hof the pendulum bob above the bench is measured and recorded, | This is repeated, to cbain a total of fhe diferent values off, by shortening the string of the Pendulum but without changing the height ofthe clamp, For each value off, the pendulum bob Is pulled to onesie by a eral dates, as shown in Fig.22 ‘The pendulum is then released and the ime tfor 10 completo oscilaons is measured and recorded. (@) Deserve a precaution which the ISCSE students might have taken in order to measure | ‘has accurately 2s possible You may draw a clagram. ih | Mr Ramez Raout . (0) Figs. 2310 27 are scale cgramns showing thehelght hot the pendulum bob above he bench foreach ofthe five experiments. bench i. TH. THT. THT. PATTIE. Fig.28 Fig.24 Fig.25 Fig. 26 Fig.2.7 d a @ (0) Measure, end record in Tble 2.1, the height hin each experiment. {The diagrams are drawn to 1/5 scale Calculate, and recordin Table 2.1, the actual heights H of the rendulum bob above a | Ure bench. ‘Table 21 ‘hice | Hom m Te | Te? Fig.28 Fg.24 1288 Fig. 25 woas | Fig. 26 398 [Peer sao | ceaseamins Mr RomexRaouf © (€) (For each vale of eighth, calculate the time Tor one complete oscillation, using re the equation T= <5. Record these values In Tale 2.1. ee {W)_Caleuiato the values of 72 and record these in he table, 0 (@) Plots graph of T*/s® (ras) against Him (xx). FOO SCCM HUES BHI TI SHAH O ODO 4 {) Determine the gracient Gof the graph. ‘Show clearly onthe graph how you obtained the necessary information. Be cov | a ‘Mr /RamezRaout 0 | (One othe students wishos to carry out the experiment again to abn asus which are ‘more reliable, jeunes m| (ota: 10) DDeseibe one change she might make tothe matod to achive this. corseamasra RARER ERE HSH eSHRHABULABASBAeOe 5 AnIGCSE student has carted out ating experiment using a simple pendulum. She plotted ‘graph of 72 against lim, Tis tha Lime for one swing of the pendulum and !is the length ofthe pendulum. The graph i shown below. 5 3 rise 2 1 ° 0 oz 04 os 08 10 im ‘the necessary information. (0) Calelate tho accearaton got rool using the equation on. Ps reacings. State the purpose of taking suticient readings a plat a graph. POSEN HOGS Soe HrHHHHHHE ‘Wr Ramer Raout 1 (@) (9 Dotermine the graciont Gof he graph Show clearly on the graph how you obtained mst | (i) The student coud hav cleats he acceleration ote tl trom store set ot | re) (6) The student next stias the relatonship batvoun tho mass ofthe pendulum and the time for ona swing T. The readings aro showin Table 5.1. Table 51 mig Tis so | 158 soo | 160 iso | tat (7 200 [187 eso | 188 {Suggest two variabes that must be kept constant to make the experiment a fair test 1 2 ss (A) Study the oadings in the table and complete the folowing sentence, “Witin the limits of experimental accuracy, the readings show thatthe mass m of the pendulum non a sel) (etal) osasoanuna Me /tamez Reout 3 RDASE EKER ERTAVIVAAAVIAANA IAA eeeeBe “4. The cassis investigating tho mation ofa pendulum. Fig. 4.1 shows the apparatus. _— dam 2 eee 3 ete le , word ANS , ~O stone ; Fu. 43 3 ; (0) (On Fa. sow lay he nth fhe panda i" > (i) Use a. 4.2! ela how you would measure he lng accra, Your daw on } teanen. 4 5 damp y ) 4 ; | 9 rod ’ 3 Fig. 42 a > . > > a al 2 > * % ‘ovaseomu? 5) MeiRomesRacut , {e) Astudent determines the period Tf the pendulum. The period isthe te taken for one ‘Complete osellaton. Te student measures the time tor 20 oscilations. Fig. 43 shows the time v, SS Fig. 43 ()Caleiat the period To the pendulum. 1 "1 (i) Explain how measuring the time for 20 oscillations rather than one osclaton helps the Student oootaln a more rable value forthe poe. ra for the acceleration of tree fall from his results. (6) The student wants to determine a value He needs the valu of To de this. Calla 72 Give your anewor oa suitablenumber of sigifcant gues and nce the nit. Te on) Tota: 8) ‘Mr fRamez Racut ania i atetatalalatalolalalatatatatatatetatatatatetatetatateraiat! 1 The cass investigating two aiforent typ of penduium, Fig. 1.1 and 1.2 show the apparatus used, came tama, ‘oem mare +.0em mark Pht ‘sing I rule bob '50\0em mar Fig.t.1 Fig. 1.2 (@) (On Fig. 11, measure the length Lf the pendulum. aU (2) Explain riety how you would measure the length Lol a pendutm, ofthe type shown in Fig. 1-1, as accurately a8 poesia ” (©) & student adjusts the length Lof tho pendulum shown in Fig. 1.1 to be exactly 0.0em. She lsplaces the pendulum bob sighly and releases i 20 that # wings, She measures the tne {gf 20 complete osclations ofthe pendulum (0) Record he tme fas shown in Fig. 1.3. Fig. 1.3 t= a (i) Caloulats the period Ts of the pendulum. The period is the tme for one complete oscilaton. Tee m ee oa Ok Ok OO Ok OE CENCE OO SS Me /Romex Raoul {Gt Explain wey measuring te te for 20 oscilaons, aher than fort oscil, gives & rove sceumte valua fot Ty a {@) The pendulum shown in Fig 1.2850.0cm rule The student dlspiaces this pendulum sity ‘Thafloases to tna t swings. She measures the timo for 20 complete oscations ofthe pendulum. 2328, 1) Stale « precaution het you would tke to ensure that he messuremant of te & is ‘eliabe. (i) Catoulate the period Tg of the pendulum. The period is tne tme fer one complet scl. ti 4) A student suggests that Tz shouldbe equal to Ty ‘state whether the resuls suppor this suggestion. usty your answer by reference to the results. statement [usttcaton a (e) Assume thatthe length [ofthe ist pendulum has been measured accuratly at 0.0¢m anc ‘hatte length ofthe strip that forms the second pendulum is exactly 0.0m long. ‘Suggest why it may net be conect to state thet both pendulums have the same length [250.00 snl] (ots: 9] ceaovonns Mr Ramez Recut 3 CeO EEE YEE RE SE eH HHH EYED ‘A student is Investigating whether he diameter of a penduium bob affects the period of @ [Pendulum The period isthe tme taken for ane completa callaion of tho pendulum. ig. 3.1 ‘hows a pendulum, Fig. 22 shows one complete osclatin, stand clam shea bot od one compote ‘oscilaton ig. at Fig. 32 ‘The student has the following apparatus: pendulum bobs mage of polystyrene wth siameters tem, 2em, Som, 4em end Sem 2 supply of thread and apa of scissors ‘¢amp and stand Plan an experiment investigate whether the dlameter ofa pendulum bob alects ine period ot @ pendium. You shoul: + Ist ational apparatus hat you would requo + explain broly how you would cary out tho ivestgation + sate the key variables that you would conto “craw a table with column headings, to show how you would display your -eadings (You fare nat requires to ener any reagngs in he table) ‘explain rity how you would use your reacngs to reach a conclusion. Wi Ramer RoeuF 8 SVPISFIFIFIVSESF EP ELE REE RATADANIAYECY rm ota: 71 ar farmer Reout

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