Parallel Retreat of Rock Slopes Underlain by Alternation of 2015 Geomorpholo

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Geomorphology 238 (2015) 27–36

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Parallel retreat of rock slopes underlain by alternation of strata

Fumitoshi Imaizumi a,⁎, Ryoko Nishii b, Wataru Murakami c, Hiromu Daimaru c
Graduate School of Agriculture, Shizuoka University, 836 Ohya, Suruga, Shizuoka 422-8529, Japan
Public Works Research Institute, 1-6 Minamihara, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8516, Japan
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, 1 Matsunosato, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8687, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Characteristic landscapes (e.g., cuesta, cliff and overhang of caprock, or stepped terrain) formed by differential
Received 22 August 2014 erosion can be found in areas composed of variable geology exhibiting different resistances to weathering. Paral-
Received in revised form 1 February 2015 lel retreat of slopes, defined as recession of slopes without changes in their topography, is sometimes observed on
Accepted 3 February 2015
slopes composed of multiple strata. However, the conditions needed for such parallel retreat have not yet been
Available online 6 March 2015
sufficiently clarified. In this study, we elucidated the conditions for parallel retreat of rock slopes composed of al-
ternating layers using a geometric method. In addition, to evaluate whether various rock slopes fulfilled the con-
Alternating layers ditions for parallel retreat, we analyzed topographic data obtained from periodic measurement of rock slopes in
Erosion rate the Aka-kuzure landslide, central Japan. Our geometric analysis of the two-dimensional slopes indicates that dip
Geometric model angle, slope gradient, and erosion rate are the factors that determine parallel retreat conditions. However, dip
Japan angle does not significantly affect parallel retreat conditions in the case of steep back slopes (slope
Landslide gradient N 40°). In contrast, dip angle is an important factor when we consider the parallel retreat conditions
Parallel retreat in dip slopes and gentler back slopes (slope gradient b 40°). Geology in the Aka-kuzure landslide is complex be-
cause of faulting, folding, and toppling, but spatial distribution of the erosion rate measured by airborne LiDAR
scanning and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) roughly fulfills parallel retreat conditions. The Aka-kuzure landslide
is characterized by repetition of steep sandstone cliffs and gentle shale slopes that form a stepped topography.
The inherent resistance of sandstone to weathering is greater than that of shale. However, the vertical erosion
rate within the sandstone was higher than that within the shale, due to direct relationship between slope gradi-
ent and vertical erosion rate in the Aka-kuzure landslide.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 1995; Suzuki, 2002). However, many of these studies have been con-
ducted in regions with a simple coherent formation, and relatively few
Knowledge of the spatial distribution of weathering and erosion have focused on complex geology such as disrupted formations and
rates is essential in predicting landscape development and sediment di- deformation.
sasters. Therefore, numerous investigations have been conducted on Parallel retreat of slopes, defined as the recession of slopes without
weathering and erosion processes in various geological and environ- changes in the slope surface topography, is a typical type of landform
mental settings (e.g., Coleman, 1981; Maybeck, 1987; Alexandrowicz, development throughout the world (e.g., Kirk, 1977; Obanawa and
1989; Turkington and Paradise, 2005). Resistance against physical, Matsukura, 2008). In cases in which the slopes are not completely flat,
chemical, and biological weathering is different not only between geo- the direction of the parallel retreat can be determined by the travel di-
logic units (e.g., Dibb et al., 1983; Pentecost, 1991; Hettema et al, rection of knick lines. Parallel retreat progresses not only in the vertical
1998; Mutlutürk et al., 2004) but also within the same geological unit direction but also sometimes horizontally and at right angles to the
due to inhomogeneous joint density and the chemical composition of slope surface (e.g., Kirk, 1977; Obanawa and Matsukura, 2008). Regard-
different rock types (Nicholas and Dixon, 1986; Schmidt, 1989). Charac- less, the erosion rate along the parallel-retreat direction should be spa-
teristic landscapes (e.g., cuesta, cliff and overhang of caprock, or stepped tially constant. However, few studies have considered the dip angle of
terrain) formed by differential erosion can be found in areas comprising the strata, which we believe is an important factor controlling the direc-
multiple strata with different weathering resistances (e.g., Moon and tion of the parallel retreat. In regions with high tectonic activity, geolog-
Selby, 1983; Nicholas and Dixon, 1986; Schmidt, 1989; Matsuoka, ical strata may be inclined, and the dip angle can affect sediment supply
processes (Chigira and Kiho, 1994; Lin et al., 2004; Nishii and Matsuoka,
2010; Tsou et al., 2011). Thus, an exploration of the relationship be-
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +81 54 238 4845. tween parallel slope retreat and dip angle is needed to clarify the land-
E-mail address: (F. Imaizumi). form development of rock slopes in tectonically active regions.
0169-555X/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
28 F. Imaizumi et al. / Geomorphology 238 (2015) 27–36

Topographic factors such as slope gradient and slope aspect are also along the horizontal (except in the direction of strike) and vertical di-
important in terms of controlling weathering and erosion rates rections from a certain point is spatially variable (Fig. 1). Therefore,
(Bradley, 1963; Alexandrowicz, 1989; Pentecost, 1991; Hall, 1993, the spatial distribution of horizontal and vertical erosion rates is not
2004). Erosion rates vary over time when the topographic factors asso- simply comparable to that of the lithology. In this paper, we discuss con-
ciated with landform development change, so clarifying the interactions ditions for parallel retreat along dip direction (Fig. 1), because a single
between weathering and landform development is essential to ade- lithology along this direction enables us to derive simple conditions
quately understand weathering processes (Alexandrowicz, 1989; for parallel retreat. Knick lines of slopes comprising multiple lithologies
Phillips, 2005). usually exist along the boundary where lithology changes (e.g., Selby,
The purpose of this study was to explain the conditions for parallel 1982; Suzuki, 2002). If knick lines continue to be located on the bound-
retreat of rock slopes comprising alternating layers using a geometric ary, the direction of parallel retreat should be consistent with the dip di-
model. In the model, dip angle of the strata, which is sometimes a key rection. Therefore, we believe that a discussion of parallel retreat in the
factor controlling the rate of slope retreat and the slope gradient dip direction is helpful in terms of understanding the retreat of slopes
(Nicholas and Dixon, 1986; Suzuki, 2002), was considered as one pa- comprising multiple lithologies.
rameter defining the conditions for parallel retreat. Furthermore, to One of the key conditions for the parallel retreat of alternating strata
evaluate whether our geometric model could be applied to the short- is that the erosion rate in the dip direction is constant among strata:
term erosion rate of rock slopes with complicated geological settings,
we analyzed topographic data obtained from the periodic measurement Ed ðiÞ ¼ const ð1Þ
of rock slopes in the Aka-kuzure landslide, central Japan, by airborne
light detection and ranging (LiDAR) scanning and ground terrestrial in which Ed(i) is the erosion rate of the ith stratum along the dip direc-
laser scanning (TLS). The Aka-kuzure landslide, similar to rocky slopes tion (m yr−1; Fig. 2). Ed(i) can be expressed by
in many other regions (Selby, 1982; Moon and Selby, 1983; Matsuoka,
1995), consists of alternating strata with stepped terrain. The geology Vi
EdðiÞ ¼ ð2Þ
of this landslide, located in a humid and tectonically active region Di
where this type of study has rarely been conducted, features alternating
sandstone and shale affected by faulting, folding, and toppling (Kano in which Vi is the cross-sectional area of the eroded rock in the ith stra-
and Matsushima, 1988). Because this landslide continuously produces tum per year (m2 yr−1), and Di is the width of the ith stratum (m). In ad-
large sediment volumes after its initial failure (12.2 × 104 m3 year−1 ac- dition, Vi can be expressed as
cording to Chigira and Kiho, 1994), its topographic changes can be de-
tected in a short time period. We also discuss the relationship V i ¼ Ai EvðiÞ ¼ ai Di EvðiÞ ð3Þ
between topography and the erosion rate that satisfies parallel retreat
conditions. In this study, we focus on small-scale slope retreat of alter- in which Ev(i) is the erosion rate along the vertical direction for the ith
nating layers in which hillslope sediment movement such as rockfall stratum (m yr− 1), Ai is the vertically projected area of the exposed
and surface erosion plays an important role in landscape development part of the ith geology (m), and ai indicates the ratio of Ai to Di. By
(Phillips, 2005). We do not consider fluvial processes, which commonly using slope gradient θi and dip angle ϕ, ai for back slopes is
play an important role in landscape development on the scale of an en-
tire hillslope or catchment. cosθi
ai ¼ ð4Þ
sinðθi þ ϕÞ
2. Conditions for parallel retreat at alternating layers
and ai for dip slopes (θ ≠ ϕ) is
To improve our understanding of parallel retreat, we discuss here
the conditions for parallel retreat on a two-dimensional (2-D) slope cosθ
ai ¼ : ð5Þ
comprising alternating layers. In the case of inclined strata, lithology j sinðθi −ϕÞj

(a) Initial slope surface (b)

Current slope surface
1 3 1

(c) 2 1: Vertical direction

1 2: Horizontal direction
3: Dip direction

Fig. 1. Vertical, horizontal, and dip directions of a slope with inclined alternating strata: (a) back slope, (b) dip slope with a dip angle below the slope gradient, and (c) dip slope with a dip
angle that exceeds the slope gradient. In each case, the geology is spatially variable along the vertical and horizontal directions whereas it is constant along the dip direction.
F. Imaizumi et al. / Geomorphology 238 (2015) 27–36 29

(a) Former Then, the following condition for the parallel retreat is given from
surface Eqs. (1) and (6):
Ai - 1 Ai Ai + 1
Ed(i+1) ai EvðiÞ ¼ const: ð7Þ
θi+1 Di+1
Ed(i) φ Ev(i+1) Note that the width of layer Di, which is an important factor control-
ling the erosion rate of the entire slope (Schmidt, 1989), is not included
(i + 1)th
Ev(i) layer in Eq. (7) as a parameter. Eq. (7) indicates that Ev(i) should be high in the
Ed(i-1) θi strata with a low ai value if the slope is in the parallel retreat state.
φ Di To clarify the influence of dip angle ϕ on the ai value, we investigated
φ θi-1 Ev(i-1) i-th layer the relationship between θi and ai under various ϕ values using sensitiv-
Current ity analysis (Fig. 3). In the case of the back slope, ai has a negative rela-
surface tionship with θi, indicating that Ev(i) should be higher at the strata with a
Di -1
steeper slope surface. In terms of the back slope with steep slope gradi-
(i - 1)th layer ent (i.e., N 40°), dip angle ϕ does not have much influence on the rela-
tionship between ai and θi. In other words, the important parameters
for the parallel retreat condition of the steep back slope are not ϕ, but
rather are ai and θi (Fig. 3a). In the case of a gentle back slope with a
(b) Ai - 1 Ai Ai + 1 Di+1 low dip angle (e.g., θi b 40°, ϕ = 10°), the slope of the relationship be-
tween θi and ai is steep (Fig. 3a). Therefore, even if the difference in
(i + 1)th Ev(i) value between the two rock types is large, the difference in θi be-
Ev(i+1) layer tween those rock types needed for parallel retreat condition is small.
The erosion rate at a right angle to the slope surface can be obtained
i-th layer by Ev(i) cosθi. Changes in cosθi with increases in θi are very close to
θi+1 D changes in ai at the steep back slope (i.e., θi N 40°; Fig. 3a). As such, the
Ed(i) erosion rate at a right angle to the slope (=Ev(i) cosθ) is almost constant
among layers when parallel retreat occurs.
Ev(i) θi Di -1 (i - 1)th
layer The influence of ϕ on ai value at the dip slope is markedly different
φ from the case of a back slope (Fig. 3b). Affected by the divergence
Ed(i-1) around θi = ϕ, changes in ai value with increases in θi differ largely
among different ϕ values. Therefore, we need to consider dip angle
φ θi-1 when we discuss the parallel retreat of dip slopes. Slope gradient θi
Ev(i-1) and ai have a negative relationship when θi exceeds ϕ but a positive
Former Current one if θi is less than ϕ. Therefore, to satisfy the condition for parallel re-
surface surface treat expressed as Eq. (7), the erosion rate along the vertical direction
Ev(i) should be higher on steeper slopes for the former case (θi N ϕ),
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of alternating layers: (a) back slope and (b) dip slope. whereas Ev(i) should be lower on steeper slopes for the latter case
(θi b ϕ). In the case of θi = ϕ, due to preferential erosion of the weaker
lithology, harder rock caprock with wide plateau surfaces and scarps
of weaker rocks appear alternatively, as seen around the world
By substituting Eq. (3) into Eq. (2), the erosion rate along the dip di-
(e.g., Schmidt, 1989).
rection is given as
Note that our model was developed not for the purpose of prediction
or reconstruction of the development of the topography, but rather for
EdðiÞ ¼ ai EvðiÞ : ð6Þ determining whether the terrain is in a state of parallel retreat. The

(a) (b)
3 15
Dip angle Dip angle
(o) (o)
10 10
30 30
2 50 10 50
70 70
ai,cos θi

cos θi

1 5

0 0
10 30 50 70 90 10 30 50 70 90
θi θi

Fig. 3. Changes in ai with increases in slope gradient θi under given dip angle ϕ: (a) back slopes and (b) dip slopes. Changes in cosθi are also presented in (a).
30 F. Imaizumi et al. / Geomorphology 238 (2015) 27–36

influence of boundary conditions at the upper and lower edges of the the southeastern part of the landslide features back slopes dipping 20°
slope on the development of slope topography was not discussed in to 40° southeastward (Chigira and Kiho, 1994; Chigira, 2000). We
this study, because our model does not include terms expressing spatial could not map detailed geological structure in the landslide area be-
continuity of the sediment and water fluxes. Therefore, this study was cause of the steep and unstable rock slopes. Therefore, our geological
conducted far from the upper and lower edges of the slope where the analyses were mainly focused on surficial lithology, which can be
influence of hydrogeomorphic processes at slope boundaries is consid- mapped by eye from outside of the landslide, as well as representative
ered limited. dip angles throughout the study area.
The Aka-kuzure landslides have produced a large volume of sedi-
3. Field observation of rock-slope retreat ment after the initial failure; annual sediment supply volume in the pe-
riod from 1964 to 1982 was 12.2 × 104 m3 yr− 1, according to aerial
3.1. Study site photograph analysis (Chigira and Kiho, 1994). The volume of landslide
sediment evacuated at the time of initial failure would have been
We conducted periodical measurements of the rock slopes in the much lower than the current landslide volume (2.7 × 107 m3) because
Aka-kuzure landslide to verify the findings obtained by our geometric only a limited amount of sediment can pass through the narrow V-
analysis (Eq. (7)). The Aka-kuzure landslide, with an estimated total shaped valley with a small cross-sectional area at the lower end of the
volume of 2.7 × 107 m3 and an area of 4.1 × 105 m2 (Chigira and Kiho, landslide. This indicates that the Aka-kuzure landslide has continuously
1994; Chigira, 2000), is a large rockslide–avalanche area in central been supplying sediment since the initial failure. Active sediment sup-
Japan (Fig. 4). Historical records are lacking regarding the exact time ply in the entire landslide area prevents the recovery of vegetation,
of occurrence, but this landslide has existed since at least 100 years which results in the rocky and denuded landscape visible today
ago (Lin and Oguchi, 2004). Elevation of the landslide ranges from (Fig. 5b). Affected by weak lithologies, the erosion rate of the Aka-
1200 to 1900 m a.s.l. kuzure landslide (N0.2 m yr−1; Chigira and Kiho, 1994) is much higher
The geologic unit belongs to the Cretaceous Shimanto Group and than that in the areas studied previously (generally b0.01 m yr−1;
consists mostly of argillaceous rocks (mainly shale) and sandstone. Nu- e.g., Kirk, 1977; Mottershead, 1989; Pentecost, 1991). This is interesting
merous linear depressions trend northeast–southwest around the from a research standpoint, because it means that topographic change
upper part of the landslide, affected by mass rock creep in this area can be observed even on short time scales. The slope gradient of the
(Chigira and Kiho, 1994). Sandstone, alternations of sandstone and landslide (35–80°) exceeds the angle of repose (about 35–38° in the
shale, and shale are distributed in and around the Aka-kuzure landslide Aka-kuzure landslide). As such, weathered residues are almost absent
(Fig. 5). Basal geology, observed at the northwest part of the landslide in the sandstone and shale bedrock throughout the year, due presum-
scar, is dip slope trending northeast–southwest. Dip ranges from 40° ably to continual rockfall. Therefore, the Aka-kuzure landslide can be
to 80° due to faulting and folding. Toppling of the rock slope also affects considered a weathering-limited system: direct relationships between
dip angle: the surface part of the slope around our measurement area at sediment production by weathering and removal as rockfall dominates.

0 200 400 m 138˚ 21’ 20’’ E

Japan Sea
landslide Pacific
35˚ 21’ 30’’ N Ocean

Oi River
Alluvial fan







Site B

Landslide scar Fig. 5

Site A
Geology in the landslide
Sandstone-dominant area

Shale-dominant area

Alternations of
sandstone and shale

Fig. 4. Topographic and geological map of the Aka-kuzure landslide.

F. Imaizumi et al. / Geomorphology 238 (2015) 27–36 31

(a) (b)


Fig. 5. View of the Aka-kuzure landslide. (a) Full view of the Aka-kuzure landslide. Upper left of the photograph shows the landslide scar and lower right shows the alluvial cone (June 13,
2008). (b) View around measurement site at the Aka-kuzure landslide (June 3, 2011). Dashed line indicates boundary of lithologies in the area with alternating sandstone and shale — ss
and sh indicate sandstone and shale zones, respectively.

Rocks detached from rock slopes are directly transported into gullies conditions (measurement distance, slope angle, and type of ground ob-
deeply dissecting the landslide scar. Sediment accumulating in the jects). The maximum error in our airborne LiDAR scanning along the
gullies is periodically evacuated by debris flows and forms a large allu- vertical direction was about 30–40 cm. The positioning of aircraft was
vial cone (volume: 5 × 105 m3) at the downslope end of the landslide other sources of potential measurement errors.
(Ikeda et al., 1993; Chigira and Kiho, 1994; Sidle and Ochiai, 2006; The other two measurements (2010 and 2011) were performed
Fig. 5a). using ground TLS. The TLS measurements were done with a portable
The area around the Aka-kuzure landslide receives abundant laser scanner (Optech Inc., ILRIS-3D) featuring a measuring range of
rainfall with a mean annual precipitation of 2800 mm for the period 1200 m and an accuracy of 7 mm (for a measurement distance of
1993–2002 (Imaizumi et al., 2010). Heavy rainfall events (i.e., total 100 m) from both sides of the landslide (sites A and B, Fig. 4) in October
rainfall N 100 mm) occur during the Baiu rainy season (June and July) 2010 and from the west side only (site A) in June 2011. Slopes in the
and in the autumn typhoon season (late August to early October). Win- Aka-kuzure landslide are composed of repetitions of concave–convex
ter snowfall occurs from December to March, and precipitation in this topography affected by deep gully incision after the initial formation
period accounts for only about 15% of the total annual precipitation. Be- of the landslide. It was not possible to scan the topography of shaded
cause of the steep topography, the annual maximum depth of snow slopes by TLS. We also determined the laser reflection ratio to obtain
cover on slopes in the landslide is less than 20 cm and most of it melts basic data for an estimation of the spatial distribution of the surface li-
within 1 week of snow fall. thology. Because point cloud data obtained by TLS measurement are
We conducted periodic field measurements of the topography of the presented as a relative coordinate system from the laser scanner, we
rock slopes at the southern part of the Aka-kuzure landslide. The rock conducted static GPS positioning at two ground control points (GCPs)
slopes in the measurement area are back slopes composed of alternating and converted the coordinate system of the TLS data into that of the air-
sandstone and shale. The thickness of each stratum in and around this borne LiDAR data (JGD 2000 orthogonal coordinate system). The GCPs
site ranges from 3 to 15 m. The slope gradient of the sandstone were located at the head of the landslide. It was not possible to set up
(60–80°) is generally steeper than that of the shale (35–45°). Therefore, any GCPs in the landslide itself due to impossibility of access. We then
the rock slope in the measurement area presents a stepped terrain as a interpolated the point cloud data by kriging and created two digital el-
whole. evation models (DEMs) from the data in 2010: one created from the
point cloud data measured from two sites (sites A and B) and one
3.2. Survey method from only a single site (site A). The former DEM covers west- and
east-facing slopes and has a larger error ratio due to the combination
The stepped terrain in the landslide was measured four times from of point clouds obtained at two different sites. This DEM was compared
2003 to 2011. Geodetic surveys in 2003 and 2007 were performed by with that derived from airborne LiDAR data, whereas the latter DEM
airborne LiDAR scanning (Table 1) conducted after typhoon season was created only for calculating the topographical changes in the period
(usually from August to October) and before the snow season (from from 2010 to 2011. In this period, changes in the elevation were much
the middle of December). The accuracy of the measurements by laser smaller than in the other periods because of the short length of the pe-
devices is affected by both device performance (accuracy of irradiation riod (about 7 months). Errors in the measurements and analysis need to
angle, degree of laser diffusion, and accuracy of timing measurement be less than the erosion rate to detect such small changes in the topog-
when laser pulse returns from ground objects) and measurement raphy. By creating a DEM from the data measured at a single site, we

Table 1
General information related to DEMs.

Measurement day Type of measurement Grid size (m) Distance between laser spots (m) Performer of the measurement

October 18, 2003 Airborne 0.5 b1.0 MAFFa

December 1, 2007 Airborne 1.0 b1.5 University of Tsukuba
October 22, 2010 Ground 0.5 b0.3 Authors of this paper
June 3, 2011 Ground 0.1 b0.2 Authors of this paper
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan.
32 F. Imaizumi et al. / Geomorphology 238 (2015) 27–36

avoided potential errors stemming from arranging point cloud data ob- slope failure and is not related to the parallel retreat in the time–space
tained at multiple sites. This DEM covers west-facing but not east-facing scale of our observation. Average erosion rate in the measurement
slopes. To ensure precise comparison with the 2010 DEM (from the sin- area in each period ranges from 0.22 to 0.51 m yr−1 (Table 2). Erosion
gle measurement site), close attention was paid to coordinate system rate in the period from 2003 to 2007 is the highest because of the
conversion of the 2011 point cloud data via matching of stable points deep slope failure in the southwest part of the measurement area. Aver-
free of erosion (a total of six points in the landslide) at the same loca- age erosion rate, excepting this deep slope failure, in the period from
tions as in the 2010 DEM, rather than a precise arrangement of GCPs 2003 to 2007 (0.28 m yr−1) was similar to that in other periods. There-
for static GPS positioning. Thus, the 2011 DEM is suitable for comparison fore, a retreat of the measurement area can be considered a chronic pro-
with the 2010 DEM and has larger errors when compared with DEMs cess on a time scale of several years.
from 2003 to 2007. A comparison of photographs taken in 2010 and Errors in our measurement and analysis of DEMs were evaluated
2011 showed that no erosion occurred at the points used for matching using standard errors calculated from the difference in elevation at sta-
the 2000 and 2011 data. ble areas between two different periods (Table 2). Stable areas used for
the evaluation of errors were found based on periodic photography at
4. Results the measurement area in different periods. The standard errors were
calculated for steeper terrains (N 50°) and gentler terrains (≤50°) sepa-
4.1. Survey results rately to check the effect of the slope gradient on the errors. Both stan-
dard errors in gentler and steeper terrains (ranging 0.02–0.12 and
The laser reflection ratio of the sandstone colored white or light gray 0.04–0.18 m, respectively) were lower than the changes in the topogra-
was generally higher compared to the dark gray shale. Therefore, spatial phy (erosion rate multiplied by the duration of period) in each period,
distribution of the sandstone strata can be detected as high-reflection indicating that our analysis has sufficient accuracy to detect changes
areas on the laser reflection map obtained by TLS measurement. Loca- in the topography in the Aka-kuzure landslide. Standard errors in the
tions of the high-reflection areas correspond to steep sandstone cliffs steeper terrains were larger than those in the gentler terrains
in the topographic map (Fig. 6). In contrast, low-reflection areas are (Table 2). Similar trends were also found in the evaluation of errors in
generally located on the gentler shale slopes. DEMs measured by airborne LiDAR scanning (Su and Bork, 2006;
The erosion rate in the vertical direction was calculated from the dif- Ashraf et al., 2012).
ference in elevation of two DEMs measured in different periods divided Differences in the erosion rate between the two lithologies are ap-
by the length of time between the two periods (Fig. 7a–c). Spatial pat- parent in the changes in the longitudinal profile of topography
tern of the erosion rate agrees with that of the surficial lithology; active (Fig. 8a). The erosion rate is spatially variable in each stratum, but that
erosion zones located at steep sandstone cliffs (generally N0.2 m yr−1) in the sandstone strata is generally higher than that in the shale strata
and inactive erosion zones located at gentle shale slopes (generally (Fig. 8b). As shown in Fig. 8, the average erosion rates in the period
b0.2 m yr−1) alternated in the measurement area in all periods. In the from 2003 to 2010 in sandstone strata range from 0.27 to 0.43 m yr−1
period from 2003 to 2007, a wide and deep erosional feature (width (average: 0.33 m yr−1), much higher than that in shale strata, which
of about 30 m, depth of N1 m) was identified in the southwest part of range from 0.15 to 0.22 m yr−1 (average: 0.20 m yr−1, Fig. 8c). A signif-
the measurement area. Because similar erosion was not identified at icant difference in the mean erosion rate between sandstone and shale
the same location in other periods, this erosion is considered an episodic was identified by t-test (p-value b 0.01). Standard deviations of the ero-
sion rates in each stratum were also different between sandstone and
shale; the standard deviation in the sandstone strata (0.09–0.10) is
markedly higher than that in the shale strata (0.02–0.07). The higher
standard deviations in the sandstone strata are likely affected by the
Reflectivity 0 5 10 15 20m larger measurement and analysis errors in steeper topography
Max: 255 (Table 2).
Looking at the entire longitudinal topography in the measurement
area, the topography maintains a stepped terrain in all periods despite
the different erosion rates between sandstone and shale (Fig. 8a). In
Min: 0 previous studies, the retreat of slopes was classified into parallel retreat,
declining retreat, and a combination of the two (e.g., Obanawa and
60 Matsukura, 2008). Because slope gradient, height, and horizontal
17 width of each sandstone and shale section do not clearly change, paral-
17 lel retreat seems to dominate at the alternating strata in the Aka-kuzure
landslide. The retreat direction of the stepped terrain roughly corre-
sponds with the dip angle of the strata (about 30°; Fig. 8a); steep sand-
stone cliffs went back along the dip direction of the strata.

4.2. Application of parallel retreat condition to the survey results


The erosion rate along the dip direction, Ed(i), in the measurement
00 20
18 18 area was calculated from the erosion rate along the vertical direction
(Fig. 7a–c) using Eqs. (4) and (6) (Fig. 7d–f). The dip angle around the
measurement area is spatially variable (20° to 40°), and for this calcula-
40 tion we set it to 30°, the mean of the dip-angle range. The contrast of
18 6 0
18 Ed(i) between sandstone and shale was much less clear than that along
the vertical direction (Fig. 7d–f).
Ed(i) in sandstone and shale in the period 2003 to 2010 is similar on
Fig. 6. Topography and distribution of the laser reflectivity in the area with alternating
sandstone and shale obtained by TLS measurement in October 2010. High reflection
the longitudinal map (Fig. 8b). Difference in the mean erosion
areas (red) correspond to sandstone steep cliffs and low reflection areas (blue) are gener- rate between sandstone and shale was not clear in the t-test result (p-
ally located on the shale gentle slopes. value = 0.11). The average Ed(i) in each sandstone stratum ranges
F. Imaizumi et al. / Geomorphology 238 (2015) 27–36 33

(a) 2003–2007 0 5 10 15 20 m
(d) 2003–2007 0 5 10 15 20 m

2 0
Vertical 1740 Erosion rate 40
erosion rate along dip
(m yr-1) direction
< -1 (m yr-1)


60 6<0 -1

170 17 -1

1 0
>1 1





0 0
182 182

6 0 6 0
18 18

(b) 2007–2010 0 5 10 15 20 m (e) 2007–2010 0 5 10 15 20 m

Vertical 740 0
60 Erosion rate
erosion rate 17 along dip1
(m yr-1) direction
< -1 (m yr-1)
-10 <
6 60-1
170 17-1


1 0
>1 1

00 20 00 0
18 18 18 182

1840 184

(c) 2010–2011 0 5 10 15 20 m
(f) 2010–2011 0 5 10 15 20 m

Vertical 740 0

1 Erosion rate74
erosion rate along dip1
(m yr-1) direction
< -1 Fig. 8 (m yr-1)


< -1

6 60
170 17 -1

1 0






182 18
2 0

6 0

Fig. 7. Spatial distribution of erosion rate along vertical direction and dip direction on rock slopes in the Aka-kuzure landslide: (a) erosion rate along vertical direction from 2003 to 2007,
(b) erosion rate along vertical direction from 2007 to 2010, (c) erosion rate along vertical direction from 2010 to 2011, (d) erosion rate along dip direction from 2003 to 2007, (e) erosion
rate along dip direction from 2007 to 2010, and (f) erosion rate along dip direction from 2010 to 2011. A positive value indicates the erosion of sediments while a negative value indicates
the deposition of sediments. The dashed line in (c) indicates the longitudinal line in Fig. 8. Counter lines in the figure were drawn on the basis of measurement data at the end of each

from 0.12 to 0.23 m yr−1 (average 0.16 m yr−1), similar to that in each in the Aka-kuzure landslide. Although the geology in the Aka-kuzure
shale stratum ranging from 0.11 to 0.15 m yr−1 (average: 0.13 m yr−1, is complex because of folding, faulting, and toppling, the short-term
Fig. 8d). Standard deviation of the erosion rate in sandstone (0.01–0.04) erosion rate in the Aka-kuzure landslide agreed with our parallel retreat
did not clearly differ from that in shale (0.01–0.05). Consequently, the model using the surficial lithologic and topographic data. Spatial vari-
conditions for parallel retreat, described in Eq. (7), are almost fulfilled ability of the Ed(i) between strata was less clear than that of Ev(i) (see
34 F. Imaizumi et al. / Geomorphology 238 (2015) 27–36

Table 2 relationship on the back slope (Fig. 3). Therefore, erosion rate Ev(i) at
Average erosion rate along vertical direction in the measurement area. Standard errors on the steeper layer should be higher than that at the gentle layer to
DEM analyses at the stable areas in the Aka-kuzure landslide, calculated from the differ-
ence in elevation of two DEMs measured in different periods, were also listed in the table.
satisfy the condition for parallel retreat expressed as Eq. (7). In the
Aka-kuzure landslide, the erosion rate of the steeper sandstone exceeds
Period Erosion rate (m yr−1) Standard error that of the gentler shale (Figs. 7a–c and 8), corresponding to the rela-
at stable areas
tionship given by Eqs. (4) and (7). However, the inherent weathering
b50° ≥50° resistance of the sandstone is generally higher than that of the shale
October 18, 2003–December 1, 2007 0.51 0.07 0.07 around the Aka-kuzure landslide (Nagai and Nakamura, 2000). Joint
December 1, 2007–October 22, 2010 0.31 0.12 0.18 spacing in the sandstone (generally N 10 cm) is much wider
October 22, 2010–June 3, 2011 0.22 0.02 0.04 than that in the shale (generally form several millimeters to 10 cm)
that has high-density joints along slaty cleavage (Kano et al., 1986,
1991; Matsuoka and Sakai, 1999). Sandstone sediment which accumu-
mean erosion rates in Fig. 8c, d). In addition, spatial variability of Ed(i) in lated at the talus cone and in gullies is much smaller than shale sedi-
a stratum is also smaller than that of Ev(i) (see standard deviations of the ment accumulation, indicating that the shale is susceptible to surficial
erosion rate in Fig. 8c, d). Thus, spatial representation of Ed(i) is better rock weathering activities such as diurnal freeze–thaw that actively
than that of the Ev(i) in the Aka-kuzure landslide. occurs in the region (Imaizumi et al., 2006). As with the Aka-kuzure
landslide, a difference in slope gradient among lithologies is found
5. Discussion in other areas: lithologies with higher weathering resistance (or
higher strength) usually present as steep slopes, whereas lithologies
Slope gradient is an important factor when we discuss parallel re- susceptible to weathering (or lower strength) present as gentler slopes
treat because it determines the ai value in Eq. (7) expressing parallel re- (Selby, 1982; Moon and Selby, 1983; Matsuoka, 1995). Therefore,
treat conditions. Eq. (4) indicates that θi and ai have a negative a positive relationship between weathering resistance and slope

Elevation of ground surface (m)


Sandstone 2010
Erosion rate

(m yr-1)


0.4 Along vertical direction

Along dip direction
(c) Along vertical direction
in each stratum (m yr-1)
Average erosion rate



(d) Along dip direction


0 5 10 15 20 25
Horizontal distance (m)

Fig. 8. Temporal changes in longitudinal profile in the area with alternating sandstone and shale: (a) longitudinal profiles of ground surface from 2003 to 2010, (b) erosion rate along ver-
tical direction and dip direction between 2003 and 2010, and (c) average erosion rate in each stratum along the vertical direction and (d) that along the dip direction between 2003 and
2010. Geology is identified on the basis of the spatial distribution of laser reflectivity obtained by TLS measurement. The inclination of the geology in Fig. 8a indicates the dip angle in this
area. Location of the longitudinal line is drawn in Fig. 7c.
F. Imaizumi et al. / Geomorphology 238 (2015) 27–36 35

gradient, found in the Aka-kuzure landslide, is considered a non- 6. Conclusions

exceptional case.
Steep topography seems to be a factor facilitating the weathering In this study, we explained the conditions for parallel retreat of rock
and erosion processes of the strong sandstone for the following reasons. slopes composed of alternating layers by comparing the erosion rate
First, steep cliffs receive higher radiation in winter due to the lower sun along the dip direction among layers. From the development of the geo-
angle (Hall, 2004), resulting in a higher rock temperature in the day- metric model for parallel retreat conditions and application of the
time. In contrast, decreases in rock temperature on winter mornings model to the topographic data obtained from the periodic measure-
are more significant on steeper slopes having a larger surface area per ments in the Aka-kuzure landslide, central Japan, we conclude:
unit area on the horizontal plane, affected by the higher thermal radia-
tion. These meteorological effects may accelerate diurnal freeze– (1) In the case of steep terrain (slope gradient N 40°) with back-slope
thaw processes, which are considered to dominate the weathering geology, dip angle does not significantly affect the relationship
and erosion processes around the Aka-kuzure landslide (Nagai and between slope gradient and erosion rate, which fulfills the paral-
Nakamura, 2000; Imaizumi et al., 2006). Second, the expansion of lel retreat condition. In this case, the erosion rate at a right angle
rock, caused by denudation of surficial rock (Bradley, 1963), easily oc- to the slope surface is also almost constant among strata. In con-
curs when the surface area increases, thus accelerating the erosion trast, dip angle is an important factor when we consider the con-
rate. In addition, weathered rock easily detaches on steeper slopes be- dition of parallel retreat in dip slopes and gentler back slopes
cause of the larger gravitational force (Antoniou and Lekkas, 2010), pos- (slope gradient b 40°).
sibly leading to the high erosion rate. Consequently, a positive (2) Spatial distribution of the erosion rate at alternating layers in the
relationship between slope gradient and erosion rate is needed to satis- Aka-kuzure landslide, which is composed of an accretionary
fy the condition for parallel retreat in areas in which stronger lithology complex affected by folding and toppling, roughly fulfilled our
presents steeper terrain. condition for parallel retreat. This implies that our model can ex-
Weathered residues, which cover bedrock and affect the weathering plain the short-term parallel retreat of rock slopes with compli-
rate by changing the thermal and moisture conditions in other areas cated geology.
(Coleman, 1981; Trustrum and DeRose, 1988; Phillips, 2005), are absent (3) In the Aka-kuzure landslide, alternation of steep sandstone cliffs
on the bedrock in the measurement area. Such simple retreat conditions and gentle shale slopes forms a stepped terrain as a whole. The
may also relate to fulfillment of our parallel retreat conditions. In the inherent resistance of sandstone for weathering is higher than
gentler areas covered by the weathered residuals, depth of residuals at that of shale; however, the erosion rate in the vertical direction
a specific location is not just controlled by the weathering rate of the at the sandstone was higher than that at the shale, because of
rock, but by influx and efflux of the sediment (Heimsath et al., 1997, the positive relationship between slope gradient and erosion
2001). In such areas, weathering rate is affected by the sediment flux rate in the vertical direction in the Aka-kuzure landslide. This in-
between surrounding strata together with topographic and lithological dicates that the relationship between slope gradient and erosion
properties of the strata. rate also plays an important role in the development of the
Thickness of strata is another factor affecting fulfillment of parallel stepped terrain.
retreat. If the thickness of sandstone or shale strata is similar to
the joint spacing, sediment removal can occur in adjacent strata.
In such cases, recession rate is not simply controlled by the rock proper- In this study, we focused on hillslope retreat and did not investigate
ties and topography in the specific stratum, but also by erosion in sur- fluvial processes in gullies. Further study on the fluvial processes as well
rounding strata. Because thickness of strata in the Aka-kuzure as the interaction between hillslope and fluvial processes is needed to
landslide (generally 2–10 m) is much larger than the joint spacing fully elucidate landscape development in steep rocky terrain.
(b1 m), erosion associated with that in adjacent strata is considered
Multiple types of sediment transport processes usually contribute to Acknowledgment
the development of topography in other areas (Roberts and Church,
1986; Imaizumi et al., 2014). Relationships between sediment transport This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 24780141
rate and topographic factors (e.g., slope gradient, contributing area) dif- and Research and Education Funding for the Japanese Alps Inter-
fer among transport process types (Matsuoka, 2001; Imaizumi et al., Universities Cooperative Project, MEXT, Japan. The Ohigawa Chisan
2014). Spatial nonuniformity in the contribution of each sediment Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, kindly provided
transport process could increase spatial variability in the erosion rate us with topographic data. We appreciate the Tokushu Tokai Paper Co.,
within each layer, and likely interrupt fulfillment of the simple parallel Ltd., land owner around the Aka-kuzure landslide, for allowing us to ac-
retreat model. In the steep Aka-kuzure landslide, rockfall solely trans- cess the site. Gratitude is also expressed to Yasuhiro Ogawa, Takashi
ports sediment in both the sandstone and shale strata in the measure- Miyamae (Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute), Toru Endo,
ment area. This simple sediment transport system fulfilled our Akira Takinami, Yoshikazu Endo and Yusuke Ueji (Ikawa University For-
geometric model. est, University of Tsukuba) for their help.
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