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Once figured out strengths of PosLaju company, its time to turn that critical self-awareness on
PosLaju weaknesses because it is inherent features in organization. There are three weaknesses
of PosLaju.

i. Moderate quality services

Even though Pos Malaysia Berhad is a strong brand in the delivery service
industry, the quality of service that the customer obtain is modest. In online be found
many complaints from customers about PosLaju service and the negative feedback that
company get is unhealthy for image of company. Among the complaints made by
customers are the item their received has been damaged and the item damaged is due to
fault and negligence of the postal employee. This due to the attitude of PosLaju workers
who do not care and do it just to finish it quickly, by they just throw the item that needs
to be delivered into a truck without being lifted carefully arranged. Although the sender
has taken precautions by placing the fragile don’t symbol on the box but if the employee
does not inspect it first, the effort is in vain. This situation should not be happened
because it had persecuted the sender and receiver, who had to bear the loss over the
negligence of others if the customer asks for compensation from the sender its will harm
their business. However, there are also senders who do not want to pay compensation to
the customer because the item damage is due to severe PosLaju service and because of
that the customer not only loss in terms of money but the customer also can not use the
item their bought.

As delivery service employees PosLaju it is their responsibility to take care and

ensure that the items to be delivered arrive to customer in a good and safe condition but
due to the inefficient management of PosLaju organization has disappointed their regular
customer. In addition, there are complaints that PosLaju employees have opened the
customers parcel and the customer did not receive the parcel even the unfaithful worker
already opened that. This case should be given attention by PosLaju management because
it is a work ethic offense to work, that is breach of trust and should be subject to action
against the employee. PosLaju workers do not have the right to open the package
customer because it is a secret between the sender and the recipient, even on the pretext
of wanting to inspect the goods for security purposes and if there is a package that needs
to be opened by PosLaju workers, it must get approval from the customer first. However,
most of the cases reported were because the worker had the intention to steal the parcel.
Customer trust is a success for PosLaju but with the presence of irresponsible workers in
the organization it will affect the service PosLaju.

ii. Late services from PosLaju

PosLaju service is the last option for the customer because the service provided is
slow. The PosLaju slogan (same day delivery and next day delivery) is no longer relevant
because the performance of the PosLaju delivery period has exceeded the proper period.
The delivery appropriate time is 3 days to 7 days only if the delivery involves the
peninsula areas, while for delivery from the peninsula to Sabah and Sarawak is only 2
weeks. The specified delivery period is in accordance with the period required to
complete all the delivery process starting from the process of segregating items to be sent
to the relevant location, followed by the process of inserting the item into the truck and
finally the delivery process. In addition, the delivery period will cause dissatisfaction
from customers regarding the service they are offering. For example, a customer make
order online at Shopee and the delivery service provided is from PosLaju company,
although the goods are from Selangor to Kedah, the customers have to wait for 3 weeks
to receive their parcel. This is not appropriate because the distance between Selangor dan
Kedah is 360km and it only takes 7 hours to reach.

In addition, it becomes a question to the customer when the PosLaju journey is a

shuttle from Selangor to Batu Pahat only for 2 consecutive weeks, although there are
items that need to be shipped by the other states and this can be known by the customer
through the tracking number provided by the sender. This situation provides an
opportunity for customers to detect weaknesses for the PosLaju services easily and
quickly. If this weakness is not overcome, regular customers PosLaju will turn to another
delivery company because the purpose of online purchase is to replace the method of
purchasing face to face according to technological advances. However, if the customer
has to wait a long time to obtain the ordered item it is better if they buy physically at the
store. Besides, if the delivery service in Malaysia takes a long time, what about the
delivery involving other countries and of course it takes more than a month. Some
customers are willing to spend more money to get the best service, but if the PosLaju
does not take advantage of it, this situation will be a challenge to PosLaju to be the main
choice of the customers for any delivery matters either abroad or in the country.

iii. High charges of parcel

Lastly, the weaknesses of PosLaju are that the charge of parcel is expensive
compared to some service delivery companies. Moreover, recently the image of PosLaju
has been tarnished due to their poor service and there is also the spread of video on social
media which there is proof. Customers feel it is not worth paying a high price for low
quality service. However, the postage price for PosLaju is RM 6.00 but has been
increased to RM 7.46 for the parcel of weight 0.5kg and the price for each parcel is
different according to the wight and postcode of the parcel to be sent. The calculation
method for parcel postage is the heavier and the farther the parcel is shipped, the more
expensive the postage price will be charged to the customer. Some purchases require the
customer to bear the postage, therefore sellers tend to opt for delivery services that offer
cheap and affordable process to attract customers. In addition, sellers will not incur
excessive cost if they want to promote free postage for each purchase.

In addition, the high postage price is not worth it if the weight of the parcel to be
sent is less than 0.5kg but the customer has to pay the same price as the parcel 0.5kg. As
an example, some regular PosLaju customers will choose the other company that offers
lower postage prices than PosLaju to send parcels weighing less than 0.5kg to save on
their postage. This is because as a wise consumer it is their priority to choose a company
that offers lower prices along with the best service. Therefore, the position of PosLaju
will be compromised if the postage price will be increased again and PosLaju must
endure the highs quality service to customers if they want to place a high postage price.

In conclusion, SWOT analysis helps PosLaju to understand what it does very well and
where it’s shortcomings are. Therefore, PosLaju can plan a good management strategy to ensure
increased efficiency of PosLaju service in an effort to meet customers needs at a reasonable price
and remain the customer’s top choice. Weakness is a poison in the company because it’s is an
internal factor that needs to be overcome, on one is able to turn a weakness into a strength other
than the management of the company.

In addition, the use of SWOT analysis also helps PosLaju to identify opportunities and
threats to the company in order to take precautions in fighting the enemy in this industry.
External factor is not controllable by the company, so PosLaju needs this model to formulate a
strategy and at the same time PosLaju takes advantage of the opportunities to strengthen the
strength of the service.

Lastly, the brand of PosLaju is able to last a long time in the service delivery industry by
adopting SWOT Analysis, it has been proven by most well-known brands. However, PosLaju
has also proven with its services from the early 1800s to the present. This is because SWOT
analysis is important to help strategist to plan and make changes to the management of
organization based on the right and accurate track. SWOT analysis is an easy method that uses to
identify external and internal factor and match them to get a good solution for company
problems. Besides, SWOT analysis has been a framework of choice among many managers for
along time because of its simplicity and its portrayal of essence of sound strategy formulation.

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