First of All, What Is A Sigma Male You May Ask, It Is Simple

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An elaborate explanation on how Shadow the Hedgehog is the ultimate sigma

male, and how sonic the hedgehog is the ultimate beta, the actual worker bee
of mobious or whatever the fuck the name was

By: Kevin, dicksword user Tenso

First of all, what is a sigma male you may ask, it is simple, A Sigma Male is a man who chooses
to live his life outside of the normal social dominance hierarchy of society. Sigma males have similar
traits to alpha males but prefer to walk to the beat of their own drum, and don't often take orders from
people or conform to society's labels or systems. ( AKA fucking edgy introverts I pulled that definition
outta the internet)

Shadow the Hedgehog fits this label perfectly, he is the actual Sigma male god, may not
even be a sigma male even, higher than that, he has trascended the ways of the social
hierarchy and hes just a cosmic deity

Now, Sonic, on the other part, is the exact opposite of this, you may think that hes an
alpha because hes cool, but he isnt, he simps for that accord bitch squirrel, I forgot her
name, I think they didn’t fuck in the archie comics because sonic is a total loser virgin,
which gives shadow EVEN MORE sigma points than whatever the fuck sonic does,
people overlook the fact that hes an actual beta, but this is because hes the protagonis
and he does ‘’the cool shit’’ when theres even more characters that do more cool shit,
and we do not even have to mention his love life, he is a total turboloser, rejecting the
goddess amy rose(pink bitch)

Thus, proving that sonic sucks and hes the ultimate beta male and shadow is the legit
God of the sigma males, hes THEIRguy. The end

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