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What is Stroke: 

A stroke or “brain attack” occurs when a blood clot blocks the blood flow in a vessel or artery or when a blood
vessel breaks. There are two types of “brain attacks” — ischemic and hemorrhagic. When brain cells die during a stroke,
abilities controlled by that area of the brain are lost. These abilities include speech, movement and memory. How a stroke
patient is affected depends on where the stroke occurs in the brain and how much the brain is damaged.

Apa itu Stroke: Stroke atau "serangan otak" terjadi ketika gumpalan darah menghalangi aliran darah di
pembuluh darah atau arteri atau ketika pembuluh darah pecah. Ada dua jenis "serangan otak" - iskemik dan
hemoragik. Ketika sel-sel otak mati selama stroke, kemampuan yang dikendalikan oleh area otak itu hilang.
Kemampuan ini termasuk bicara, gerakan, dan memori. Bagaimana seorang penderita stroke dipengaruhi oleh di
mana stroke itu terjadi di otak dan seberapa banyak otak itu rusak.

With ischemic strokes, a blood clot blocks or “plugs” a blood vessel in the brain. Limited treatments are tPA “clot buster” or

surgical removal of the clot within a 2-3h time-window (and sometimes up to 6h).
 An estimated 7,000,000 Americans 20 years of age have had a stroke. Overall stroke prevalence during this
period is an estimated 3.0%.
 The prevalence of silent cerebral infarction between 55 and 64 years of age is ~11%. This prevalence increases
to 22% between 65 and 69 years of age, 28% between 70 and 74 years of age, 32% between 75 and 79 years of age,
40% between 80 and 85 years of age, and 43% at 85 years of age. Application of these rates to 1998 US population
estimates results in an estimated 13 million people with prevalent silent stroke every year.
 Silent stroke may be important in the development of AD since cerebral perfusion isoften found to be reduced in
association with an increased oxygen extraction fraction during an attack, a hemodynamic presentation typically found in
AD patients.
 For the incidence, it is estimated that each year, ~795 000 people experience a new or recurrent stroke. From
1999 data, approximately 610,000 of these are first attacks, and 185 000 are recurrent attacks).
 On average, every 40 seconds, someone in the US has a stroke. On average, every 4 minutes, someone dies
of a stroke. Stroke accounted for ~1 of every 18 deaths in the United States in 2007.
 Each year, ~55,000 more women than men have a stroke
 It now appears that coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery may induce cognitive loss in as many as
50% of patients undergoing this procedure.
 The number of TIAs in the United States has been estimated to be ~200,000 to 500,000 per year, with a
population prevalence into ~5 million people. The prevalence of TIA increases significantly with older age. Approximately
half of all patients who experience a TIA fail to report it to their healthcare providers.

Dengan stroke iskemik, gumpalan darah menghalangi atau "menyumbat" pembuluh darah di otak.
Perawatan terbatas adalah tPA “clot buster” atau pengangkatan gumpalan dalam waktu 2-3 jam (dan
terkadang hingga 6 jam). Diperkirakan 7.000.000 orang Amerika berusia 20 tahun mengalami stroke.
Prevalensi stroke keseluruhan selama periode ini diperkirakan 3,0%. Prevalensi infark serebral sunyi
antara 55 dan 64 tahun adalah ~ 11%. Prevalensi ini meningkat menjadi 22% antara usia 65 dan 69
tahun, 28% antara 70 dan 74 tahun, 32% antara 75 dan 79 tahun, 40% antara 80 dan 85 tahun, dan
43% pada 85 tahun umur. Penerapan angka-angka ini untuk perkiraan populasi AS 1998
menghasilkan sekitar 13 juta orang dengan stroke diam yang lazim setiap tahun. Stroke diam-diam
mungkin penting dalam perkembangan DA karena perfusi serebral sering ditemukan berkurang terkait
dengan peningkatan fraksi ekstraksi oksigen selama serangan, presentasi hemodinamik biasanya
ditemukan pada pasien AD. Untuk kejadian tersebut, diperkirakan setiap tahun, ~ 795.000 orang
mengalami stroke baru atau berulang. Dari data tahun 1999, sekitar 610.000 di antaranya adalah
serangan pertama, dan 185.000 adalah serangan berulang). Rata-rata, setiap 40 detik, seseorang di
AS mengalami stroke. Rata-rata, setiap 4 menit, seseorang meninggal karena stroke. Stroke
menyumbang ~ 1 dari setiap 18 kematian di Amerika Serikat pada tahun 2007. Setiap tahun, ~
55.000 lebih banyak wanita daripada pria mengalami stroke Sekarang terlihat bahwa operasi bypass
grafting arteri koroner (CABG) dapat menyebabkan kehilangan kognitif pada sebanyak 50% pasien
yang menjalani prosedur ini. Jumlah TIA di Amerika Serikat diperkirakan ~ 200.000 hingga 500.000
per tahun, dengan prevalensi populasi menjadi ~ 5 juta orang. Prevalensi TIA meningkat secara
signifikan dengan usia yang lebih tua. Sekitar setengah dari semua pasien yang mengalami TIA gagal
melaporkannya ke penyedia layanan kesehatan mereka.
With hemorrhagic strokes, a blood vessel in the brain breaks or ruptures.The occurrence rate of ischemic stroke is ~83% and

for hemorrhagic it is ~17%.

 Among people 45 to 64 years of age, approximately 8% to 12% of ischemic strokes and 37% to 38% of
hemorrhagic strokes result in death within 30 days.
 In a study of people 65 years of age recruited from a random sample of Health Care Financing Administration
Medicare Part B eligibility lists in four US communities, the 1-month case fatality rate was 12.6% for all strokes, 8.1% for
ischemic strokes, and 44.6% for hemorrhagic strokes.
 Approximately half of incident childhood strokes are hemorrhagic. Despite current treatment, 1 of 10 children
with ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke will have a recurrence within 5 years.

Risk Factors: Some of the risk factors are: Age, Gender, Race, Family history, Diabetes, High blood pressure, Heart disease,

Smoking, Weight, etc

Dengan stroke hemoragik, pembuluh darah di otak pecah atau pecah. Laju stroke iskemik adalah ~
83% dan untuk hemoragik adalah ~ 17%. Di antara orang-orang yang berusia 45 hingga 64 tahun,
sekitar 8% hingga 12% dari stroke iskemik dan 37% hingga 38% dari stroke hemoragik menyebabkan
kematian dalam 30 hari. Dalam sebuah penelitian terhadap orang berusia 65 tahun yang direkrut dari
sampel acak daftar kelayakan Administrasi Pembiayaan Perawatan Kesehatan Bagian B di empat
komunitas AS, tingkat kematian kasus 1 bulan adalah 12,6% untuk semua stroke, 8,1% untuk stroke
iskemik, dan 44,6% untuk stroke hemoragik. Sekitar setengah dari insiden stroke masa kanak-kanak
adalah hemoragik. Meskipun pengobatan saat ini, 1 dari 10 anak dengan stroke iskemik atau
hemoragik akan kambuh dalam 5 tahun. Faktor Risiko: Beberapa faktor risiko adalah: Usia, Jenis
Kelamin, Ras, Riwayat Keluarga, Diabetes, Tekanan Darah Tinggi, Penyakit Jantung, Merokok, Berat
Badan, dll.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS): NINDS is a federal agency that conducts and supports
research on the causes, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of neurological disorders and stroke. Its web site includes
authoritative information for consumers, as well as current research and research opportunities.
American Stroke Association: The American Stroke Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to decreasing the impact
of stroke through programs, products and services for health care professionals, consumers and stroke survivors. Its web site
includes extensive information on stroke awareness, stroke prevention, stroke treatment, and stroke rehabilitation
National Stroke Association (NSA): NSA provides education, services and community-based activities in prevention, treatment,
rehabilitation and recovery. Its web site includes info for consumers & professionals, including regional chapters & stroke
Acute Stroke Toolbox: Developed by a coalition of organizations, this web site provides “tools for health care professionals
developing systems to enable the rapid diagnosis and treatment of acute stroke.” Included are links to stroke guidelines,
pathways, orders, scales, and information for the public
Internet Stroke Center : A service of the Washington University School of Medicine, the Internet Stroke Center provides stroke
information for patients, family members, and professionals. A clinical trials directory and local/regional information are also

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