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1.1 The Tools and Materials Needed

To to begin the installation process , there are some equipment that we need
to prepare, that is :

1. Iso Windows 7
2. Aplication Oracle VirtualBox

1.2 Steps to Installation Windows 7 in VirtualBox

1. Open the Oracle VM VirtualBox application.

Picture 1.2.1 Opening Aplication VirtualBox

2. click the New option.
3. Fill in the Name according to your wishes, and in the Type and Version
section change to be like in the picture

Picture 1.2.2 create a virtual machine

4. adjust the memory size according to your needs

Picture 1.2.3 adjust the memory size

5. Select create a virtual hard driver now, then select Create.

Picture 1.2.4 adjust the memory size

6. On the Hard drive file type file select VDI, then Next.

Picture 1.2.5 select VDI

7. Select Dynamically allocated. Then select Next.

Picture 1.2.5 select VDI

8. Select the file location and file size.

Picture 1.2.6 Select file location

9. Lalu ke setting dan isikan format isonya, setelah itu pilih start.

Picture 1.2.6 Insert file ISO windows 7

10. Choose Language to Install, Time and currency format, for the keyboard let US. Then
click Next

Picture 1.2.7 choose language, time and keyboard format

11. To start the Windows 7 installation. Select Install Now.

Picture 1.2.8 Start Installation

12. Because we will try to install Windows 7 Ultimate

Picture 1.2.9 Chose operating system

13. Check the I accept the license terms, then click Next.

Picture 1.2.10 Check license

14. In this section, just select Custom (Advenced). So that later you can choose which
drive Windows 7 will be installed.

Picture 1.2.11 choose type installation

15. In this step, manage the drive as well as the partition.

Picture 1.2.12 manage the drive

16. Image of Windows 7 installation process in progress. This process takes about 20
minutes. During the process the computer / laptop will reboot by itself.

Picture 1.2.13 Processing Installation

17. The next step is to enter the user name and computer name. Then select Next.

Picture 1.2.14 Input Username

18.  The next step is to create a password for the Windows account.

Picture 1.2.15 Input Password

19. Select the option you want for the Windows Update facility.

Picture 1.2.16 Setting Windows Update automatically

20. Please enter the Windows 7 product key, then select Next. If you don't have a
license key, you can click step to skip this section. But without a license key, you can
only use Windows for a period of 30 days.

Picture 1.2.17 Input Product key

21. Next is to set the time and date. Then select Next

Picture 1.2.18 Setting Time

22. The final process of installing Windows 7 ultimate

Picture 1.2.19 Reboot System

23. Installation is complete

Picture 1.2.20 Installation Finished


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