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Test series 20-21 Sub: English Name:_______________ CLASS: 10th Test # 1 Tot. marks:60 Obt.

Question no 1:(a) Chose the correct form of verb. 5
Sr.# Question a b c d
I I _________ her in the plane. Meets Has met Met Meeting
ii. It ________ since last night. had been rain rained was raining
iii. If he offers me a job, I _____ it. accept will accept would would have
accept accepted
iv. How long have you been _________ here? wait waited waits waiting
v. They always _____ back home late. came comes have come come
Question no 1: (b) Choose the word with correct spellings. 5
i. Prodaction Production Prodoction Pruduction
ii. Might Mieght Meight Maight
iii. Adress Addres Address Addruss
iv. Loath Lothe Laothe Loathe
v. Conquera Conquer Counquer Conkure
Question no 1 : (c) Choose the correct meanings of the underlined word. 5
i. The antonym of “fail” is ______. Unsuccessful l Succeed Flourish Develop
ii. The antonym of “suffering” is __________. Distress Pleasure Anguish Sorrow
iii. She started delving into this part. Remembering Imaging Discovering Probing
iv. The synonym of “conquer” is _______. Win Shame Tough Heed
v. The word debris means: Rubble Mud Soil Send
Question no 1: (d) Choose the correct option according to the grammar. 5
i. Our job is to keep the audience happy. The underlined word is Collective Concrete Abstract Proper
a/an ____ noun.
ii. The room was full, so I had no place to sit. It is a _______ sentence. Simple Compound Complex None of
iii. Identify the indefinite pronoun in these words: Somebody Those His Either
iv. “The watchman blew his whistle. The underlined word is a/an: Transitive Intransitive Regular None
verb verb verb
v. The man _______ you were talking to at the meeting is my cousin. That What Whom Which
Choose the correct relative pronoun.
Question no 2: Write a summary on the following Topic: “Try Again”. (5)
Question no 3. Translate into Urdu. (5)

Question no 4.Answer The Following Questions. (5x2=10)

i. How is the failure not disgrace? ii. How does the Quran describe the personality of Holy Prophet
iii. How can people achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and iv. What does the word “proclaimed” mean?
social areas of life?
v. What can we learn from failure?
Question no 5. Write an Essay on the following topic. “Health”
Question no 6: Use the following pair of words in your sentences. (5)

i) Altar ii) Bail iii Birth iv Cell v) Advice

Alter Bale ) Berth ) Sell Advise
Question no 7. Translate into English. (10
‫انارکلی الہور کا مصروف ترین بازار ہے۔ یہ ہمیشہ لوگوں سے بھرا رہتا ہے۔ دکانیں رات گئے تک کھلی رہتی ہیں۔ آپ یہاں تقریباًہر قسم کی چیز خرید سکتے ہیں۔ کچھ ل وگ یہ اں‬
‫ کلپ اور اس قس م کی‬،‫ سوئیاں‬،‫ فیتے‬،‫سے اشیاء خریدنے آتے ہیں لیکن بہت سے لوگ صرف سیروتفریح کے لئے آتے ہیں۔ انار کلی میں بہت سے پھیری والے بھی ہوتے ہیں۔ وہ بٹن‬
-‫دوسری اشیا بیچتے ہیں۔ کچھ جیب تراش بھی انار کلی میں آتے ہیں۔ اگر آپ انار کلی جائیں تو ان جیب تراشوں سے ہوشیار رہیں‬
QUESTION # 8: Change the voice of the following‫۔‬ 5

i. She says, “We have shifted to another house.” ii. He says, “She has written me a very encouraging letter.”
iii. She says, “We love and respect our neighbors very much.” iv. She says, “I hope I am not late.”
v. You will say, “I am cranky.”

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