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Objective - ​Generate examples for each common type of character archetype.

Standard - ​ CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6-8.7 ​Integrate information presented in different

media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent
understanding of a topic or issue.

Common Description Examples of Other Examples of the

Archetypes (Wants to…) the Archetypes Archetype

Innocent Be happy and do the Forest Gump

right thing

Regular Get along with Harry Potter

Person everyone

Hero Prove themselves to Luke Skywalker

the world

Caregiver Help others before Santa Claus


Explorer Explore the world for Indiana Jones

new things to do

Rebel Change the world by Han Solo

breaking rules

Lover Find friendship and Cupid


Creator Create something that Einstein

will endure

Jester Live for the moment Captain Jack

and have fun Sparrow

Sage Understand the world Professor

and themselves Dumbledore

Magician Make a plan and then Merlin

make it happen

Ruler Be in control always Darth Vader

and forever
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