Why Study History Assignment 2

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Why Study History?

Name: ___________________ Block: __________ Due Date: _________________

Is history just a bunch of dates? Is history just a litany of stories about a bunch of dead people?
Is the only reason that we have to learn history because the provincial government says so? The
answer to those questions is a resounding “No!” As we head into this next school year together,
you will find your time more valuable if you understand why it is important to study history and
how to study history. Therefore, please read the attached article titled “Why Study History?” by
Peter Stearns. Then read “The History Guide”, sections 1.1-1.2, by Steven Kreis. While you
read, thoroughly annotate both articles as you read (take notes, highlight things, circle,
underline, etc. as appropriate). Why do you need to annotate?

“To read well, we must understand reading as requiring intellectual skills. As a good reader,
we don’t simply decipher words, we actively engage in a dialog with the writer. We actively
seek the author’s purpose in writing. We look for systems of meaning in a text.”
Paul, Richard and Elder, Linda. How to Read a Paragraph: The Art of Close Reading. Foundation for Critical Thinking, 2014.

Here is what you need to look for as you annotate: the author’s thesis, the main points of the
argument, interesting points, the author’s conclusion(s), what other authors/historians would say
about this author’s idea(s), if you agree and why, etc. Your annotations should include
highlighting, pencil and/or pen markings (underlining, circles, squares, stars, etc.), plus added
notations in the margins, including questions about the content of the article. For specific
guidance directions about how to annotate, please refer to the “Annotation Guide”

After you finish reading AND annotating both articles, think about what information you
would want to include in a persuasive essay that argues that it is important to study history
AND how to study history by following the directions below. Make sure that you do not
plagiarize; use your own words as you list your reasons. Make sure to include quotation marks
and proper parenthetical references as you list your supporting quotes. Complete this section
of the assignment in legible printing. If you make a mistake, erase it and rewrite it.

Write one reason why it is important to study history.


List a quote from the article that supports that idea.

Write a second reason why it is important to study history.

List a quote from the article that supports that idea.


Write a third reason why it is important to study history.


List a quote from the article that supports that idea.


Write a fourth reason why it is important to study history.


List a quote from the article that supports that idea.


Write a fifth reason why it is important to study history.


List a quote from the article that supports that idea.

Write a sixth reason why it is important to study history.

List a quote from the article that supports that idea.


Write one idea about how to study history.

List a quote from the article that supports that idea.


Write a second idea about how to study history.


List a quote from the article that supports that idea.


Write a third idea about how to study history.


List a quote from the article that supports that idea.

Persuasive Essay
Your essay will be graded on the content and the presentation quality of your writing. Make sure
that your writing is yours alone; do not plagiarize.

You need to write a persuasive essay that argues that it is important to study history and
explain how to study history successfully. Make sure to clearly state your thesis and
provide proper support for your thesis in your body paragraphs. You must include:
 at least four (4) of the reasons why history is important AND
 at least two (2) ways about how to study history and make use of their supporting quotes
in each case (that means using/referring to a total of six [6] quotes).
 You must cite specific evidence from the articles to support/explain your contentions (you
may paraphrase, as appropriate, as long it is clear that you are citing from an outside
source; you may cite from additional sources, as well, if you choose).
 Make sure that you include a proper title.
 Any mistakes made should be crossed out with one neat line—no scribbling.
 Include page numbers
 Include a Title Page
o Title of essay
o Your name
o Date
o Block
o Teacher's name
 Be stapled in the upper left-hand corner.

Make sure you have at least two people proof read your work, what you hand in should NOT be a

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