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Fears, Beliefs, and Attitudes in DSM-III HYPOCHONDRIASIS

(Base paper)

Please provide the following information about yourself.

1. Gender:

1) Male 2) Female

2. Age:

1) Below 15 2) 15-25 3)25-35 4) 35-45 5) 45 above

3. Marital Status:

1) Single 2) Married 3) Divorced

4. Income Status:

1) Below 50,000 2) 50,000-1lac 3) 1lac-2lac 4) 2lac-4lac 5) above lac

5. Education:

1). Undergraduate 2). Graduate 3). Master 4). other

Please answer all questions which and answer the other few questions with a few words or
sentences. Do not think long before answering. Work quickly!

1. Do you worry about your health?  

2. Are you worried that you may get a serious illness in the future?  
3. Does the thought of a serious illness scare you?  
4. If you have a pain, do you worry that it may be caused by a serious illness?  
5. If a pain lasts for a week or more, do you see a physician?  
6. If a pain lasts a week or more, do you believe that you have a serious illness?  
7. Do you avoid habits that may be harmful to you such as smoking?  
8. Do you avoid foods that may not be healthy?  
9. Do you examine your body to find whether there is something wrong? 
10. Do you believe that you have a physical disease but the doctors have not diagnosed it correctly?  
11. When your doctor tells you that you have no physical disease, do you refuse to believe him?  
12. When you have been told by a doctor what he found, do you soon begin to believe that you may
have developed a new illness?  
13. Are you afraid of news that reminds you of death (such as funerals, obituary notices)?  
14. Does the thought of death scare you?  
15. Are you afraid that you may die soon?  
16. Are you afraid that you may have cancer?  
17. Are you afraid that you may have heart disease?  
18. Are you afraid that you may have another serious illness?
Which illness?  

19. When you read or hear about an illness, do you get symptoms similar to those of the illness?  
20. When you notice a sensation in your body, do you find it difficult to think of something else?  
21. When you feel a sensation in your body, do you worry about it? 
22. Has your doctor told you that you have an illness now? Yes 
Yes, No If yes what illness?  

23. How often do you see a doctor? Almost never Only very rarely About 4 times a year About once
a month About once a week  

24. How many different doctors, chiropractors, or other healers have you seen in the past year?
1) None 2) 1 2 or 3 3) 4 or 5 4) 6 or more

25. How often have you been treated during the past year? (For example, drugs, change of drugs,
surgery, etc.)
1) Not at all 2) Once 2 or 3 times 3) 4 or 5 times 4) 6 or more times  

26. If yes, what were the treatments? 

Independent variable:
In this article independent variables are Beliefs (Hypochondriacal Beliefs), Fears (Disease Phobia),
Attitudes, sensations (Bodily Preoccupation), Fears (Treatment Experience). These all make up a
personality of a person so personality can be an independent variable.

Dependent Variable:
In this article the independent variables had an impact on Hypochondriacal patients so Hypochondriacal
patients is the dependent variable.

Variable Definitions

Hypochondriacal Beliefs:

Hypochondria is often characterized by fears that minor bodily or mental symptoms may indicate a
serious illness, constant self-examination and self-diagnosis, and a preoccupation with one's body.


An acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof. Trust, faith, or confidence in
(someone or something).

Disease Phobia:

A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. The
phobia typically results in a rapid onset of fear and is present for more than six months.


An unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm. Be afraid of (someone or
something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or harmful.


A settled way of thinking or feeling about something.

Bodily Preoccupation:

 the person with this problem it can be exceedingly painful, anxiety provoking and consume much of the
person's time.


A physical feeling or perception resulting from something that happens to or comes into contact with the

Treatment Experience:

Treatment means to behave towards someone or deal with something in a particular way and Experience

means practical contact with and observation of facts or events or an event or occurrence which leaves an
impression on someone.

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