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Nonlinear Dynamics of Bistable Lattices with Defects

Myungwon Hwanga and Andres F. Arrietaa

School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 USA

Heterogeneity in a lattice system has gained continued attention from researchers due to its ability to support
interesting localized dynamics and engineering applications. Most studies on the influence of the defects have been
done in a one-dimensional monoatomic chain with both linear and nonlinear interactions. However, analysis of
defect dynamics in a lattice under on-site potential is still a rare finding. Recently, extreme wave propagation has
been demonstrated theoretically and experimentally on a bi-stable lattice with magnetic inter-site force, featuring
quartic on-site potential. In this work, the nonlinear dynamics of introducing engineered defects in the form of
mass impurities and inter-site forcing disparities on lattices of bi-stable elements are studied. We investigate the
effect of the defect presence on the local wave propagation speed and identify the critical conditions that governs
the stable propagation of transition waves. With the control of damping, we further observe a special satellite
region, where stable transition of wave with intermediate jumps between the stable states of the local unit cell
Keywords: lattice defect, bi-stable element, solitary wave, nonlinear dynamics

The utilization of nonlinearity for creating novel dynamical behavior in periodic lattices has attracted significant
attention owing to the great potential for generating wave guiding,1, 2 tuning band gaps,3, 4 acoustic rectification5
and energy harvesting.6, 7 Most studies on nonlinear lattices have been presented for granular media,8 where the
inter-element (inter-site) force provides the source of nonlinearity. Experimental realizations of lattice systems
with nonlinear on-site potential forces have been thus far less explored, despite the theoretically demonstrated
substantial potential for generating extreme dynamics with broad applications.9–12 Recently, experimental stud-
ies on a system featuring bi-stable on-site potential (described by φ-4 models) demonstrate strongly directional
wave propagation and robust signal transmission in such lattices.13, 14 Nevertheless, the dynamic behavior and
its potential for engineering applications remain to be fully explored.
Engineered defects in linear lattice systems offers the possibility to introduce localized modes.15, 16 Recently,
this study on the augmented dynamics from defects have been extended to nonlinear systems. Analytical proofs
and experimental validations of the existence of such modes,17, 18 tuning of the degree of the localization6 and
their applications19, 20 have been studied on periodic media (mostly, on the granular lattice systems), where the
defect is introduced as a mass impurity21 or a local resonator.22 Nevertheless, the effect of defect introduction
on lattice systems subject to on-site potential have received little attention.
This paper presents a preliminary numerical and experimental investigation of the nonlinear dynamics in
a lattice of bi-stable elements. The inter-element force is realized by repelling magnets, introducing further
nonlinear dynamics to the behavior of the studied lattice. Defects are included in the form of perturbations to
the units’ mass, inter-element force and on-site potential generated by the bi-stable elements. The conditions
for which the propagating wave can overcome the defect presence are investigated by varying the parameters
of the lattice. This study provides preliminary indications that breaking of periodicity in lattices of bi-stable
structures can allow for further control of information and energy transmission in lattice systems, particularly
for applications profiting from strongly nonlinear waves.
Further author information: (Send correspondence to A.F.A.)
M.H.: E-mail:, Telephone: 1 404 558 6791
A.F.A.: E-mail:

Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2017, edited by Tribikram Kundu, Proc. of SPIE
Vol. 10170, 101701A · © 2017 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/17/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2263609

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The dynamics of the lattice system are studied utilizing the one-dimensional periodic lattice of bi-stable elements
with nonlinear magnetic inter-element force presented by Nadkarni et al.13 The unit cell of this lattice is composed
of a mass element and an on-site stiffness element that features a quartic strain energy potential. The unit cell
interacts with the neighboring cells through nonlinear force provided by the magnets (Fig. 1a). The governing
equation is given by
mun,tt = Fmag (un−1 , un , un+1 ) + F(un ) − αun,t , (1)
where m is the point mass of the nth element, un is the corresponding displacement, L is the lattice spacing
distance, and α is the damping constant of the element. The inter-element magnetic force Fmag and the on-site
force F from φ-4 potential is given by:

Fmag (un−1 , un , un+1 ; L) = −A(un+1 − un + L)p + A(un − un−1 + L)p ,

F(un ) = −φ0 (un ) = −2C2 un − 3C3 u2n − 4C4 u3n .

Bi-stable element


Inter-element magnetic (b)

2 4
Force (N)

Force (N)

1 3

0 2

-1 1

-2 0
-0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
Displacement (m) Displacement (m)
(c) (d)
Figure 1: (a),(b), Schematics of the lattice with bi-stable unit cells. Experimental force-deflection curves for (c)
the bi-stable element with the rail distance R = 220mm and (d) inter-element magnetic force (reproduced with
the original authors’ consent)

To investigate the fully nonlinear behavior, a Newmark-β method23 with the parameters β = 0.25 and γ = 0.5
is used directly to solve the governing equation for obtaining the resulting dynamics. The number of elements
are taken to be sufficiently large (N=200) to ensure semi-infinite behavior, and a free boundary condition is
applied for the simulation. This choice is justified by the fact that we are interested in the interior behavior
free from any boundary effects. The experimentally fitted force-deflection curves of both the bi-stable element
(cubic polynomial) and the magnets (power-law type) are taken from the previous study13 (Figs. 1c and 1d).
The damping coefficient α of the system is fitted a posteriori to match the time responses from the experiments.
The same baseline setup in Nadkarni et al. is implemented for the experimentation (Fig. 1b). Each unit
cell is composed of a carbon fiber reinforced composite laminate,24 exhibiting a bi-stable behavior arising from
thermal stresses introduced during manufacturing, and a set of magnets that serves both as a point mass and a
source of inter-element force. The lattice features 15 elements, and three measuring sites (9th, 10th and 11th)

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sufficiently within the lattice are selected to reduce any significant boundary effect. The dynamic analysis is
performed with the aid of a commercial digital image correlation system, VIC-3D. In practice, the magnet motion
consists of both translational and rotational contributions due to the imperfect alignment of the magnets and
the manufacturing variability of the bi-stable elements. However, a 1-D mathematical model has been shown to
provide a good representation of the transitional behavior.

50 60 70 80 90 100
Displacement (m)

0.06 5 5

Prop. speed (m/s)

0.04 4 4

0.02 3 3

2 2
1 on-site potential 1
1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 lattice spacing
Time (s) 0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
(a) m/m0 or φ/φ0
Figure 2: (a) Time responses of the individual elements of the periodic lattice (L=70mm, m=29.4g), where the
experimental results are overlaid in dashed lines. (b) Wave propagation speed in a periodic lattice with respect
to various lattice parameters: mass, lattice spacing and on-site potential. 29.4g and the corresponding on-site
potential from Fig. 1c are used for the baseline mass m0 and the baseline on-site potential φ0 , respectively.

The key features of this lattice are the existence of stable transition wave and the high localization of the
wave, both of which can be clearly seen in the reproduced response plot in Fig. 2a. Each colored line indicates
the displacement of each individual element (46th-54th site), and the sequential change in displacement from 0
to 52 mm shows the propagation of transition wave. Also, the localized waveform is shown by the narrow span of
elements undergoing the transition at any one time instance. The dashed lines are the responses obtained from
the experiment, showing very good agreement with the simulated responses. Also unique to this type of lattice
arrangement are the unidirectionality of the wave, arising from the asymmetry in the bi-stable potential, and
the independence of the wave speed on the input excitation (determined exclusively by the lattice parameters).
To investigate the effect of various lattice parameters (mass, on-site potential, lattice spacing distance) on the
wave propagation speed for the periodic array, sensitivity plots are generated. To this end, the wave propagation
speed is numerically calculated by dividing the distance between any two elements by the time difference between
two crossings of the reference displacement of the corresponding elements. To introduce a perturbation creating
an on-site potential defect, the coefficients of the baseline on-site potential force (Eq. (2)) are scaled by the same
constant. The results for the sensitivity to mass and on-site potential variations with respect to the periodic
case presented in Fig. 2b show that the speed of the transition wave monotonically varies with the changes in
the lattice parameters. This is in agreement with the variation of the wave speed in a linear system, where the
speed is proportional to the square root of the stiffness and inversely proportional to the square root of the mass
density. On the other hand, the sensitivity to the magnetic force variation introduced as a change in the lattice
spacing distance shows a dip near 50 mm, breaking the trend. This variation in the behavior was also previously
observed in the experiments where a similar outlier was observed.13 This suggests that a specific relation exists
between the inter-element force and the profile of the negative restoring force of the bi-stable element; however,
the exact cause of this is yet to be investigated.


The effects of introducing engineered lattice defects on the baseline lattice, thus breaking its periodicity, are
investigated in the following. Consider a lattice of bi-stable elements that contain a defect at k th site in the
form of a mass impurity or inter-element force disparity as in Fig. 3a. There are several different ways to

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create a defect in the inter-element force since magnetic interaction force depends both on the distance between
neighboring elements and the strength of the magnets. For the ease of the experimentation, this defect is created
by changing the lattice spacing distance between the elements. At sites k − 1 and k (defect), Eq. (1) are replaced
by the following equations of motion to account for the engineered defects:

muk−1,tt = Fmag (uk , uk−1 , uk−2 ; Ld ) + F(uk−1 ) − αuk−1,t ,

md uk,tt = Fmag (uk+1 , uk , uk−1 ; Ld ) + F(uk ) − αuk,t ,

where subcript d indicates association with the defect. A periodic lattice system with the parameters L=70mm,
R=220mm and m=29.4g are adopted as the baseline configuration for the following analyses unless otherwise

/ / /// ///// ///

--- ---- ---- >o

® \\\\\ \\\\\ \\\\ \\\\\

'--' - -- -- o<

®® vyy\v

Prop. Speed (m/s)
Displacement (m)

0.06 k−1th
k th (defect) 4
0.04 k+1th
0.02 2
1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 45 50 55 60 65
Time (s) Position (site)
(b) (c)
Prop. Speed (m/s)
Displacement (m)

0.02 2
1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 45 50 55 60 65
Time (s) Position (site)
(d) (e)
Figure 3: (a) Schematics of the different types of defects. Time responses of the lattices with (b) a lighter
mass defect (md /m = 0.2) and (d) a heavier mass defect (md /m = 4). (c),(e) Propagation speed variation
corresponding to each defect case.

The individual responses of the elements around the defect and the corresponding propagation speeds are
analyzed for different levels of the mass defect ratios (rm = md /m = 0.2 and rm = 4). Although only two mass
defect cases are presented in this paper, the following characteristics are shared for unphysically large or small
mass defects, and observation is made that the presence of the mass defect does not affect the stability of the
transition wave. In Figs. 3b and 3d, the displacement of the defect element (plotted in red) experiences a local
change in time required to complete the state transition, which affects in turn the wave propagation speed. The
propagation speeds are calculated by the same method described in Sec. 2, and their variations are plotted with
respect to the element positions in Figs. 3c and 3e, where the red dashed line indicates the propagation speed of

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the baseline lattice. For both lighter- and heavier-than-the-lattice mass defect, the propagation speed is constant
until the wave encounters the defect, behaving like a nonanticipatory system. After spatial interaction with the
defect is made, a light mass defect locally accelerates the propagation, and a heavy mass defect does the opposite.
It is interesting to observe that, regardless of the local increase or decrease of the speed, the propagation speed
jumps below its periodic counterpart following the initial disturbance and then gradually returns to the original

Prop. Speed (m/s)

Displacement (m)

0.04 3

0.02 2
1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 45 50 55 60 65
Time (s) Position (site)
(a) (b)

Prop. Speed (m/s)

Displacement (m)

0.02 2
1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 45 50 55 60 65
Time (s) Position (site)
(c) (d)
Figure 4: Time responses and the local propagation speeds of the lattice with (a),(b) a weaker inter-element
forcing defect (Ld =90mm) and (c),(d) a stronger inter-element forcing defect (Ld =50mm).

Similar analyses are performed for the defect formed by lattice spacing change. Different from the mass
defect case, there are limiting values of the defect spacing distance that causes the transition wave to become
unstable, as described later below. Two extreme defect values (Ld =9mm and Ld =50mm) that allow the stable
transition wave are considered, and the local propagation speed change are observed as in the mass defect case.
The propagation speed locally decreases with weaker inter-element force (Fig. 4b) at the defect and increases
with stronger force (Fig. 4d). The gradual returning to the propagation speed of the perfect lattice is also
observed for Ld =90mm case, however this behavior occurs over a much shorter space (and hence time period)
after the disturbance for Ld =50mm case in comparison to the previously shown results. A closer look on the
individual element responses of the lattice with Ld =50mm (Fig. 4c) shows that the state transition of the defect
element (in red) is completed even before the preceding element (in black) makes the transition. This is the
same distance where the abnormal dip in the propagation speed was noticed in the periodic lattice, and the same
yet-unknown cause for the dip is likely to govern this deviant behavior.
As opposed to the mass defect case, we can identify a critical condition where the snapping force becomes
insufficient for triggering the snap-through transition, which results in the disintegration of the wave. Considering
a single element around the defect, the state transition is guaranteed when the resultant of the instantaneous
external forces, which in this case is Fmag , exceeds the snap-through load (0.676N from Fig. 1c) at the deflection
corresponding to this snap-through load, from the statics consideration only. In Fig. 5, this resultant, termed
snapping force, are plotted against the defect spacing values for three different baseline configurations (L=60mm,
70mm, 80mm). Each data point is marked by either green or red, indicating stable propagation or disintegration
of the transition wave, respectively. In general, a critical point of snapping force can be identified, which
determines whether the wave propagation is allowed or not. When the snapping force is below this critical load,
the propagation of the main transition wave is blocked. For all three configurations, the critical load appears
above the snap-through load dictated by the force-displacement diagram of the bi-stable element. Due to the

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(a) (b)

Figure 5: The numerically measured snapping force at the element deflection corresponding to the snap-through
load in relation to the defect lattice spacing distance (a) with the damping coefficient α = 0.28 and (b) α = 0.20.
The stable wave propagation is marked in green color and the unstable one is in red color, and the dashed red line
represent the snap-through load of the bi-stable element. (c) The element responses of four qualitatively different
propagation cases: typical stable propagation (Ld =80mm), initial disintegration (Ld =101mm), brief resurgence
(Ld =103mm) and permanent blockage (Ld =110mm), from left to right. The individual plots are shifted for
better presentation of the responses, and the dashed lines indicate the equilibrium states in the periodic lattice
after passage of the transition wave.

inertial contribution and the dissipation (both of which are always positive during the forward movement in the
considered region), the actual required snapping force to trigger the state transition needs to be greater than the
snap-through load of the bi-stable element.
A unique behavior is noticed when the damping of the element decreases (from 0.28 N s/m to 0.2 N s/m
in this example). In this special case, slightly after the initial wave disintegration, there appears a brief range
of the defect spacing values that enable the propagation before it is blocked again, as shown in Fig. 5b. The
responses of three elements around the defect are plotted in Fig. 5c (L=70mm) for four qualitatively different
cases: typical stable transition wave propagation, initial disintegration of the wave, re-emergence of the stable
transition and permanent stoppage of the propagation. Notice that an additional intermediate snap-through
occurs in the re-emergence case before the mass eventually transitions to the other equilibrium state, compared
to the typical stable propagation case. This arises from the complex interaction with the neighboring elements
and thus cannot be easily explained with the single element model. One possible physical explanation for this
resurgence of the propagation around this special parameter region is that the combined dynamics brings the

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Total Potential (J)




100 105 110
Ldef ect (mm)
Figure 6: The total potential of the defect element at the point of direction change with respect to the lat-
tice spacing defect for different baseline lattice spacing values (60mm, 70mm, 80mm). Green indicates stable
propagation, and red indicates unstable propagation.

mass near the peak of the total potential before it reverts, and thus more available energy for the ensuing
motion. The total potential energies (on-site potential + magnetic potential) when the motion changes direction
(thus, the kinetic energy of the defect element at this instance is zero) are plotted in Fig. 6 for each baseline
lattice spacing value (L=60mm, L=70mm, L=80mm). The stable propagation and disintegration of the wave
propagation are again marked by green and red colors, respectively. For L=60mm (plotted in blue) and L=70mm
(in magenta), the stable propagation occurs around the peak of the total potential curve, in agreement with the
above energy postulation. This relation ceases to hold for L=80mm (in black) case, and the cause of this outlier
requires further investigation.

The nonlinear dynamics and ensuing characteristics of a lattice subject to bi-stable on-site potential with emphasis
on the effect of introduced engineered defects have been investigated. The analyses include sensitivity studies on
the wave propagation speed of the periodic lattice, which in general has a monotonic relation to the monotonic
change in the parameters. The defects in the form of mass impurity and inter-site forcing have been mainly
considered. The mass defect has shown almost negligible effect on altering the stability of the transition wave.
Local change in the propagation speed at the mass defect and its gradual returning to the lattice equilibrium value
have been observed. This phenomenon can be useful in detecting the presence of such defect or in intentionally
creating regions featuring slower wave speed for more convenient data collection. The inter-site forcing defect
has been generated by adjusting the lattice spacing distance, showing the existence of a critical load condition
that determines the stability of the wave propagation in the lattice. Introducing variations in the damping of
the element results in unique alterations of the propagation or disintegration of the wave, thus allowing for
establishing a condition for designing increased focusing of the energy to the defect.

M. Hwang and A. F. Arrieta gratefully acknowledge the support of the Purdue Research Foundation (PRF); this
research was partly funded through start-up funds provided by Prof. A. F. Arrieta.

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