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21. Tag Questions www.gapol.

Intrebarile disjunctive se traduc cu "nu-i asa" in limba romana.

Daca in Propozitia Principala avem verb pozitiv atunci se foloseste auxiliarul timpului din
Propozitia Principala la negativ:

She is nice, isn’t she? (Ea este draguta, nu-i asa?)

Daca in Propozitia Principala avem verb negativ atunci se foloseste auxiliarul timpului din
Propozitia Principala la pozitiv:

She isn’t nice, is she? (Ea nu este draguta, nu-i asa?)

!!! ATENTIE: La forma negativa a intrebarilor disjunctive putem avea forma contrasa la auxiliar
dar si forma lunga.

e.g. He is happy, isn't he? (forma contrasa) sau He is happy, is he not? (forma lunga: auxiliar +
S + not)

Present Simple: We love Star Wars, don’t we/ do we not?/ We don’t like Star Trek, do we? (Noi
iubim filmul Razboiul Stelelor, nu-i asa?/ Noi nu iubim filmul Star Trek, nu-i asa?)

Present Simple: He loves girls, doesn’t he/ does he not?/ He doesn’t like fish, does he? (El
iubeste fetele, nu-i asa?/ Lui nu-i place pestele, nu-i asa?)

Present Simple: !!! I am happy, aren’t I/ am I not?/ I am not satisfied, am I? (Eu sunt fericit, nu-i
asa?/ Eu nu sunt satisfacut, nu-i asa?)

(La persoana I singular pentru verbul TO BE se foloseste ARE la negatie. Se poate folosi si
forma lunga AM I NOT)

Present Continuous: I am talking now, aren't I?/ am I not? (Eu vorbesc acum, nu-i asa?)

Present Continuous: They are coming tomorrow, aren’t they? (Ei vin maine, nu-i asa?)

Present Continuous: She is talking on the phone, isn’t she?/ She isn’t playing the computer, is
she? (Ea vorbeste la telefon, nu-i asa?/ Ea nu se joaca la calculator, nu-i asa?)

Present Perfect Simple: You have seen her already, haven’t you?/ You haven’t eaten yet, have
you? (Tu ai vazut-o deja, nu-i asa?/ Tu nu ai mancat inca, nu-i asa?)

Present Perfect Simple: She has already left, hasn’t she?/ She hasn't eaten, has she? (Ea a
plecat deja, nu-i asa?/ Ea nu a mancat, nu-i asa?)

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21. Tag Questions
Past Simple: They saw her yesterday, didn’t they?/ They didn’t eat lobster, did they? (Ei au
vazut-o pe ea ieri, nu-i asa?/ Ei nu au mancat homar, nu-i asa?)

He had a dog, didn't he?/ did he not? // He didn't have a cat, did he?

Past Continuous: They were running, weren't they?/ I wasn't sleeping, was I? (Ei alergau, nu-i
asa?/ Eu nu dormeam, nu-i asa?)

Past Continuous Passive Voice: They were being followed, weren’t they? (Ei erau urmariti, nu-
i asa?)

Past Perfect Simple: They had left, hadn't they?/ They hadn't arrived, had they? (Ei plecasera,
nu-i asa?/ Ei nu sosisera, nu-i asa?)

Future Simple: She will help you tomorrow, won’t she?/ She won’t come early, will she? (Ea te
va ajuta maine, nu-i asa?/ Ea nu va veni devreme, nu-i asa?)

Future Simple: I shall be there, shan’t I?/ I shall not/ shan’t see to it, shall I? (Eu voi fi acolo, nu-i
asa?/ Eu nu ma voi ocupa de asta, nu-i asa?)

!!! HAVE TO si HAS TO fac negatia cu DO si respectiv DOES:

You have to be more careful, don’t you? (Tu trebuie sa fi mai atent, nu-i asa?)

You don’t have to be more careful, do you? (Tu nu trebuie sa fi mai atent, nu-i asa?)

She has to come early, ...? (negatia este: She doesn’t have to come) (Ea trebuie sa vina
devreme, nu-i asa)

a) Doesn’t she

b) Does she

c) Hasn’t she

d) Didn’t see

!!! Atentie: daca avem Prezent Perfect atunci folosim auxiliarele HAVE si respectiv HAS:

She has arrived late, ...? (negatia este: She hasn’t arrived late.) (Ea a sosit tarziu, nu-i asa?)

a) Has she

b) Hadn’t she

c) Hasn’t she
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21. Tag Questions
d) Doesn’t she

We have arrived, haven't we? (Noi am sosit, nu-i asa? -> Present Perfect Simple)/ Wehave
to arrive, don't we? (Noi trebuie sa sosim, nu-i asa? -> Constructie cu have to)

She has arrived, hasn't she? (Ea a sosit, nu-i asa? -> Present Perfect Simple)/ Shehas to
arrive, doesn't she? (Ea trebuie sa soseasca, nu-i asa? -> Constructie cu have to)

!!! HAD TO face negatia cu DIDN'T:

I had to leave earlier, didn’t I? (A trebuit sa plec mai devreme, nu-i asa?)

I didn’t have to leave earlier, did I? (Nu a trebuit sa plec mai devreme, nu-i asa?)

Nu confundati cu Past Perfect unde negatia se face cu auxiliarul HAD:

I had seen her before she left, hadn’t I?

!!!!!!! USED TO face negatia cu DID:

I used to walk in the park, didn’t I? (Eu obisnuiam sa ma plimb prin parc, nu-i asa?)

I didn’t use to walk a lot, did I? (Eu nu obisnuiam sa merg mult, nu-i asa?)

!!!!!! Expresiile HAD BETTER si WOULD RATHER/ WOULD SOONER fac prescurtarea in
acelasi fel, 'D, ceea ce poate crea confuzii:

You’d better leave, ... (Mai bine ai pleca, nu-i asa?)

a) hadn’t you? (You’d better = you had better = tu mai bine ai ...)

b) wouldn’t you? (there is NO would better BUT would rather)

c) haven’t you?

d) had you?

You’d rather stay, ... (tu ai prefera sa stai, nu-i asa?)

a) wouldn’t you? (I’d rather = I would rather/ would sooner=eu as prefera)

b) hadn’t you?(there is NO had rather BUT would rather)

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21. Tag Questions
c) would you?

d) had you?

!!!! MUST poate exprima deductie, obligatie sau interdictie. In functie de ce exprima se
alege auxiliarul.

1. Daca MUST exprima DEDUCTIE atunci se ia in considerare verbul de dupa MUST si se

pune auxiliarul BE sau DO in functie de verb :

You must be happy, aren’t you? (deduction/ assumption) (Tu trebuie sa fi fericit, nu-i asa?) -
aici verbul BE urmeaza dupa MUST deci este YOU ARE si folosim ARE in intrebare

She must be the new teacher, isn't she? (deduction/ assumption) (Ea trebuie sa fie noua
profesoara, nu-i asa?) - aici verbul BE urmeaza dupa MUST deci este SHE IS si folosim IS in

I must be crazy to like him, aren’t I? (deduction/ assumption) (Trebuie ca sunt nebun sa il
plac, nu-i asa?) - aici verbul BE urmeaza dupa MUST deci este I AM si folosim ARE pt.
negatiein intrebare

Wow, Robert is a flight attendent, he must fly a lot, doesn't he? (deduction/ assumption)
(Wow Robert este stuadez, trebuie ca zboara mult, nu-i asa?)- aici verbul FLY urmeaza dupa
MUST deci avem HE FLIES si folosim DOES la negatie

They must like children since they have so many, don’t they? (deduction/ assumption)
(Trebuie ca le plac copiii daca au asa de multi, nu-i asa?) - aici verbul LIKE urmeaza dupa
MUST deci avem THEY LIKE si folosim DO la negatie

2. Daca MUST exprima obligatie atunci se foloseste MUSTN'T:

She must come tomorrow, mustn’t she? (obligation) (Ea trebuie sa vina maine, nu-i asa?)

3. Daca MUST exprima interdictie atunci se foloseste MUST:

You mustn’t leave, must you? (prohibition) (Tu nu au voie sa pleci, nu-i asa?)

Daca avem OUGHT TO putem face negatia in intrebare cu SHOULDN'T sau OUGHTN'T:

She should be ok, shouldn’t she?/ She shouldn’t be OK, should she? (Ea ar trebui sa fie OK,
nu-i asa?/ Ea nu ar trebui sa fie OK, nu-i asa?)

You ought to listen to him, oughtn’t you/ shouldn’t you? (Tu trebuie sa il asculti, nu-i asa?)

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21. Tag Questions
MAY face negatia in intrebarile disjunctive cu MIGHTN'T sau MAY ... NOT:

She may be ill, mightn’t she?/ may she not? (E posibil ca ea sa fie bolnava, nu-i asa?

They might come sooner, mightn’t they? (Ei s-ar purea sa vina main devreme, nu-i asa?)

!!!ATENTIE: daca avem o negatie intr-o propozitie din fraza atunci toata fraza se considera
negativa si se pune auxiliar pozitiv in intrebarea disjunctiva:

I don’t think / that she was happy, was she? (Nu cred ca era fericita, nu-i asa?)

I think / that she wasn’t happy, was she? (Cred ca ea nu era fericita, nu-i asa?)

Urmatoarele cuvinte sunt considerate negative si deci cand sunt folosite in propozitie se
foloseste auxiliar pozitiv in intrebarea disjunctiva: hardly, scarcely, barely, little, few,
rarely, never

I can hardly (-) talk, (+) can I? (Abia pot sa vorbesc, nu-i asa?)

I have little (-) sugar left, (+) do I? (Am putin zahar ramas, nu-i asa?)

They like few (-) films, (+) do they? (Lor le plac putine filme, nu-i asa?)

!!!!!!!!!! LET'S (hai sa) sau LET US (hai sa) vor folosi SHALL WE in intrebarea disjunctiva:

Let’s go to the cinema, shall we?/ Let us procede, shall we? (Hai sa mergem la cinema!/ Hai sa

Let us adjourn the meeting, ...? (let us = let’s) (Hai sa incheiem intalnirea!)

a) Shan’t we

b) Will we

c) Shall we

d) Can we

Daca avem alte pronume decat us dupa let (de ex. her/ him/ them) atunci se considera
ca este un ordin si pentru ordine se foloseste WILL:

Let her go out, ...? (let her = allow her) (Las-o sa plece, te rog!)

a) Will you (order)

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21. Tag Questions
b) Shall you

c) Can you

d) Won’t you

Have a cake, won’t you? (Serveste-te cu o prajitura, nu vrei tu?)(invitation) (Pentru invitatii se
foloseste WON'T)

Give me a hand, could you? (Da-mi o mana de ajutor, poti (tu)?)(request) (Pentru cereri se
foloseste COULD)

Go away, will you? (Pleaca! Inteles?)(order) (Pentru ordine se foloseste WILL)

Close the door, would you? (Inchideti usa, vreti (dvoastra.)? (polite request) (Pentru cerere
politicoasa se foloseste WOULD)

Don’t do that again, will you? (Sa nu faci asta din nou, ai inteles?)(friendly request) (Pentru
cerere prietenoasa se foloseste WILL)

Give Jill a lift, can you? (Du-l pe Jill cu masina, poti tu?)(informal request) (Pentru cerere
informala se foloseste CAN)

Keep quiet, can’t you? (Fa liniste, nu poti?)(informal request) (Pentru cerere informala se
foloseste CAN'T)

!!! Atentie sa nu confundati HAD cu WOULD pentru ca ambele fac prescurtarea in'D, dar
dupa HAD se foloseste Verb III sau cu - ed si dupa WOULD se foloseste Verb la Infinitiv:

I’d left already, hadn’t I? (I had left) had + vb.III/-ed (Eu plecasem deja, , nu-i asa?)

I’d like to see her, wouldn’t I? (I would like) would +vb. Inf. (Mi-ar place sa o vad, nu-i asa?)

!!! Atentie atunci cand avem verbe neregulate care au trei forme identice (e.g. cut - cut -
cut) sa nu se confunde Prezentul cu Trecutul la persoana a III-a singular:

He cut the bread, didn't he? (El a taiat painea, nu-i asa?) (verbul este la trecut pentru ca nu
are -s ca terminatie care se pune la Prezentul Simplu)

He cuts the bread every day, doesn't he? (El taie painea in fiecare zi, nu-i asa?) (verbul este
la Prezentul Simplu pentru ca are terminatia -s pentru persoana a III-a singular)

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21. Tag Questions

!!! Daca avem somebody (cineva), someone (cineva), everybody (toata lumea),
everyone (toata lumea), nobody (nimeni), no-one (nimeni) (care se folosesc cu verb la
singular) atunci se foloseste pronumele they in intrebarea disjunctiva:

Somebody told you the answer, didn't they? (Cineva ti-a spus raspunsul, nu-i asa?)

Somebody tells you how to do it, don't they? (Cineva iti spune cum sa faci asta, nu-i asa?)

No-one called while I was out, did they? (Nimeni nu a sunat cat timp am fost placat, nu-i

Everyone has a dreadful day, don't they? (Toata lumea are o zi groaznica, nu-i asa?)

!!! Daca avem nothing sau that/this, atunci se foloseste pronumele it in intrebarea

Nothing is wrong, is it? (Nimic nu e gresit, nu-i asa?)

That was a nice show, wasn’t it? (Acela a fost un spectacol frumos, nu-i asa?)

!!! Daca folosim there is (exista/ se afla/ se gaseste), there are (exista/ se afla/ se gasesc),
there was (exista/ se afla/ se gasea), there were (existau/ se aflau/ se gaseau) etc, pronumele
este there:

There are two TV's, aren't there? (Exista doua televizoare, nu-i asa?)

There is a man in the garden, isn’t there? (Se afla un barbat in gradina, nu-i asa?)

There was little (-) milk left, (+) was there? (Este putin lapte ramas, nu-i asa?)

The noun is replaced by a pronoun in Tag Questions (Substantivul este inlocuit de un pronume
in intrebarile disjunctive):

Mary was cleaning the room, wasn’t she? (Maria curata camera, nu-i asa?)

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