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25.00 Similes and Idioms www.gapol.


- A simile is a figure of speech that makes a

comparison, showing similarities between
two different things. (o figura de stil care face o comparatie, aratand
asemanari intre doua lucruri diferite)

as brave as a lion = curajos ca un leu

as cunning as a fox = siret ca o vulpe

as drunk as a lord = beat ca un lord

All similes have a fix form and must be learned by heart. (toate comparatiile au o
forma fixa si trebuiesc invatate pe dianfara)
There is no specific rule for similes. (nu exista o regula specifica pentru comparatii)

- An idiom is an expression which has a

meaning that is not obvious from the words
that form it taken individually. (Un idiom este o expresie al
carei inteles nu este evident din cuvintele individuale care o formeaza.)

To kick the bucket / to bite the dust or to pop the clogs, all mean to die (a muri) but we cannot
know that just by looking at the words.

to hit the roof = to react in a very angry way (a se supara foarte tare)

to be snowed under = to have an enormous amount of work to do (a fi coplesit de munca)

to drive somebody round the bend = to make somebody angry or frustrated (a enerva pe
cineva foarte tare)

as dry as a bone = extremely dry (foarte uscat)

to cut a long story short = to tell the main points and not the details (a spune ideile
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25.00 Similes and Idioms
principale fara a intra in detalii)

Most idioms have a fix form and cannot be changed. (majoritatea idiomurilor au
forma fixa si nu pot fi schimbate)

There are no specific rules for idioms. (nu exista reguli pentru idiomuri)

You can learn idioms by discovering them in exercises, books or films that you
watch, writing them down and using them in contexts of your own.(idiomurile se pot invata
descoperindu-le in exercitii, carti sau filme, notandu-le intr-un caiet si folosindu-le in


SIMILES are actually IDIOMS but they have their separate section in Study Materials in
order to be studied more easily.

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