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Egshiglen Erdenebat

IB English A, Richard

Week 5, Assignment
The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood

1. Uses of figurative language and imagery in passages from The Handmaid’s Tale

 “There are other women with baskets, some in red, some in the dull green of the
Marthas, some in the striped dresses, red and blue and green and cheap and skimp,
that mark the women of the poorer men. Econowives, they're called. These women
are not divided into functions. They have to do everything; if they can.”

This quote is abundant with symbols, connecting different colors with hierarchies in Gilead.
Here the narrator describes the roles of women in this society. All but the Econowives are
"divided into functions," as shown by their dresses. The women are basically color-coded: blue
Wives, red Handmaids, green Marthas. Their individuality is completely stripped away. Lastly,
the poor men own women with a variety of colors, therefore this array of colors are symbolic of
distaste and no respect or wealth. This passage gives readers a feeling of sympathy as well as
empathy. Women can’t wear any color they want but the color that is relevant to their
hierarchical class.

 “It was like being in an elevator cut loose at the top. Falling, falling, and not
knowing when you will hit.” (Page 193)

This is one example of a simile when Luke and Offred’s plan is backfiring on them and they
have no way to escape. The cut lose part represents them getting caught and the falling part leads
to them unsure of what their punishment is going to be. This simile is sparking the readers’
imaginations as it is also giving information about the current situation. It is helping us to
understand Offred’s feelings and thoughts better.

 “We are containers; it’s only the inside of our bodies that are important.” –Page 96 

This quote is a metaphor, as the author is comparing women (more specifically handmaids), to
containers and their fertility as the contents of the container. This metaphor further establishment
the women roles in this society, seeing as their sole purpose is the reproduce. This metaphor is
serving as a device to help us understand the role of handmaids, which is something we may not
see clearly or directly by referring to something we do understand, which is container.
 “My name isn't Offred; I have another name, which nobody uses now because it's
forbidden. I tell myself it doesn't matter, your name is like your telephone number,
useful only to others; but what I tell myself is wrong, it does matter.” – Page 84 

This quote is an example of characterization, as it shows Offred’s reflection of herself. Due to

the fact that she is constantly degraded and treated badly, she believes that personal information,
even her name, are not relevant. This passage proves us that the society is corrupting handmaids’
opinions on themselves. In Offred’s case, this quote shows that her personality has been taken
over by self-consciousness and vulnerability. From this passage, we understand Offred’s
character and her perspectives even more.

 Moira had power now, she'd been set loose, she'd set herself loose. She was now a
loose woman. I think we found this frightening. Moira was like an elevator with
open sides. She made us dizzy. Already we were losing the taste for freedom,
already we were finding these walls secure. In the upper reaches of the atmosphere
you'd come apart, you'd vaporize, there would be no pressure holding you together.

In this passage, the narrator is using simile by comparing Moira to an elevator. This shows us
how successful the Center is at brainwashing women and teaching them to believe in this new
regime. It hasn't taken long for the women there to "lose the taste for freedom" and "find these
walls secure." So while once Moira would have been seen as a motivating force—a fantasy of an
escape made good—the women in the Center are already retreating from their old notions of
freedom and rights. By the use of simile, the author gave us a vivid imagery and understanding
of the context very well.
2. Creative writing on dystopian world

The Light

I wonder what it is like to be out there walking freely; sun glowing along my skin, wind
gently tickling my blushing face and my parents holding onto me tightly. Despite Mama
Shirley and Papa Jason, I have never had a mom or dad to call my own. Here, in Light,
everyone calls them Mama and Papa. Mama Shirley taught us that there are only two
countries on earth and we are the luckiest kids because we belong to Meriland, not to
Kingdom of Heroi, She said people of Kingdom of Heroi are awful and evil and she
believes that we will grow strong enough to protect our country.

Here, in Light, I have never had white friends; everyone here is, as they call us, either
black or Asian. White kids come here with their parents once in every two months and
when they do, we get on our knees in a huge glass box in a row with our heads down; we
are not allowed to look into their eyes. Papa Jason said if we look into their eyes, then
they will be very sad and it is not right to make others feel sad. However, Wong was a
bad girl. She looked into their eyes when they came last time. Wong must have made
them very sad that Papa Jason took her into the Red Room. Few days later, when she
came back, she was eyeless. One night, I heard her screaming relentlessly and soon she
was gone. Papa Jason said that good white people took her outside. She must be so happy

I have many friends in here but I don’t like to be in here. First of all, we all have to wear
green jumpsuit and we must carry our identity card. Mine says; Kayla, 8 y.o, #9081.
Second of all, we have to go to the White Room every day. We sleep there for about an
hour and after we wake up, we experience horrible headaches. However, after eating the
candies that Mama Shirley gives us, we feel very much better and happy. Sometimes, if
we do something wrong, Mama Shirley stops giving us the candy. If we don’t eat that
candy for long time, we feel so much pain in our heads and it is extremely hard to breath.
We cry a lot. Third of all, every adult in here, including Papa Jason and Mama Shirley,
are all doctors. They wear white scrubs and masks which make them look awfully scary.
I wish they wore something pink and sparkling.
My friend, Yuna also went out. She was my best friend but she left without even saying
goodbye to me. The last time we talked, she said the candy that we eat makes us grow
abnormally tall and that’s why we are already bigger than Papa Jason. She also said that
we will go into a war against Kingdom of Heroi but I don’t think that is true. War is a
very horrifying thing and I do not want to hurt people when I grow up. I think Yuna lied
but I really miss her. I hope she is doing well out there.

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