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What is Learner Agency?

Why Learner Agency?    
Harvard  professor  Roland  Barth  has  observed that  They  must  develop  the  capacity  to  engage 
in  the  1950’s  when  young  people  left  high  school  strategically  in  their  learning  without  waiting  to  be 
they  typically  knew  about  75%  of  what  they would  directed.  They  must  take  ownership  of  and 
need  to  know  to  be  successful  in  life.  Today,  he  responsibility  for  their  learning.  And,  they  must 
predicts  that  young  people  know  about  2%  of  possess  the  skills  to  learn  independently,  without 
what  they  will  need  to  know.  ​(Barth,  R.S.  (1997,  heavy  dependence  on  external  structures  and 
March 5).  direction. 
This  shift is not because young people are learning  So what is Learner Agency?  
less  than  previous  generations.  In  fact,  there  is  Learners… 
good  evidence  that  they  know  much  more.  The  ● Know how they learn best. 
force  behind  this  change  is  the  rapid  and  ● Are proactive in their learning. 
ever-increasing  pace  of  change,  the  complexity  of  ● Set  goals  and  action  steps  for  school,  career, 
the  world in which we live and the unpredictability  and life. 
of  what  people  will  need  to  know  in  the  coming  ● Develop learning strategies  
decades  –  the  future  for  which  we  are  preparing  ● Select  appropriate  tools  and  resources  for  each 
today’s learners.  task and is “Future Ready.” 
  ● “Develop  curiosity  to  learn  about  the world with 
A Sense of Agency  the world.” @julielindsay 
We  have  a  sense  of  ‘agency’  when  we  feel  in  ● Self-direct and monitor progress in learning. 
control  of  things  that  happen around us; when we  ● Reflect on evidence of learning. 
feel  that  we  can  influence  events.  This  is  an  ● Identify their passion and purpose for learning. 
important sense for learners to develop.  ● Foster an authentic and meaningful life. 
​ earners must understand: 
​ rom​ D
​ efining Learner Agency by Barbara Bray 
​ ollow link to view full article. 
● when  they  need  new  learning and how to learn 
what they need   
● when  they  need  to  unlearn  what  will  no  longer 
serve them 
● when  they  need  to  relearn  what  they  need  to  Try it Out! 
be successful  Choice and Trust 
Students  identify  the  importance  of  choice  and 
trust  in  feeling  agentic.  Allowing  children  ​choice  in 
where  to  learn,  how  to  learn and who to learn with, 
are  identifying  factors  that  help  them  have  agency 
in  their  learning.  Having  trust  from  teachers, 
enables  students  to  try  out  different  options  and 
spaces  to  make  mistakes  and  reflect  on  their 
choices  along  the way. 
It  is  through  the 
experience  of  making 
choices,  that  children 
are  able  to  recognise 
the  factors  which 
contribute  to  how 
they  most  effectively 
Have  you  considered  the  way  in  which  your 
classroom  layout  allows  for  choice  and trust for your 
students?  What  would  happen  if  you  allowed them 
to choose where they work throughout the day? 

Ask Yourself...  Have you considered… 

● Different  work  surfaces,  e.g.,  tables,  floor,  desks,  leaners, 
clipboards, walls 
What decisions do I make for my students every day?  ● Spaces  which  allow  children  to  work  independently  and 
How do I allow for Learner Agency in my current practice?  collaboratively, e.g., using shelving to create areas/zones 

Does the idea of Learner Agency make me   ● Alternative  seating,  e.g.,  cushions,  carpets,  chairs,  standing, 
feel uncomfortable? Why?  couches 
● Asking the students what they would like

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