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In this moment I stood up, looked at the director’s face for a few seconds as I was going to say
something, but suddenly, I pushed the director. He fell on the floor. The police officers ran in
his direction to help. This time, while the officers were helping the director, I use this chance
and escaped from the door. I ran through the corridor and reached the gate. I passed through the
gate. At the gate, I didn’t run, I only walked. When I arrived on the street, I saw many police
officers running. For my great surprise, I saw a BARRO/MACAXEIRA bus coming. I took that
bus and on the bus I saw the police looking at me on the street. When I arrived in Terminal do
Barro, I was very nervous and very tired too. I started thinking in a way to solve this problem.
Then my cell phone rang, it was my mother. I didn’t answer. The cell phone rang, the second
and the third times. I didn’t answer again. When the phone rang for the fourth time, I decided to
answer. I heard my mother’s voice. She was crying and very nervous. She asked me: “Marcelo,
what did you do? The director called me and said that the police are trying to take you under
arrest!! What’s happening??” in this moment, I wanted to say everything to my mother, but I
saw a police car entering the Terminal de Integração. I just turned the cell phone off and started
walking. The police officers saw me. They screamed: “stop!!” I didn’t stop, I ran very fast. I
went to a shanty town near Terminal do Barro. I ran very, very fast through that shanty town.
For my disgrace, some bad guys saw me. They took their guns and said: “stop! If you don’t stop
I shoot you to death!”. When I saw the guns, I stopped. I was very afraid of the guys. They
came near me and asked: “who are you? Where are you from? What do you want here?”. I said:
“I am a student; I just want to go to my house”. One of the boys asked: “why are you running?”.
I answered: “because I want to come home to watch TV”. I didn’t know what to say, only this
stupid answer. The boy said: “I don’t believe you!! You are from our rival gang. You came here
to spy us!!”. Another boy said: “yes, he is from the rival gang. I know his face!! Kill him. He is
a X9!!”. I was completely afraid. I was going to die just because I wanted to arrive on time for
the math test. What a tragedy!! I heard the criminal’s voice saying for me to pray, that was my
last moment of life. I started crying. One of the criminals pointed a revolver to my head. At that
moment, many police officers appeared. I never thought I could be happy by seeing the police,
but I really was. The police arrested the criminals. They took the criminals and me back to
GOE. When I arrived there, my mother and my father were waiting for me. The sheriff talked to
my parents and me. He said that he didn’t want to arrest me. He just wanted to talk to my
mother or my father because when an adolescent has a problem, any problem with the police,
this police need to talk with the parents. The sheriff said: “I knew that you were not a criminal, I
didn’t want to punish you, Marcelo”. I went home with my parents very calm. In the car my
father said: “you had a big problem, but if you had waited and listened before taking your
disastrous decision, nothing could happen”. I learned a lesson, you need to know the real
situation before trying to solve it.
VOCABULARY Parents – pais
Afraid – com medo Through – através de
Again – de novo Tired – cansado
Gate – portão To pray – rezar
Gun – arma To push – empurrar
Guy – cara To shoot to death – matar a bala
Head – cabeça To spy – espionar
Near – próximo Turn the cell phone off – desligar o celular
On time – na hora While – enquanto

1- What did Marcelo do to escape from IFPE?

2- Where did he go after IFPE?
3- What happened in the shanty town?
4- How was Marcelo’s life saved?
5- What lesson did Marcelo learn?

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