Bsbpmg615 - t2 - Michael Johan Cruz Verdugo

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Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD

Assessment Task
BSB61215 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG615 Manage program delivery

Unit Code BSBPMG615

Unit Name Manage program delivery

Assessment Code T2 Due Date See Training Schedule

Student Name Student ID LON0000

Declaration of authenticity

I, the above named student, confirm that by submitting, or causing the attached assignment (and any
additional attachment associated with it) to be submitted, to Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd, I have not
plagiarised any other person’s work in this assignment and except where appropriately acknowledged,
this assignment is my own work, has been expressed in my own words, and has not previously been
submitted for assessment.
I do understand and accept the consequences of academic misconduct according to Lonsdale’s Policies
and Procedures.

TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 1 of 4
TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V1 Jan 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB61215 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG615 Manage program delivery

This assessment is a questionnaire (with a mix of objective and subjective questions).

Research the topics and terms mentioned in the questions below and answer all questions in your own


1. Describe evaluation and moderation methods applied to program management

Some evaluation and moderation methods that can apply to program management are the following:

• Interviews: They are great to understand different people’s experiences of being involved. Allows
you to explore in- depth reflections,and can uncover surprising findings.

• Questionnaires Potentially can give big data sets: Multiple choice questions are better for
providing statistics,but we do need enough people to complete them for the statistics to mean

• Previous experience: Experience from similar programs that have been undertaken in the past
can be very useful for the evaluation and moderation in a program.

• Expert advice: Advise from people who are expert in their respective field are a very useful tool to
use for evaluation.

2. What legislation and regulations are related to program context? Name at least 4.

The legislation and regulations that are related to program context are the following:

• Industry standards.

• Program management standards.

• Organisation policies and procedures.

• Government legislation like fairwork legislation.

3. Identify at least 4 program and project resource types, for each one fo them describe
characteristics and supply. (Min. 100 words)

 Funding resources: This includes the money that will be needed during the life cycle of the
program to pay for all the other resources used for the execution and completion of the program.

 Human resources: This includes all the people that are involved in the program life cycle and
includes the program team members, labour used during the execution of the program,
independent contractors, technical and legal advisors etc.

 Tools and equipment: This type generally includes all of the items that do not go into the
finished product. Things like drill bits that are used up during a project, or the addition of new

TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 2 of 4

TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V1 Jan 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB61215 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG615 Manage program delivery

tools that the company doesn’t already own. It also includes equipment such as forklifts, vehicles
and software.

 Materials and supplies: This includes the items that become part of the finished product, like
timber for a log home or gravel for the driveway.

4. What types of program funding models can you use for the program? Name at least 2.

• Public sector funding

• Private capital funding

5. Identify key risk management standards and methodology.

There are several methods of project risk management in common use:

1. Informal direct assessment of risks – experienced judgement:

2. Checklists – lists of risks that have happened before or features of a project generally
thought to be risky.
3. Risk indicator scales – scoring schemes.
4. Structured brainstorming and evaluation.
5. Probability-Impact calculations.
6. Probabilistic modelling of costs, schedules and cash flows.

The features of each of these are summarised in the following table in terms of their ability to achieve the
two main aims of project risk management.

Method. Identification and Budget, target and

prioritisation of risks . contingency setting.
Informal direct assessment of Works well when the content As good or as bad as yput
risks. and commercial environment of unaided judgement.
the project is routine and
experienced people are
available with time to consider
each project in depth.
Checklists. Work well if the latest job goes No direct value except in proving
no further than the material used input to subjective judgement.
to develop the list.
Risk indicator scales. Works as a support for Often misused by inexperienced
subjective judgement when the personeel who try to convert
content and commercial scales into dollar or time values.
environment of yourproject is
TA102 FO Assessment Task Page 3 of 4
TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V1 Jan 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F
Lonsdale Institute PTY LTD
Assessment Task
BSB61215 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSBPMG615 Manage program delivery

routine and the scales have

been calibrated.
Structured brainstorming and As good as the team you Has the capacity to ensure that
evaluation. assemble to carry out the no stone is left unturned in
brainstorming. seeking to understand what
might influence the financial and
Can be a lot more cost-effective
schedule out-turn.
than any individual or an
unaided group.
Probability-impact calculations. No direct help with identifying Ignores general estimating
risks-in fact it relies on them uncertainty and tends to
being identified elsewhere. understate the exponsure and
the required contingency, as
well as providing false sense of
Probabilistic modellin. Model development can be used Provides a sound basis for
as a framework for risk understanding the uncertainty in
identification and tends to cost and schedule estimates
highlight any gaps in plans and and setting realistic targets and
optimistic assumptions. contingencies, as well as
clarifying the effects of
alternative risk sharing

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TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8-1.12) (ESOS 14.2) V1 Jan 2017
Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd
Provider ID 21915 CRICOS Code 02836F

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