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SOMA 2012

Identity and Connectivity

Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Mediterranean
Archaeology, Florence, Italy, 1–3 March 2012

Edited by

Luca Bombardieri, Anacleto D’Agostino,

Guido Guarducci, Valentina Orsi
and Stefano Valentini

BAR International Series 2581 (I)

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BAR S2581 (I)

SOMA 2012. Identity and Connectivity: Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology,
Florence, Italy, 1–3 March 2012. Volume I

© Archaeopress and the individual authors 2013

ISBN 978 1 4073 1204 0 (this volume)

ISBN 978 1 4073 1205 7 (volume II)
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Being a Foreigner in Egypt, between Maintenance and Loss of Cultural Identity:
the Archaeological Data
Massimiliano Franci
(CAMNES Firenze)

Abstract 2) ethno-preservation, the maintenance of the traits of a

The cultural identity represents the appearance of self- 3) ethno-extinction, phase that is characterized by
awareness resulting from the relationship to a attempts to rebirth and re-establishment and recovery of
community. Its development goes through three stages: identity, until the cultural extinction.
a) the ethno-genesis, the result of research by members of
a culture of self-representation and collective forms of In this process the ‘we’ is then made by the community:
self presentation b) ethno-preservation, the maintenance people who live on the same territory and have common
of the traits of a culture c) ethno-extinction phase that is origins, traditions, ideas, interests, economic goals and
characterized by attempts to rebirth and re-establishment policies. The ‘them’ is represented by the alien, the other,
and recovery of identity, until you get to cultural the ‘ghost’ (in the original Indo-European sense): the
extinction. The preservation of identity takes place extraneous to the community; one who comes from
through the establishment of clear boundaries between outside (from the clan first, from the village and the State
different groups of them. In this analysis it has been then) and it carries with it something that could destroy
possible to reconstruct the behavior of foreigners in what we have always been, our self-representation. It is
Egypt, according to the different phases of the an element that comes from outside and, by definition, it
development of cultural identity, to define whether and belongs to the chaotic world and for this reason it must be
how it maintained the figures of memory, through the eliminated. But in Egypt the society can also choose to
study of archaeological data: tombs, stelae, and so on. control it and integrate it within the community: in fact
The analysis covered all the different historical phases, the culture in Egypt establishing estrangement from the
until the late period of Egyptian history, when the outside, but integration inside. The choice of the stranger,
Egyptian culture becoming a stranger in his own country. if it can be said choice, is necessarily that of ethno-
extinction, the third phase of the development of cultural
Keywords memory, preceded by an uncountable number of attempts
to rebirth and rebuilding, recovery of identity, until it
Cultural identity, stranger, controlling chaos, Semitic, reaches the cultural extinction. This can only happen by
Nubian Dynasty, Asiatic, foreign Dynasties, Hyksos, the exchange with other traditions, because the identity
Egypt, Egyptian archaeology, Egyptian Museum of does not exist outside the individuals in the community.
Florence. Following these methodological assumptions here I will
try to reconstruct the behaviour of foreigners in Egypt,
whether and how it maintains the figures of memory or if
he is intended for immediate cultural extinction.
The Stranger in the ritual of ‘controlling chaos’
During the definition of cultural identity, the cultural
community often emphasizes its collective identity When the ethnic groups merge into larger ethno-political
through a process of solidarity contrastive or antagonistic, structures, or when, as a result of migrations, conquests,
which draws what the community wants to be at odds or overlap, they are included in another ethno-political
with what is not to be. The climax of this cultural contrast group, problems of integration will produce: the
is identified in the definition of ‘we’ against ‘them’; in dominant culture marginalizes cultural formations to
the creation of clear boundaries with other groups: in the which it overlaps. In Egypt, the community forms a
identification/the equality with the other groups, and complex series of rituals to maintain its cultural identity,
finally in the recognition / difference from the other and the most important is the so-called controlling chaos
from the others. This description is internal to the process (Kemp 2000, 21-66). In this repetitive ritual the pharaoh
of defining cultural identity, which follows, according to renews its universal power through the use of a series of
Assmann (1997), three main stages: representations in order to demonstrate that it is the
1) ethno-genesis, the result of research by members of a reigning pharaoh, and the balance of Maat, the universal
culture of self-representation and collective forms of self harmony. In these representations the stranger has its
presentation; place. The typologies are two, attested since the Proto-
historic Period (tomb 100 at Hierakonpolis - 3400 BC.):
I would like express my great indebtedness to the 16th SOMA The warrior defeated, kneeling, taking the hair from the
Committee, and to several colleagues, above all to Dr. Joanna winning warrior / pharaoh, who is ready to give him the
Popielska-Grzybowska for her enthusiastic and unflagging assistance, final stroke (Figure 1), the prisoner, also kneeling, but
and to Dr. Stefano Valentini and Dr. Guido Guarducci for their
appreciation on my work. A special thank to Sara Cruicchi. with his arms tied behind his back (Figure 2). This

typological choice fully responds to the need of The integration
integration of strangers, a peculiar problem of the
Egyptian culture, where the desire to distinguish Therefore, if the stranger is, also in literature, only ever
themselves from foreign domination seems to emerge seen as the enemy defeated, archaeology shows us
only within the Greek period. The stranger thus becomes another aspect of reality. From the First Intermediate
part of the Egyptian social system. The archaeological Period (but it is plausible from the Old Kingdom) the
analysis shows that there are still other types of Egyptian society is substantially changed. The stranger is
representatives, who obviously do not deviate from the now present and settled in the country, keeping the
previous concept. One of these is found for the first time characteristics of their culture of origin. An extraordinary
on the Narmer Mace Head (I Dynasty - 3100 BC, Figure example of this change is the painted wooden models of a
3), where the enemies/prisoners make a ritual procession group of black-skinned Nubian bowmen, hired as soldiers
within the borders of Egypt in front of the throne of the for the Egyptian army (Dynasties 11-12, 2040-1780 BC,
pharaoh, an evidently attestation of the control of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo). This is not a mere insertion of
enemy ritual. The other is on the base of the statue of the foreign populations as mercenaries because belonging to
pharaoh Khasekhem, from Hierakompolis, belonging to the First Intermediate Period the limestone stele of Nenu
2nd Dynasty (2890-2700 BC), stored at Cairo Egyptian (The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston), a Nubian soldier
Museum, and its twin kept at the Ashmolean Museum of from Gebelein and dating to the First Intermediate Period
Oxford (Figure 4): the enemies of the pharaoh are (2250-2035 BC). Nenu has a short, curly, Nubian
carved, with simple scratches, in a unusual position as hairstyle and close-cropped beard, he is wearing a kilt
overwhelmed by the power of the king, probably dead, tied with a characteristically Nubian leather sash and he is
followed by an indication of their quantity. A fifth type is holding a bow and arrows. He is also wearing a short kilt
represented on statue bases or temple walls decorated and a long leather sash. His wife Sekhat-Hor and his two
with enemy heads (see the example from Saqqara, children and dogs are shown. But excluding the ethnic
probably an Asian and a Libyan, IIIrd Dynasty 2700- elements, the typology is merely Egyptian. If
2630 BC, Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Figure 5), which are unfortunately the image of the stranger is not represented,
under the foot of the pharaoh, and by which they are then often his name is found together with an indication of its
trampled, as in the base of the throne of Khasekhem. In ethnic origin, as, for example, in the Stela of the valet
this way, through sympathetic magic, the pharaoh Minhotep (XIIth Dynasty, Egyptian Museum, Florence).
controlled magically all foreigners represented in this Under the chair of the owner of the stele you can read the
manner. This last example brings the analysis of the name of his servant, the Aamu Wakha ‘Wakha the
problem to a new level: if the figure in the first Asian’, which maintains, necessarily, its ethnic identity,
representations of the prisoner/stranger/enemy was very but seems to have lost his culture. The cognitive-affective
stylized, already during the Old Kingdom we see how the relationship with their place of origin is maintained in
Egyptian culture feels the need to better identify the this case by the Egyptian point of view.
stranger figure, probably due to greater knowledge of the The arrival of Asians and Nubians and many more, is
outside world, which were growing due to the documented by archaeology in other examples: the Tomb
enlargement of the social and military horizon. In fact, of Khnumhotep II at Beni Hasan (Kingdom of Senuseret
these faces are associated with the Libyan and Asian II) records the arrival in Egypt of 37 Aamu, the generic
model. On this way on the pyramid causeway of King term of the inhabitants of the Syro-Palestinian group,
Unas (last king of the Vth Dynasty) were found some who are pictured in their costumes and represented in
reliefs showing starving Bedouin of the eastern desert, their physical characteristics. Also their leader, with the
emaciated by the lack of food. Towards the end of the Semitic name ‘Absha’, has the title heka-khasut ‘Prince
Old Kingdom, in particular under the Pharaoh Pepi II of the foreign country’.
(VIth Dynasty), the artists produced in 3D the basic
figure of the stranger, that will become classic: The foreign pharaohs
represented as a kneeing captive with the arms locked
behind his back with a rope (Figure 6, prisoner statue, The foreign element has become part of the Egyptian
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York). It will be world. In the Second Intermediate Period during the
the standard representation with few variants involving Dynasties XIII and XIV (1790 – 1630 BC), the royal
mainly the face and clothing, which was also used to king-lists report a chaotic period with 60 kings for 150
indicate the ethnic group, from the Egyptian point of years. Among the many names of the kings of the XIII
view, of a not yet integrated stranger, in the Egyptian Dynasty one bears the name Amenemhat Aamu
social system. A strong symbol, however, and an (‘Amenemhat the Asian’), probably the builder of a
interesting variation of which is present in the stele of the pyramid at Dahshur, along with a well-know king of the
military expedition of Senuseret I in Nubia: Nubian place XIV Dynasty, Nehesi ‘the Nubian’. Also the name of the
names are included in theirs cartouches surmounted by king Userkara Khendjer, with a small pyramid in South
the bust of a kneeling tied prisoner, an evolution of that Saqqara, if the interpretation is correct and if it is Semitic,
attested on the Narmer’s mace head (Figure 7, Florence, means ‘Boar’.
Egyptian Museum). During this moment happened something new inside the
Egyptian society. In the Delta region is well attested a
different Kingdom under the rules of an immigrant
culture: the so-called Hyksos (heka-khasut) Kingdom.

These were perhaps Palestinian (?) settlers in the eastern while the region of Thebes and the southern part of the
Delta with their own peculiar culture, completely country is dominated by the High Priests of Amun. The
opposite to the Egyptian one. For example, in the capital Libyans veterans, farmers and military, begin to
Avaris/Tell el Da’ba, every construction belongs to this organized themselves as a political and social entity in the
different culture: some tombs have a donkey as a owner, Delta region until they establish a real kingdom with the
or a servant, with a narrow-bladed axe, wall XXIInd Dynasty (945-715 BC) and the XXIIIrd Dynasty
representations are very close to those of the Palace of (880-724 BC). These are sovereigns of Libyan origin, but
Knossos’ Frescos and scarabs of Egyptianized kings, as of Egyptian culture. With the XXVth, or Nubian or
for the foreign Prince Skr-hr. In this case the foreign Cushitic, Dynasty once again we have rulers of a non-
culture maintained a great number of characteristics and Egyptian ethnic group, even if according to some scholars
control over a large part of the country even if the they are perhaps the descendants of the Theban families
Egyptian language continued to be used (e.g. Rhind escaped in Nubia under the pressure of the Libyan
Mathematical Papyrus). It is a remarkable fact that one of dynasties. In this case though the culture is again
the major memory figures, the funeral rite, in this case is Egyptian. A good example of this situation is represented
maintained. Especially considering the fact that the by the wall reliefs in the tomb of king Tanutamon (664-
commemoration of the dead is one of the first links that is 656 BC), here the drawings are in the classical style of
set up by a community in order to maintain its identity. It Thebes.
is the basis of the culture of remembrance, as it has
reference to the past, and instructs its holders, institutions Foreigners at home
and rituals. The Hyksos rulers are able to maintain this
memory figure during this particular moment of the During the Assyrian period something on a social level
country’s history. A moment when the dominant culture must have changed dramatically. The Egyptians, when
was in a phase of regression, leaving a cultural void that represented by the Assyrians, have physical
would have been otherwise filled. characteristics well known to the modern scholar: the
Egyptian, the inhabitant of the land of the Nile, is the
The New Kingdom and the return to the harmony of Nubian and in this way is depicted in Assyrian art. This is
the past confirmed for example in a detail from an Assyrian wall
relief in the palace at Nimrud, showing the Assyrian
During the New Kingdom the Egyptian have the control attack on an Egyptian city around 667 BCE. The Cushitic
of the country, the dominant culture is totally Egyptian. troops and their officers are represented with the typical
The position of the stranger in once again dual: he can Nubian feathers in their hair being conducted as
maintain his link with his ancestral culture or he is prisoners.
represented in the old way, as a prisoner and a defeated We are in the historical moment when Egyptian culture
enemy. A good example of this first case is the tomb of begins an intense resistance. The country was subjected
the Semitic Ben-Ia ‘Son of (the God) Iah’ (TT343), for the first time to the pressure of a strong foreign policy
supervisor of construction work under Thutmosis III, and culture. The self-defence to this cultural extinction is
where are also recorded the names of his parents Irtenena unfortunately very bad. As Assmann demonstrated, the
and Tirkak of non-Egyptian origin, but where the reliefs Egyptian culture chooses to use the temple as a book
motives are totally Egyptian (figure 8). Independently (Assmann 1997). From this moment on all the temples
from their origin and meaning the presence of this name have the same plant, bordered by high walls and
represent the will and the possibility for foreign people in preserving rituals, images and sacred writings. The
Egypt to preserve a link with their past. But they use and temple becomes a symbol of Egypt, and for this reason,
accept the burial custom of the new culture (Egyptian): in Egypt will be the sacred land for excellence, and the
fact in the text we can read ‘[…] his beloved father temple of the whole world. But in this way the
Irtenena justified before the great god, and his beloved transmission of culture is limited to a small number of
mother Tirkak justified’, the Egyptian formula. In another people and no longer touches the majority of the country.
example the foreigner maintains some of his personal With the Greek and Roman domination the Egyptian
characteristics. In fact, Maiherpri, a Nubian prince, was culture seems to be an exotic element to the various
educated at court with the royal princes, one of which rulers. Still, this is not enough yet to determine its death.
became Amenhotep II, he was buried in the Valley of the It is only with the arrival of a new religion that Egyptian
Kings, and even in his Book of the Dead, Maiherpri is culture makes foreign its own home, undergoing a real
represented as an Egyptian (Figure 9), only his curly hair coup de grâce with a religious conversion. The collective
and the colour of his skin reminds us that he was a identity fades, until it becomes completely empty. The
Nubian. decline of the Egyptian culture in this case is not a matter
of physical extinction but a cultural and collective
The Third Intermediate Period and the Egyptianized forgetfulness.
With the Third Intermediate Period we have a different
point of view. On the throne of Egypt we find non- The case of the stranger in Egypt has shown a very
Egyptian ethnical groups: Libyan before and Nubian interesting level of relationship between conservation and
after. The new capital was at Tanis, in the Delta region, loss of identity, allowing us also to perform an analysis

on the individual and not just of a community; in contrast Bibliography
to the definition that identity does not exist outside the
individuals of the community. Assmann, J. 1997, La memoria culturale. Torino,
The stranger has a dual function within the Egyptian Einaudi.
order. The first is unconscious. It is the enemy to defeat,
the prisoner to be presented to the Pharaoh and gods in Kemp, B. 2000, Antico Egitto. Anatomia di una civiltà.
ritual ceremonies for the renewal cycle of cultural Milano, Electa.
identity. Initially it is a generic figure, perhaps of
Egyptian origin, then it begins to be associated to the
appearance of different peoples around the Egyptian
state: Nubians, Syrians, Palestinians, etc. This is parallel
to the triggering of the second function of being a
stranger in Egypt. Once in the country, he enters a
universally Egyptian order, embraces the Egyptian
culture, especially in its funerary rites, but he can
maintain a link with his culture of origin: the name, the
costumes, the ethnonym. The Egyptian culture is
inclusive but not exclusive. A third function, a third kind
of relationship, is that of foreigners, now Egyptianized,
who take the reins of the country. Starting from a few
individual doubtful examples, we proceed to the Hyksos
case. These are considered pharaohs under all aspects,
using Egyptian language, but which differ in the first
place in the classical Egyptian literary tradition of the
‘war of liberation’, even though within the royal king-
lists they are inserted between the legitimate pharaohs
with the special term heka-khasut. This fact is contrast for
example with the Amarna pharaohs, considered heretics,
who were completely eliminated from the king-lists.
Also, to what archaeology has made it possible to
uncover, graves, burial and funerary rituals are of an
entirely different typology from that of Egypt. This
Egyptianized culture has maintained ties with its remote
(?) past while taking most of the local customs. With the
New Kingdom we return to the previous dichotomy. But
while the number of foreigners in Egypt increases, which
is also confirmed by the large amount of non-Egyptian
words in the lexicon, the examples of preservation of
their original identity augments, accepting in toto the
Egyptianization. At this point we are coming to the end of
Egyptian history, even if the epilogue will last almost a
millennium. The country is first ruled by Libyan
mercenaries settled in the Delta and Nubian warriors,
both entirely Egyptianized, then it is invaded and ruled by
the Assyrians, Greeks and Romans. It is at this stage that
ad absurdum the Egyptian becomes a stranger in his own
land. The Egyptian culture with its rituals closes in on
itself, it is annihilated, imploding and becoming more and
more assets of a small number of people of the religious
sphere, where the court or the administration, was
remotely lapped. Until the arrival of a religious culture
with more aggregative ability and because of several
other historical events, the Egyptian man has become a
stranger in his own home, its ancient culture is entirely
supplanted and forgotten. A real ethno-cultural


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