3.8 Meeting Management HO2

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Army Family Team Building Level III

Meeting Management

Meeting Management Phases

Phase 1: Planning for the meeting
The NEATER model (Handout 3)

Extra Resources

Phase 2: Preparing for the meeting

ƒ Site set up (things to think about prior to the meeting) (Handout 4)

ƒ Agendas (Handout 5)

ƒ Group norms (Handout 6)

Phase 3: Conducting the meeting

ƒ Who is responsible for the meetings? (Handout 7)
ƒ Chair/leader/facilitator
ƒ Guest speaker/presenter
ƒ Recorder
ƒ Group members

ƒ Types of meetings: (Handout 8)

ƒ Instructional or informational meetings (no decision required)
ƒ Problem solving meetings (decision required)

2006/7 3.8 Handout 2-1

Army Family Team Building Level III

Phase 4: Follow up
ƒ Anything that may occur during the meeting which requires an action by any
member of the meeting.
ƒ Note action required
ƒ Who is responsible
ƒ Set a time frame for returning data
ƒ Report back to the rest of the group

Phase 5: Record keeping

ƒ Appoint a recorder prior to meeting
ƒ Recorder/members compile the printed notes of the meeting into the Minutes
ƒ Copy and provide a copy of minutes to each member of the meeting
ƒ Compile a file for all pertinent documents, minutes, information concerning the
meeting, focus of group, event, names, phone numbers, etc.

2006/7 3.8 Handout 2-2

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