3.8 Meeting Management HO3

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Army Family Team Building Level III

Meeting Management

The ‘Neater’ Model of Planning

ƒ Why have a meeting?
9 Clear focus
9 Provide information
9 Obtain a decision
9 Solve a problem, identify/resolve conflict

ƒ Who should attend the meeting
9 Group Members

ƒ How?
9 Invitations
9 Email
9 Flyers
ƒ When?
ƒ RSVPs?

ƒ When is the meeting?
9 Everyone MUST be at the meeting?
9 Key individuals MUST be at the meeting?

Remember: The best the leaders should strive for is not when everyone can meet,
but when most of those involved can get together to meet.
ƒ How long will it be?

ƒ Location and space
ƒ Physical layout of room/chairs/tables/seating arrangement
ƒ Audio visual
ƒ Copies of handouts and agendas

2006/7 3.8 Handout 3

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