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Mrs. Brewer

Part I Rules
1. No plagiarism is allowed. Anything you add to the wiki MUST be in your
2. You must cite your sources.
3. You will not edit anything that Mrs. Brewer places on the wiki.
4. You will not write anything inappropriate on the wiki.
5. You will notify Mrs. Brewer immediately if you find something troubling
Inappropriate on the wiki.
6. You must have permission from the page creator or project creator to
edit someone
else’s page.

Part II Guide
A. To Start:
1. Username/Password- Each student will have a
Username/password. This is how you will log into the
Website. If you are not logged in, you will not be able
to edit
the website. You should write your username/password
on the front of this packet. Do not lose your username/
password and do not share it with others.

2. Logging In-First go to the website: In the upper
hand corner click the “Sign In” button. Be sure to log
out when
you are done. It will not log out just by closing the
3. Sign in page- Type in your Username and Password
B. Home Page- You will not be able to edit the home page, but
you may find
Some interesting things here. On the home page there is a
description of
American Threads, an “On this Day in History” section, CNN
student news, and National Geographic Daily News.

C. Choose Wiki Page: To choose which topic you would like to

do a wiki
Page on look under 7th grad at the appropriate section.
That the first section of subject headings represent your
project due
on April 1st. The second subject heading represent your
project due
on May 13th. Once you click on the subject heading you will
be directed
to a page with terms from that subject. Terms that are a
dark maroon color are available for you to do, terms that are
light purple have already been taken. The earlier you begin
working on your wiki page, the more options will be available
to you.
D. Editing your Wiki- Near the top of the page, immediately
following the
Term title will be a button that says “Edit this Page.” Click
this button to begin. DO NOT CLICK THIS BUTTON UNTIL YOU

E. Editor Toolbar: The editor toolbar at the top of the page is what you
11. 12.
will use to make all formatting changes to the wiki.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9. 10.
Number Explanation Number Explanation
1. Bold 8. Line- Use for splitting sections
2. Italicize 9. Link- Use for linking to other pages
3. Underline 10. Break Link- Use for unlinking
4. Color- Leave black 11. Insert picture- should have 1-3 pictures
5. Heading- You will need to use this! 12. Widget- Use for inserting table of contents
6. Numbering 13. Save- Be sure to save often!
7. Bullets

Part III: Requirements

*If you ever have any questions about the requirements please talk to me or
look at the Christopher Columbus example on the wiki.
A. Title- The first thing you should put on your wiki page is the title. The
title should be the same as your topic. Your title should be set as
“Heading 1” (button 5).
B. Table of Contents- Right after your title you should place your table
of contents. You do this by clicking the “Widget” tool (button 12), then
clicking the “Wikispaces” button. After clicking the Wikispaces button
you will need to click the “Table of Contents” button.
C. First Section- Will be right underneath the title. It will be a brief 3-5
sentences paragraph that summarizes your topic (and your wiki page).
This section does not need its own individual title.
D. Second Section- This will be similar to an introductory paragraph in
an essay. Here you will write about the “beginning” of your topic.
1. Start with your title. It should be set as a “Heading 2”. The title
should be something that relates to the beginning of your topic.
For instance, if your topic is a person it could be titled, “Early
Life” or if your topic is about a war or battle it could be titled,
“Before the Battle”.
2. Next you will use the “Line” tool (button 8). Make sure the line
goes directly underneath your title.
3. Then write 1 paragraph (3-5 sentences) on the early of beginning
part of your topic.
E. Third Section- This will be similar to the body paragraphs of an essay
and hence the longest part. Here you will write about the most
important parts of your topic. You will have at least 3 paragraphs in
this section, each paragraph 3-5 sentences long.
1. Start with your title. It should be set as a “Heading 2”. The title
should be something that relates to all the most important parts
of your topic. For example, Christopher Columbus is most known
for his trips to America so the title of this section is “Voyages”.
2. Next you will use the “Line” tool. Make sure the line goes directly
underneath your title.
3. Because in this third section you will have at least 3 different
paragraphs, each paragraph needs its own title (Ex. First Voyage,
Second Voyage…). You will make these titles a “Heading 3”. You
DO NOT need a line under “Heading 3” titles.
F. Fourth Section- This will be similar to the conclusion of an essay.
Here you will write about the “ending” of your topic.
1. Start with your title. It should be set as a “Heading 2”. The title
should be something that relates to the ending of your topic. For
instance, if you are doing a person it may be titled something
like, “Later in Life”. If it is about a battle or war it would be titled
something like, “Peace at Last” or “Fighting Comes to an End”.
2. Next you will use the “Line” tool (button 8). Make sure the line
goes directly underneath your title.
3. Then write 1 paragraph (3-5 sentences) on the later or ending
part of your topic.
G. References- Here you will list all the sources you used during your
research. You need to use at least 3 different sources, 1 needs to
be your American History book. You may not use blogs or wikis
(including wikipedia) as a resource. If you have a questions about the
validity of a website or book, please talk to Mr. Larson. Put your
references in alphabetical order in the wiki.
1. How to Cite:
For a Book:
Author’s last name, author’s first name. Title of Book. Place
of publication: Publisher, Date of Publication.
Example: (This is your history book, you will have this as
a reference)
Appleby, Joyce, American Journey. Columbus Ohio: Glencoe
Hill , 2003.

For a Website: (if you cannot find all this information, put what
you can find)
Author’s last name, author’s first name. “Title of Article”.
Website Name. Web publication date. Name of sponsoring
institution. Date you accessed the file <Full Internet
Pickering, Keith A. "Columbus's Early Years". 1997-2006. 01 July 2008

H. Pictures- Your wiki should include at least two pictures that are
relevant to your topic.
1. First, place your cursor where you want your picture.
2. Then click on the picture button on your editor toolbar (11). The
best way to put a picture in the website is by using the “External
Image by URL” section.
3. Find a picture online by searching Google Images (or something
similar), click on the picture, this should take you to a website
with only the picture showing.
4. Copy the website that has only the picture you want showing and
paste it into the “Insert External Image by URL” section. Then
click Load.
5. Once you have clicked “Load” a small thumbnail picture should
appear. Double click that small picture to put it into your

6. A new window will pop up that says “Image Properties”.

7. Use this window to align the picture where you want it.
8. You also need to use the “Image Properties” window to give your
picture a caption. All pictures should have a caption that
describes what the
picture is of.

Part IV: Grading

On the following pages you will have three “Grading Sheets”. On
these sheets you can see how many points each section is worth as
well as see the total amount of points available for this project. You will
turn in one grading sheet on April 1st and one on May 13thr. I will know
you are done with your wiki page when you turn in a “Grading Sheet”.
If you do not turn in a “Grade Sheet you will not receive a
passing grade.

Grading Sheet
Name of your topic:

Title- Correct title in the correct place /5


Table of Contents- Placed in the correct spot with at least 3 heading

/5 Points
First Section- A summary that describes the most important aspects of
/10 Points
your topic and your wiki. No title. At least 3-5 sentences long
Historical accurate.
Second Section- An introduction to the early part, formation, or life of
/10 Points
your topic. Has title and dividing line. At least 3-5 sentences long.
Historical accurate.
Third Section- The body to your topic. Includes the most important
/30 Points
elements of your topic. Has three paragraphs each 3-5 sentences long.
The third section has title and dividing line as well as each paragraph
has a its own individual title. Historical accurate.
Fourth Section- Conclusion to your topic. Has title and dividing line.
/10 Points
At least 3-5 sentences long. Historical accurate.
References- At least 3 references written in the correct format, in
/10 Points
alphabetical order, and includes History Textbook reference.
Pictures- At least 2 topic relevant pictures placed properly in the site
/10 Points
with captions.
Formatting/ Appearance- Wiki page looks professional, is formatted /10
correctly, and is easy to understand and follow.
Total Points /100

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