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“You Can’t Make Money And Excuses At The Same Time”

Module 8 / Lesson 8 Study Guide

How To Build Your ‘ATM Cash Machine’:
Your Email List

Objective: To start building your email list.

Time Allotment: This particular assignment will take some time, as you’re working on
building your list, however, due to completing the steps in earlier assignments you have a
head-start, so this lesson’s assignment is less work.

Welcome to this module’s study guide. It’s this document that will help embed the knowledge
you’re learning, deeper into your mind. This is where you’ll begin to put your thoughts into
action. Print this out, write your answers by hand, and place them in Your Profitable Biz
Academy binder.

a. Read the questions below and take your time answering
b. If you like, you may take a couple of days to answer these questions so you’re 100%
sure of them. There’s no rush. This is for YOU and it’s crucial you follow these steps
c. Upon completion of this lesson, go back and examine it 3-4 days later. Would you
answer it the same? If so, then you can be confident in your answers.
d. It’s recommended to re-watch the video lesson modules, especially if you’re unsure
about a specific technique. This also helps you absorb the information easier.

Copyright © Your Profitable Biz Academy 2017 and beyond.

The Exercises
Answer the question below in the space provided. If you need more writing space, feel free to
flip the worksheet over and continue on the back. Remember, this is for you and is key to your
success, so find some quiet time and complete the exercises.

Question #1. “What value can I provide to my email subscribers?” ​(do research and list them)

Pro-Tip: ​think in terms outside of the INITIAL ethical ‘bribe’ (the free ebook, or video) as in an
email series, a once per week email newsletter with your top tips, etc. You can set this up on
your autoresponder and when someone signs up to your email list, they’ll receive this
AUTOMATICALLY without you having to do anything in sequence.

Example:​ they sign up March 1st and every 7 days they receive an email with tips in it, because
you pre-wrote the emails. You could do a 1 month sequence to establish the relationship, or
even a once per week email.

Email List Assignment

In these assignments, you’ll set-up your autoresponder emails, setup your email provider (if you
haven’t already in previous assignments, and start driving traffic to the your Landing Page, the
page where you have an email opt-in with the ‘bribe’ gift in exchange for their email and then
an email sequence they’ll automatically receive.

Note: ​if you’re in various niches, then you’ll have SEPARATE email lists, landing pages and
email autoresponders setup. Each niche gets a different page etc.

Example:​ Golf niche = 1 landing page, 1 ‘bribe’ and one auto-responder sequence.

Copyright © Your Profitable Biz Academy 2017 and beyond.

Assignment #1. Identify Your Market

Example: ​dating, self-improvement, fitness, credit repair, personal finance, making money
online, etc.

Assignment #2. Identify Their Problem(s)

Pro-Tip:​ take your time and do extensive research.

See what type of email sequence they’d be interested in that could help them with their

Example: ​golf players needing help with their swings. Skiers needing help figuring out where
to ski this Winter. Painters needing help figuring out what the best supplies are (great for
affiliate marketing too could put affiliate links to certain art supplies in your emails), guys
needing help with dating could be an entire series on getting more dates, etc.

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Note: ​some of the following assignments do not have space for you to write in, because
there’s nothing for you to write, merely follow the instructions to the websites.

Assignment #3. Get Domain And Hosting

Pro-Tips:​ you can buy your domain off of and you can host it with,
however, you’re better off buying your domain and hosting it with Click Funnels and creating
your landing page off their website, since they have PRE-BUILT landing pages which are
proven to convert and saves you a TON of work, plus you can integrate with your email
provider (say MailChimp) and set up the autoresponder email series all in about 1-2 days max.

Honorable Mentions:​ and

Assignment #4. Create Free Ethical ‘Bribe’ Offer aka An Ebook or Short Guide

Pro-Tip: ​you may have already started on this in previous assignments and if so, good for you!
If you haven’t then now is the time.

The easiest way to do this is to write a short guide on whatever the niche is, have it formatted
on (for next to nothing cost), get a cover made on (again, very cheap)
and then put it into a handy PDF format. Now, it can be delivered automatically by your email
provider and it cost you next to nothing.

Again, it doesn’t have to be a HUGE ebook, in fact, it’s best to make it short, maybe 10-15
pages long. It’s a small gift, not a free book per se. As you grow and you get more experience,
then you can experiment with giving away an actual full-length ebook, video series, etc.

Assignment #5. Write and Set-up Email Autoresponder Series

Pro-Tip:​ here’s where you’ll pre-write an email autoresponder series for those who opt-in to
your list. ​It’s imperative this is done BEFORE you advertise your landing page and send
traffic to it. ​You’ll want to test it as well to ensure you receive the emails automatically as well
as the free gift.

To get started, I’d suggest writing a 4-6 part email series on the niche that your landing page
and free gift is about. These don’t have to be 2,000 word emails. Something as simple as
300-500 word emails would be great and provide great value to your list.

List your Email Series ideas below:

Copyright © Your Profitable Biz Academy 2017 and beyond.

Assignment #5. cont.

Assignment #6. Start Driving Traffic To Your Landing Page

Follow the instructions in the video lesson accompanying this study guide for how to do that,
but some examples are launching your blog, guest posting on other blogs, posting videos to
YouTube and sending them to your landing page, etc.

At this point you’ve answered the questions thoroughly. If you have skipped over any section,
then take a break, come back to it and ensure it’s complete. It’s imperative you do each
exercise so you can get your success that’s right around the corner.

Assignment Re-Cap:

1. Identify your market

2. Identify their problem
3. Get domain and hosting (if you haven’t already)
4. Create free ethical ‘bribe’ offer aka an ebook or short guide
5. Write and setup email autoresponder series
6. Start driving traffic to your landing page

Upon completion of these assignments, you’ll have a landing page working for you getting
email subscribers to signup 24/7 with your ‘bribe’ gift and your main focus will be driving traffic
TO that page to get more email subscribers. Remember, the more QUALITY people you get on
your list, the more money you’ll make!

You’re making GREAT progress, so stay focused and and keep working hard!

Let’s continue on this journey to creating Your Profitable Biz!

Copyright © Your Profitable Biz Academy 2017 and beyond.

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