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“You Can’t Make Money And Excuses At The Same Time”

Module 7 / Lesson 7 Study Guide

How To Establish Yourself As A Credible
Expert In A Crowded Market

Objective: To use the ‘Law of Association’ to establish yourself as an expert in your
niche by aligning yourself with established existing experts in your niche.

Time Allotment: This particular assignment will take some time, as you’re working on
establishing relationships with ‘gurus’ in your niche.

Welcome to this module’s study guide. It’s this document that will help embed the knowledge
you’re learning, deeper into your mind. This is where you’ll begin to put your thoughts into
action. Print this out, write your answers by hand, and place them in Your Profitable Biz
Academy binder.

a. Read the questions below and take your time answering
b. If you like, you may take a couple of days to answer these questions so you’re 100%
sure of them. There’s no rush. This is for YOU and it’s crucial you follow these steps
c. Upon completion of this lesson, go back and examine it 3-4 days later. Would you
answer it the same? If so, then you can be confident in your answers.
d. It’s recommended to re-watch the video lesson modules, especially if you’re unsure
about a specific technique. This also helps you absorb the information easier.

Copyright © Your Profitable Biz Academy 2017 and beyond.

The Exercises
Answer the question below in the space provided. If you need more writing space, feel free to
flip the worksheet over and continue on the back. Remember, this is for you and is key to your
success, so find some quiet time and complete the exercises.

Question #1. “Who are the ‘gurus’ and experts in my niche?” ​(do research and list them)

Pro-Tip: ​you’re looking for men and women who are ESTABLISHED already and have
audiences. By you interviewing them either via a podcast (do a few of these and sell them ala
David De Angelo style), or even written interviews for your blog, you ALIGN yourself with
credible experts, thus causing audiences to see you as an established expert as well.

Interview Assignment
These assignments executed exactly in this order will help you establish yourself as an expert
in your chosen field.

Remember, major ‘gurus’ like Tim Ferris have built an entire CAREER on interviewing other
experts and thus, aligned himself as a life-hack expert making him millions of dollars in the

I too, also built a massive following by launching a podcast and then interviewing other experts
in the dating niche. This is one of the quickest ways to get known fast to a large amount of

Copyright © Your Profitable Biz Academy 2017 and beyond.

Assignment #1. Select My Topic Or Niche

Example: ​dating, self-improvement, fitness, credit repair, personal finance, making money
online, etc.

Assignment #2. Find The Experts ​(list them below and their website, etc)

Pro-Tip:​ take your time and do extensive research.

Start with Tier 1 Gurus and Experts, then make a Tier 2 and Tier 3.

You may find it difficult to get Tier 1 experts on your podcast, or audio interview series (that
you’re going to package and sell), so also contact the other tiers. As you gain momentum with
THEM, then the Tier 1 experts will be more likely to be interviewed by you.

A good target point to start with is 5-7 experts in each tier.

Copyright © Your Profitable Biz Academy 2017 and beyond.

Assignment #3. Research The Experts​ (list below some main points about their background,
their niche, how they got started, etc. You’ll probably need more writing space, so feel free to
use another piece of paper, or write it on your laptop)

Pro-Tips:​ this will take you some TIME, so don’t get frustrated.

The key is to come up with a game-plan for EACH expert based on their background, what
they’ve done to get where they are (people love rags to riches stories), etc.

You don’t want to conduct a lame and boring interview, so the more research you do the better
it’ll be.

You want to make the expert SHINE and let them speak! In my early days of interviewing
experts I made the mistake of talking over them sometimes, oops! But, I learned how to
conduct interviews better and my audience appreciated it.

Copyright © Your Profitable Biz Academy 2017 and beyond.

Assignment #4. Contact The Experts

Pro-Tip: ​I break it all down (including the email copy to use) in the video lessons, so re-watch
this lesson in order to know exactly what to do step-by-step).

List below who you’ve contacted by writing their name and the date. This will help you keep
track of what emails you’ve sent, etc. You can also create a spreadsheet in Excel to keep track.

● Example. Contacted on this date: John Doe on 4/23/17

● Contacted on this date:
● Contacted on this date:
● Contacted on this date:
● Contacted on this date:
● Contacted on this date:
● Contacted on this date:
● Contacted on this date:
● Contacted on this date:
● Contacted on this date:

Assignment #5. Follow-Up And Setup An Interview​ (below is a template you can use)

Pro-Tip:​ you may need to contact them more than once to get a response. I’ve been contacted
in the past 2, 3 and even 4 times by people wanting to interview me and their persistence
showed me they were serious, so I granted the interview.

You don’t want to be pushy, but good RESPECTFUL persistence can pay off!

● Example. Follow-up on this date: John Doe 2nd email sent on 5/15/17
● Follow-up on this date:
● Follow-up on this date:
● Follow-up on this date:
● Follow-up on this date:

Copyright © Your Profitable Biz Academy 2017 and beyond.

Assignment #6. Conduct The Interview

Whether it’s a written interview (Q and A style) for your blog, or an actual recorded interview
(best and can be SOLD as a packaged product), then this will help align you with a credible
expert, thus bolstering potential customer’s perception of YOU.

I highly recommend conducting the interviews via audio, or even video (if possible), as the
value is much higher.

If you get say, 3 great interviews with major experts, then you can package those and sell them
as an audio interview series to that specific niche. This is a GREAT way to create a cool product
that has tons of social and expert proof built-in.

Experts I Interviewed! ​(list the ones you’ve successfully interviewed below)

Product Ideas You Can Make With This

1. Audio package Expert Interview Series you sell

2. Recurring subscription to the interviews (you’ll have to continue doing it)
3. Transcribe the audio and give away an ebook with the interview and the upsell is the
actual audio interviews
4. You could even become the next big Expert Interviewer and have a hit podcast and

Copyright © Your Profitable Biz Academy 2017 and beyond.

At this point you’ve answered the questions thoroughly. If you have skipped over any section,
then take a break, come back to it and ensure it’s complete. It’s imperative you do each
exercise so you can get your success that’s right around the corner.

Assignment Re-Cap:

1. Selected your topic and niche

2. Find the experts
3. Research the experts
4. Contact the experts
5. Follow-up and setup interviews
6. Interview the experts

Upon completion of these assignments, you will have helped align yourself with credible
experts and gain massive exposure with THEIR audiences, thus helping you establish a brand
for yourself and an audience to sell helpful products to! You’ll also have a product you can
package in a few different ways and sell.

You’re making GREAT progress so stay focused and and keep working hard!

Let’s continue on this journey to creating Your Profitable Biz!

Copyright © Your Profitable Biz Academy 2017 and beyond.

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