Defining The Business Research Problem and Developing An Approach True/False Questions

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Defining the Business Research Problem and Developing an Approach

True/False Questions

1. Problem definition is the most important step in the business research project.

2. DMs tend to focus on symptoms rather than causes.


3. The purpose of interviewing experts is to help define the business research problem
rather than to develop a conclusive solution.

4. Analysis of available secondary data is a non-essential step in the problem definition


5. To understand the background of a business research problem, the researcher must

understand the client’s firm and industry.

6. The scope of the business research problem may have to be reduced to accommodate
budget constraints.

7. “The number and geographical location of the buyers and non-buyers” is a factor that
should be considered in the ‘objectives’ component of the environmental context of
the problem.

8. The economic environment component of the environmental context is comprised of

purchasing power, gross income, disposable income, discretionary income, prices,
savings, credit availability, and general economic conditions.

9. “Should the market be segmented differently”; “should a new product be introduced”;

are examples of the business research problem.

10. In verbal models, the variables and their relationships are stated in equation form.

11. Graphical models are analytical models that provide a visual picture of the
relationships between variables.

12. Hypotheses go beyond research questions because they are statements of relationships
or propositions rather than merely questions to which answers are sought.

13. SPSS can be used to perform forecasts and what-if analyses to help the researcher in
isolating the underlying causes, identifying the relevant variables that should be
investigated, and formulating appropriate research questions and hypotheses.

Multiple Choice Questions

32. The need for the researcher to understand the nature of what decision managers face
and what they hope to learn from research is one of the reasons to conduct _____.
a. discussions with decision makers
b. interview with experts
c. secondary data analysis
d. qualitative research

37. The _____ provides a useful framework for interacting with the DM and identifying
the underlying causes of the problem.
a. problem audit
b. management problem
c. problem definition
d. none of the above

38. It is important to perform a problem audit because _____.

a. DMs tend to focus on symptoms rather than on causes
b. the DM knows the cause of the problem
c. the DM, in most cases, has only a vague idea of what the problem is
d. both a and c are correct

39. As one of the seven Cs that characterize the interaction between the DM and the
researcher, confidence is best defined as: _____.
a. there should not be any hidden agendas, and an attitude of openness should

b. the interaction between the DM and the researcher should be guided by mutual
c. business research is a team project in which both parties (DM and researcher)
must cooperate
d. the interaction between the DM and the researcher should be creative rather than

40. Because of potential difficulties when seeking advice from experts, it is best to use
interviews with experts when conducting business research _____.
a. for industrial firms
b. for products of a technical nature
c. in situations where little information is available from other sources
d. all of the above

41. _____ is an unstructured, exploratory research methodology based on small samples

intended to provide insight and understanding of the problem setting.
a. Primary research
b. Qualitative research
c. Secondary research
d. Quantitative research

42. _____ consists of the factors that have an impact on the definition of the business
research problem, including past information and forecasts, resources and constraints
of the firm, objectives of the decision maker, buyer behavior, legal environment,
economic environment, and business and technological skills of the firm.
a. The approach to the problem
b. Research design
c. The environmental context of the problem
d. Problem definition

43. To formulate a business research problem of appropriate scope, it is necessary to take

into account both the resources available, such as money and research skills, and the
constraints on the organization, such as cost and time. These considerations refer to
which of the factors related to the environmental context of the problem?
a. resources and constraints
b. buyer behavior
c. legal environment
d. economic environment

44. The _____ consists of income, prices, savings, credit, and general economic
a. legal environment
b. economic environment
c. objectives
d. buyer behavior

45. _____ is a problem that entails determining what information is needed and how it
can be obtained in the most feasible way.
a. The environmental context of the problem
b. The management decision problem
c. The business research problem
d. Problem definition

46. If the management decision problem is: “Should a new product be introduced?,”
What is the most appropriate business research problem?
a. Determining the price elasticity of demand and the impact on sales and profits of
various levels of price changes.
b. Determining consumer preferences and purchase intentions for the proposed new
c. Determining the effectiveness of the current advertising campaign.
d. Determining the impact of new distribution outlets.

47. The researcher should rely on _____ to determine which variables should be
a. objective evidence
b. a theory
c. an analytical model
d. none of the above

48. _____ are refined statements of the specific components of the problem.
a. Hypotheses
b. Research questions
c. Business research problems
d. Analytical models


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