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Name: __________________________________ Date: ____/____/____

Unit: _______ Book: __________________
Obs: ________________________________________________________
A- In this section of the test, you'll answer questions about the use of English.
For each item, choose the word or words that best complete the sentence.
Circle your answers on the answer sheet. You'll have 15 minutes to complete
this section.
1. _______________ aren't my books. They're Linda's.
a. This
b. These
c. That
2. Is Mary here? No,____________________.
a. she isn't.
b. he's not.
c. it isn't.
3. The girls ________________ in the yard right now.
a. play
b. are playing
c. is playing
4. _______________ John live in Chicago? No, he lives in New York.
a. Do
b. Is
c. Does
5. Write on the board. _______________ write on the wall.
a. Don't
b. Shouldn't
c. Doesn't
6. Michelle isn't a good swimmer. She ____________ swim very well.
a. don't
b. can't
c. wasn't
7. There aren't _______________ people at the beach today.
a. any
b. some
c. no
8. Your clothes are ready. Pick _____________ up this afternoon.
a. they
b. their
c. them
9. Let's go to the store. We need ____________ some food.
a. to buy
b. buy
c. buying

____________________________________________________________________________________ 1
Placement Test – First Idiomas São Roque Ltda.
10. Where _________________ last night? I was at home.
a. you were
b. was you
c. were you
11. Where ________________ you go for dinner last night?
a. do
b. were
c. did
12. What are you __________________to do after class today?
a. doing
b. going
c. have
13. Is this your umbrella? No, it's not _________________.
a. me
b. my
c. mine
14. Excuse me. I'm looking for a restaurant. No problem. There's _____ across the street.
a. some
b. one
c. ones
15. Good morning, sir. What would you like for breakfast? _______________ toast and coffee,
a. I'll have
b. I have
c. I would
16. I was born in Brazil, but I ______________ up in the U.S.
a. was growing
b. grow
c. grew
17. I think that mathematics is ________________ than biology.
a. most difficult
b. more difficult
c. too difficult
18. Have you ever visited Asia? Yes, I ______________ there last year.
a. have gone
b. went
c. would go
19. When you see Angela, could you please ________________ call me?
a. tell her to
b. tell her
c. tell her that
20. I __________________ when the burglars entered the house.
a. have slept
b. am sleeping
c. was sleeping

21. I ____________ at the restaurant a lot before I moved to my new neighborhood.

____________________________________________________________________________________ 2
Placement Test – First Idiomas São Roque Ltda.
a. used to eat
b. am eating
c. have eaten

22. Is New York as _______________ as Tokyo?

a. big
b. bigger
c. the biggest
23. I have to send a letter. Could you tell me ________________?
a. where is the post office
b. where the post office is
c. the post office is where
24. This suit is very dirty. It needs to ____________________.
a. be cleaned
b. cleaning
c. have cleaned
25. I can't play tennis. ______________ can I.
a. So
b. Either
c. Neither
26. Michael and Steven _____________on the same basketball team since they entered the
a. are playing
b. have been playing
c. play
B– In this section, you’re going to practice a little bit of your writing. Write
about yourself.
You have 20 minutes. Good luck!

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ .

C– Answer. (full answers)

a) What do you like to do on the weekend?
b) Where are you going to travel next vacation?
c) What did you do last Christmas?
d) Have you ever traveled abroad? Where did you go?
e) What would you like to do in the next 5 years?
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Placement Test – First Idiomas São Roque Ltda.
D- Write the past tense of these verbs:
 be ________________  get _________________
 laugh ________________  open ________________
 lose ________________  write _________________
 become _______________  have ________________
 scream ________________  hide ________________
 move ________________  do _________________

E - Complete this paragraph. Use the past tense of each of the verbs in part D.

My best friend in school was Miguel.

He and I _________ in Mrs. Gilbert’s third grade class, and we __________ friends then.
We often ____________ crazy things in class, but I don’t think Mrs. Gilbert ever really
______________ mad at us.
For example, Miguel _____________ a pet rat named Curly. Sometimes he ___________ it in Mrs.
Gilbert’s desk. Later, when she ___________ the drawer, she always _____________ loudly and
the class__________________ .
After two years, Miguel’s family ___________ to another town. We ___________ letters to each
other for a few years, but then we _______________ contact.
I often wonder what he’s doing now.

F- Read Sarah’s letter. Then check ( √ ) four things you can do it her
Hi, Nina!

Guess what! I moved into my new apartment yesterday. I really like my new roommates.
I also like the neighborhood. There are lots of different restaurants here. Last night, I ate at a
Vietnamese restaurant just around the corner. The food was delicious. And I want to try a new
Brazilian restaurant near here. For breakfast this morning, I came to this great coffee shop
across from my apartment. Actually, it’s an Internet café, so I’m e-mailing you now!
It’s really convenient neighborhood. There’s a Laundromat on our street an there are some
interesting stores, too. One store sells lots of amazing CDs, DVDs, and books from all over the
world. And my roommates told me there’s a dance club just two blocks away. I want to go
dancing every weekend!
Come visit!
 borrow books  go shopping
 eat Venezuelan food  make travel arrangements
 exercise at a gym  see movies
 get a haircut  send e-mails
 go dancing  wash and dry clothes
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Placement Test – First Idiomas São Roque Ltda.

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