What Is The Purpose of Senator Laurel of Sponsoring The Bill?

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1. What is the purpose of Senator Laurel of sponsoring the Bill?

The purpose of Senator Laurel of sponsoring the Bill is for the Filipino people,
especially the youth, be reminded of how Rizal brought peace and freedom
without any use of violence. Also to keep the memories of Rizal be remembered,
and be passed down, especially the inspiring patriotism and shaping of
characters he has showed and written. Rizal believed that “Ang kabataan ay ang
pag-asa nga bayan”. Therefore, Laurel defended the bill so that Rizal’s sacrifice
for the country will not be in vain, rather be cultivated.

2. Differentiate patriotism and nationalism.

Patriotism as defined by the dictionary is all about the love for the country. As for
me, it is how committed you are to your country, the willingness to sacrifice is
there, just like how Jose Rizal, our national hero, emanate such act which we
could read in his writings.
On the other hand Nationalism as defined by the dictionary pertains to the feeling
of being proud to our country, towards its achievements and the likes. For
example if our candidate for Miss Universe have won the pageant, Filipinos raise
their flags which shows nationalism, being proud for the pride of their country.

3. How would the reading of Rizal impart patriotism?

Rizal is a very sophisticated writer, before he had made his masterpieces,
particularly the El Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere, he learned and observed
first the life of the Filipinos, including how they were oppressed by the colonizers,
and thus, his eagerness for our country to be freed was portrayed in his works.
The moment we read his works, we would really feel the patriotism by meeting
the characters he had made such as Simon which portrayed as one of the
Filipinos who suffered. The love for the country of Rizal is indeed immeasurable!

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