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Father, as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus,may we become instruments of

Your peace.Lord, I know we can't change by our own,so please help us realize the
best version of ourselves.Help

I’m not where I want to be—

Not even close.

I’m not the person I want to be—

Nor the person I’m capable of being.

Help us to be your ears to listen to their cries. Help us to be your voice speaking
out love and acceptance. Help us to be your feet walking beside those in need. Help
us to be your hands to clothe, feed and shelter them.

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Even worse, the gap between the two

Is increasing, rather than diminishing.

Please, put your arms around children and families in extreme poverty so they feel
comfort and hope; meet their needs both physically and spiritually. And, Lord,
guide me so I can be your hands and feet pursuing justice for the poor and
upholding the cause of the needy.

And,Lord,guide me so I can be your instrument for upholding the cause of the poor
and oppressed.

Father,as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus,may we become instruments of

Your peace.Lord, I know we can't change by our own,so please help us realize the
best version of ourselves.Help us to be your voice speaking out love for
everyone.Help us to be your feet walking beside those in need.Help us to be your
ears to listen to their cries.Help us to be your hands to clothe,feed and shelter
them.Please,put your love around people in extreme poverty and give them comfort
and hope.And,Lord,guide us so we can be instruments for upholding the cause of the
poor and oppressed.Amen.

If I’m being honest with myself,

Which I routinely try to avoid,

I constantly and repeatedly excuse

My poor behavior and my poor attitude.

I don’t like myself the way I am.

I’m a pathetic substitute for what I should be—

For what I know You want me to be.

But it’s even worse than this.

Nearly everyone who knows me well

Recognizes that my life is shipwrecked.

I may look acceptable to casual observers,

But to those who know me—

To those who know what I’m capable of being,

I’m certain they don’t like what they see.

How could they? Neither do I.

My intimacy with You has evaporated,

Even though I pretend that it hasn’t.

Father, I know who I am,

And I acknowledge this to You.

I will no longer pretend to be what I am not.

I have traveled the wrong road for so long

I’m not certain I can ever

Follow the correct path again,

But I want to more than anything.

Admitting this truth to You frightens me.

I have refused to face the truth for so long,

But I am now willing to do so.

I know I can’t change on my own.

Without Your help, I have no chance at all.

Will You meet me on my journey?

Will You hold my hand and touch my heart?

Will You be there for me and not leave me behind?

Will You, Father? Will You?

Without Your help I will never make it on my own.

I come to You humbly, in Christ’s precious Name.


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