For Starters Progno

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Criteria Poor Fair Good Justification

The duration of illness is fair since our client is
already hypertensive for a couple of years and
1. Duration of  he seeks for medical attention. During his first
Illness attack; year 2006, he was been diagnosed
having CVA and medical care rendered; it is also
his first admission in a hospital. Recently, he
experienced another stroke attacks. Eventhough
he subjected himself to undergo treatment;
attack could suddenly occur once you have it. So
we rated it as fair.
The prognosis is fair since it is abrupt and when
 our client had experienced the first attack, he
2. Onset was immediately confined and been diagnosed
to have CVA. But prior to that, he is hypertensive
for couple of years and he attended to it; he
seeks for medical attention and was given
maintenance drugs.
During our interview, our client lifestyle is not
3. Precipitating  good. Though he practices good diet; he is not
Factors fund of taking high-cholesterol foods but we
discovered that he is a smoker and alcoholic-
beverage drinker for several years. He
consumes 1-2 whole cigarette packs a day and
drinks alcohol almost everyday. So we rated it as
4. Willingness to After his discharge for his first admission, he was
take medicines able to provide all those prescribed medications
or compliance  ordered by his physician for his recovery. And
to treatment now, in his second admission, he and his family
regimen. are very much willing to provide and continue his
drug therapy to avoid experiencing any
complications. So we rated it as good prognosis.
Our patient is 60 years old. Particularly CVA
happens at the age of 55 onwards. So, our client
5. Age  is very high risk to developed CVA or stroke
 We rated it as good because they reside in a
6. Environment neighborhood conducive for recovery and
together he was with his family that could give
him the necessary support he needs. Their
residence is not polluted and crowded area. He
is exposed in an atmosphere which is conducive
for health promotion.
7. Family There is a good family support given to our
Support client. His wife is the primary person
accompanies him during his hospitalization. She
 was there from the start of the admission up to
the time of his discharged. He was also visited
by his children. They take all the necessary
measures needed so that our client will be able
to receive the appropriate medical treatment he
needs. As well as with his relatives, he was been
visited by his in-laws and grandchildren. They
were able to give support through emotionally
and psychologically.

Poor: score is 1 1x(number of poor prognosis)
Fair: score is 3 + 2x(number of fair prognosis)
Good: score is 3 + 3x(number of good prognosis)
1.0 -1.9 = poor prognosis Total Score/Number of criteria
2.0 – 2.9 = fair prognosis = Final Prognosis Score
3.0 = good prognosis

1x(1) + 2x(3) + 3x(3) = = 2.2 ( Fair Prognosis)

For our general prognosis, we concluded as a fair because the onset of the
illness occurs suddenly and abrupt signs and symptoms is experienced. Stroke attacks cannot
also determine when it could be happened.
Religiously complying with the prescribed medications by their doctor would
decreases of experiencing sudden stroke attack. Even though our client is undergoing or taking
a lot of medications still the after effect of stroke is for a lifetime in which there is a neurological
damage, where an individual cannot perform his usual activities and some of his body parts is
paralyzed that’s why unending support from his family is very much important to him; in terms of
financial, physiological and emotional is very much important.

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