Exam #1 CHEM 301 - Inorganic Chemistry Due 10:00 AM October 31, 2020 Name: - Score

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Exam #1 CHEM 301 – Inorganic Chemistry due 10:00 AM October 31, 2020

Name: ______________________________________________________ Score: __________

Honesty pledge:
As a Shepherd University student, I promise to uphold the highest standards of honesty as written in the codes
of conduct. I understand that I am taking this exam in an “open book” format, defined by Dr. Cole in the
chemistry department as an exam that students take at home with the ability to use their notebooks, lecture
slides, and only the inorganic textbooks found at https://chem.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Inorganic_Chemistry
and https://openstax.org/details/books/chemistry-2e. During the open book exam, I promise not to use – the
internet (aka do not search individual questions on Google), YouTube or other videos, other people including
professors and students, tutors or tutor.com, or cheat sites like Chegg.com and reddit.com. This exam is to be
taken in the same manner as if you were in a classroom. I am allowed to email Dr. Cole and ask for clarification
on questions or help using my calculator. I understand that if I am found to have violated these conditions, I
can be given a zero for this exam or for the class.


Pencil or blue or black pen only. Show as much work as possible. Write clearly. Check your scanned .pdf before
submitting to make sure all work is legible and able to be seen.

Short answer – points vary, write :

1. [2pt] What is the difference between a covalent bond, an ionic bond, and a metallic bond?

2. [1pt] Define malleable:

3. [1pt] Define ductile:

4. [2pt] What are two physical characteristics of metals?

5. [1pt] Circle the larger atomic radius, K or Br?

6. [1pt] Circle the larger atomic radius, K or K+?

7. [2pt] What is a radioactive isotope?

8. [2pt] What is a superacid?

9. [2pt] What is an oxidation number?

10. [1pt] Name one exception to the Aufbau principle:

11. [1pt] Name one “coinage metal”:

12. [2pt] What is the difference between a bonding and an anti-bonding electron?

13. [5pt] What is contained in the coordination sphere? Sketch out a diagram and label:

14. [2pt] Define a ligand and give one example:

15. [2pt] Why does the same metal with the same ligands have different colors?

16. [2pt] What is a coordination number?

17. [3pt] Sketch an octahedral complex, a tetrahedral complex, and a square planar complex:

18. [2pt] What is a polydentate ligand?

19. [3pt] Circle the correct choice in parentheses: If a compound absorbs high energy photons, which are

( low / high ) wavelength light like ( purple / red), it is considered ( low / high ) spin.

20. [2pt] What is the crystal field splitting energy?

21. [2pt] What is the difference between diamagnetism, ferromagnetism, and paramagnetism?

22. [2pt] What are delocalized electrons?

23. [1pt] Which metal conducts electricity best?

24. [2pt] Name and explain one defect that can be found in metal crystals:
25. [2pt] Draw a sodium chloride crystal:

26. [2pt] If sodium were put in the middle of 8 halogen atoms, what would happen to the crystal and why?

27. [10pt] Draw the molecular orbital diagram for CO. What is the bond order (show work) and calculate the
formal charge for each atom? What is the VSEPR electronic geometry and molecular geometry for the
molecule? Draw the molecule with appropriate bonds:
28. [3pt] Draw CoEDTA as a skeletal structure wrapped around the cobalt:

29. [2pt] Name: [CoCl(NO2)(NH3)4]Cl

30. [2pt] Name: K2[OsCl5N]

31. [2pt] What are hard and soft acids and bases?

32. [3pt] Determine the oxidation numbers for all of the elements in each compound:

a. PtCl62-

b. H3AsO3

c. ClO4-

33. [2pt] Do you expect the following complex ion to be high or low spin, and why? [CoF6]3- Info: octahedral
shape, d6
34. [5pt] Draw a body centered cubic and a face centered cubic sketch. What is the coordination number of

35. [3pt] What would happen to the speed of an electron if it were twice as large as calculated?

36. [2pt] What is an alkahest?

37. [2pt] Who created the first periodic table?

38. [2pt] In X-ray crystallography, why is hydrogen so hard to locate?

39. [2pt] What element is a good reducing agent for metal oxides?

40. [2pt] Under what conditions will an acid dissolve a metal?

41. [8pt] Draw the d orbitals of octahedral [Co(CN)6]4- which has 7 valence electrons and square planar
[NiCl4]2- which have 8 valence electrons:

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