Technology and Students

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Technology and Students

A classroom can never be complete without a teacher who teaches and learners who listen and
understand. A dichotomy that is hard to replace and are the common characters in an educational
setting. Millennia and centuries had passed and this duo is still the standard of teaching. It’s been a
habit, a common practice and a universal belief. But what if we include a third party in this non-ending
relationship? Will people be open about the possibility of adding a third character in a story that seems
forever? Let’s try to insert, Technology.

It’s cliché to say that our generation is where technology had sprouted and spread and it’s a
misconception. Technology is not just limited to robots, gadgets or any electronic equipment.
Technology is what helps people do their jobs easily and efficiently whatever era or time they are in. It’s
what’s “in” in those times and what they believe as a tool to make their lives less of a hassle.

In education, technology is always underappreciated and unsung to say the least. But with the
trend of the pedagogy, more and more educational institutions had utilized technology fully well. It will
impact the whole educational system if we truly accept technology as the third member of the

Learners are usually passive and stable when inside the classroom. That has been the norm and
as what they say, bad habits die hard. It may be effective in the past years, but change is constant and
we must adapt to the learners and the strategies they apply in education. With technology, students can
now take impart in the discussion in a lot of ways. They can create presentations, make video clips,
record music, create articles like this just to make the classroom a more fruitful environment.

With technology, the shift of power inside the classroom would significantly change and
teachers won’t do all the talking anymore. Learners become active and rejuvenated with their new
friend at the disposal. A laptop alone can do many things like type, search in the internet, save files,
communicate, or play games that would entice learning.

Technology would not intervene but rather facilitate the learning process to make it more
effective, more practical, more widespread, more comprehensive, more advanced, more holistic and
more and more. It could be a bane or boon but it depends on how we use it, technology can always be
our ally at times that we need its services.
It changes the position of learners and the teachers because it seems like the thousand old of
teacher-student partnership will now turn into teacher-technology-student trio that is much better than
any generation in the history of our world. It puts the learners into a situation where they can explore
more things using these equipment. It gives them the chance to showcase what they’ve got with the
technology assisting them to dream big, persevere with their works and do what they can do to make
our lives better and ready for whatever lies ahead.

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