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Early Republic

1. Etruscans- Devoloped 1st Italian Cities

2. Romulus- legendary founder of rome

3. Two Consuls- commanded the roman empire

4. Praetor- Title granted by the government
5. Quaestors- public official the one that asks questions
6. Censors- An officer who supervised public morality

7. SPQR- The Roman Senate and People

8. Patricians- Aristocrat nobleman upper class

9. Plebeians- merchants poor artisian small farmers. commoners

Punic Wars
10. Hannibal- Carthage general won 3 major battles
11. Scipio- Roman general in third Punic war

The Late Republic

12. Tiberius Gracchus- Reformer proposed dividing public land among poor
13. Gaius Gracchus- brother of Tiberius passed law cheap grain
14. Gaius Marius- reformed army, recruited landless men to fight in army

1st Triumvirate:

15. Julius Caesar- politician

16. Pompey- sword
17. Crassus- purse

18. Octavian/Augustus Caesar- nephew of ceaser defeated marc Anthony and cleopatra
19. Pax Romana- roman peace, octavian first citizen of state
‘4 Bad’ Roman Emperors:
20. Julio-Claudians- isle of capri stepson to augustus tiberius
21. Tiberius Caligula- little sandals emp at 24 organized expedition to britian/failed
assassinated by praetorians
22. Claudius- nephew of Tiberius britian conquered 43 ad
23. Nero- adopted by Claudius, Seneca was tutor/advisor, great fire, poppea/ last wife of

Coming of Christianity in Rome:

24. Diocletian – Roman Emporer, last persecution of Christians in 303
25. Tetrarchy- 4 part division of the empire

26. Constantine- Roman Emporer

Milvian Bridge (vs. Maxentius) Important route to tiber won the battle led him to end
tetrarchy and became the sole ruler
27. Edict of Milan- proclamation established Christianity in roman empire
28. Council of Nicaea – first council of the Christian church
29. Arius – Christian priest of Alexandria
30. Constantinople – Capital city of the Roman/Byzantine

31. Dioceses- Area ran by biship

32. Theodosius I- Last Roman Emporor to rule both east and west
33. St. Benedict-
34. St. Jerome-
35. St. Augustine- most influential church father in the west
36. St. Patrick-
37. Petrine Doctrine- On this rock you will build my worship
38. Canon Law- body of laws made by church leadership for the government of a Christian
organization or church and members

Fall of Rome:
Sack of Rome-410AD
39. Alaric- First king of the visigoths from 395-410
40. Romulus Augustus- last emporer of rome. Considered a usper
41. Odoacer- First king of Italy in 476. Ended western rome empire
42. Federati- allied communities to rome
43. Vandals- East Germanic tribe. Establisheds kingdoms in spain and north africa

Fall of Rome-476AD
44. Theodoric: Ostrogoth. 1st Germanic King in Itally

The East-Constantinople:
45. Greek Orthodox Church-
46. Iconoclastic Controversy- dispute over the use of religious images in the byzantire empire
47. Greek Fire- flammable compositions used by byzantine eastern roman in naval battles
48. Justinian- noted for his administrative reorganization of the imperial government and for
his sponsorship of a codification of laws byzantire empire
49. Theodora:- most influential empress of the byzantine empire by marriage to justinian

Frankish Kingdom:
Merovingian Dynasty
50. Clovis- first king of the franks to unite all of the Frankish tribes under one ruler
51. Mayor of the Palace- manager of the household of the Frankish king. Carolingian family
acted as royal administors

Carolingian Dynasty
52. Charles Martel- Frankish statesman and military leader who as duke and prince of the
franks and mayor of the palace ruler of francia from 718 until his death
53. Pepin- king of the franks. Father of charlemagne
54. Charlemagne- King of the franks. Mission to unite people to christianity
55. Carolingian Renaissance- first of three medieval renaissances a period of cultural activity
56. Pope Leo III- protected by Charlemagne from his enemies in Rome, strengthed
charlemagnes position by crowning him holy roman emporer
57. Treaty of Verdun- Divided by charlemagnes grandsons

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