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To our fellow dog-lovers,

It is my absolute pleasure to share with you something that we are very excited about, that has been a long time in the
making - ​Olympia Provisions Pet Provisions​. This new product is the result of a much larger passion project of
ours, the ideations of which trace back to our company’s founding.

The charcuterie industry is riddled with waste, as producers typically only purchase the cuts that they need specifically
(bellies for bacon, leg for salami, etc...). Only using the "prime cuts" of the animal leaves farmers with a significant
amount of leftover waste and by-product that they are often forced to absorb the cost of. Oftentimes, this is why pig
farmers stop farming pigs. We believe we need to break this cycle because it's our duty, as charcuterie makers, to use
the whole animal and let nothing go to waste.

Over the years, we've worked with farmers in Oregon to bring sustainable pig farming back to our state (it helps with
regenerative soil practices, allows cattle farmers to maintain even cash flow throughout the year while waiting for beef
to mature, and much more). Many farmers, once convinced of the cash flow and soil benefits, have signed on to our
Whole Hog Project. Through this project, we help them through the 3rd party audit (GAP) to certify that their animal
husbandry is top notch, and then contract with them to purchase whole hogs rather than prime cuts alone.

Bringing in these whole animals gives us the opportunity to create and sell products that use the whole animal, and for
the most part, we are able to do so through our salami, sausage, pate, deli meats, and other delicious charcuterie. It's
taken us two years to develop our Pet Provisions to utilize the bone, organs, and skin that farmers would normally
throw away. We make them with the utmost quality and care (made in our USDA facility using whole ingredients and
smoked over real applewood), and our dogs go absolutely nuts over them. They're linked, like normal pepperonis or
sausages, and are completely human grade! They were also just featured on Oprah’s O List for Pets!

As we try to get more and more local farmers signed up for our Whole Hog Project, it'd be amazing to have great
partners like you to help show them that there is a future for this project and that we really are solving a significant
waste issue in the state.

This milestone in our company’s history could not have been reached without the love we have received from our
partners and supporters over the years, and I can’t possibly overstate how grateful and excited we are to be able to
share Pet Provisions with you now. Thank you for all of your support past, present, and future, as we continue the
aims of our beloved Whole Hog Project.

Elias and The OP Team

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