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Lecture: Dr.DAULAT SARAGI, M.Hum.





First of all, i want to say thank you to Allah SWT, because of His bless and
grace, i can finish this critical journal review. This critical journal review reviews
a journal with the topic gender equality. I wrote it to fulfill the one of KKNI's
assignment of Social and Cultural Science subject by sir Dr. DAULAT SARAGI, M.Hum.

I hope that this critical journal review that i have arranged can contribute to
increase the knowledge of the readers, and finally, in the context of further
improvement, we will be open to suggestions and input from all parties because the
author realizes that the Critical Journal Review that has been prepared has many

Medan, 2nd October 2020

Rahmadisa Najla


Foreword.................................................. .................................................. 1
CONTENTS.................................................. ................................................2
JOURNAL'S IDENTITY.................. ..............................................................3
CHAPTER I : Preliminary
I.1Bacground ............................................... .............................................. 4
I.2Purpose ............................................... .................................................. 5
I.3Benefits ............................................... .................................................. 5
II.1 Introduction...........................................................................................6
II.2 Review of Related Literature................................................................6
II.3 Objective of The Study.........................................................................7
II.4 Methodology.........................................................................................7
II.5 Discussion............................................................................................7-8
II.6 Conclusion.............................................................................................8
III.1 Journal's Structure..............................................................................10
III.2 Journal's Writing and Language.........................................................11
III.3 Journal's Display.................................................................................12
IV.1Conclusion ............................................... ......................................... 13
IV.2Suggestion ............................................... ......................................... 13
REFERENCES.................................................. .......................................... 14

Article Title : Existence Of Women Ojek Online Driver As Gender Equality


Journal Name : Jurnal Sosiologi Nusantara

Published Edition: 2019

Article Author : Alif Fadzilatus Siti Arofah, Yus'afin Taji Alam

Publisher : FIS, Universitas Negeri Malang

Vol / No :5/2

Hal : 171 - 183

ISSN Online : 2622-9617

ISSN Print : 2460-9099



The difficulty of getting a job to support a decent life can be felt especially by
millennials. Even having a high diploma does not necessarily mean getting a job easily. So that
looking for job vacancies is a challenge in itself. Currently, many people complain and are confused
by the difficulty of job vacancies. We can see how many unemployed people who come not only from
high school graduates, even those with undergraduate status also find it difficult to find work.
People are competing with each other to find various job vacancies. Those who have just
finished their education here and there are looking for job vacancies and conducting various interviews,
but not a few of them are not accepted because of inadequate abilities or not according to their
This rapid technological advancement has created a super application for all transportation
needs. This Ojek Online application helps make it easier and faster when we are going to travel. Ease is
not only felt by those who are going to travel. however, even those who have difficulty finding job
vacancies can be helped by this online transportation application. Not only men who are pursuing the
profession as online drivers. However, many women have also plunged into online drivers.
Researchers found a phenomenon in the social environment regarding the existence of online
motorcycle taxi drivers carried out by women. This becomes interesting to discuss because the
stereotypes that exist in the community themselves assume that usually this profession is only done by
men, and usually women are not suitable for doing work in the field such as being an online motorcycle
taxi driver. The stereotype that women are not suitable to work in the field because work in the field is
dominated by heavy work and must be done by every man has become a fundamental thought in the
social community.

1. To review the contents in a journal and improve our journal analysis skill.
2. Search and find out information about Gender Equality in everyday life.
3. Identify Gender Equality's role and Implication in daily life
4. Know what is the impact of Gender Equality in everyday life.

To provide information and insights to readers about the application of social and cultureal
science theory, especially about the gender equality in daily life.


Women are often identified with homework. and considered not strong enough to do
work that is identical to men. But now women have begun to realize that patriarchal stigmas in
this society can be refuted. This shows the existence of gender equality which was indirectly
voiced by these women. This article discusses women who work as online motorcycle taxi
drivers, what makes them take jobs as motorcycle taxi drivers and their lives when they are
online motorcycle taxi drivers using a phenomenological study approach.

In the current era of globalization, the rapid development of technology requires people
to follow existing developments. Other than that,
This development also makes it easy for people to help their daily lives, so that people now
prefer to use practical things. Technology in the context of transportation services can
influence the interests of consumers and customers. Now also starting to develop public
transportation using applications or commonly known as "Online Transportation".

Behind the rapid growth of online transportation today, there are social constructions
that have sprung up from the drivers themselves. Social construction depicting online
motorcycle taxi drivers is dominated by men so that patriarchal dominance appears in the
concept of social construction because the community environment always assumes that work
is related to activities that are dominated by men / masculine where jobs such as driving,
picking up and delivering people from one destination to another and is often exposed to dirty
vehicle dust and every day it is always in contact with the road and crowded people driving, is a
profession that can be done by men / masculine (Rafidan, 2019).

Even so, there are women who choose to become online motorcycle taxi drivers as
their job, with social construction that says that this profession is a masculine profession that
does not corner the intention of female online motorcycle taxi drivers to continue to earn a
living and fight for their existence in the social environment to continue to seek prosperity in
life. working as an online motorcycle taxi driver even though it takes enough effort for these
women to show that women are capable of doing this masculine profession, with the
dominance of men who are quite a lot in the work of online motorcycle taxi drivers, the
existence of women is their achievement to keep trying to meet their needs so that can be
defined as existence as human thought which is utilized by its existence and transcends all
objective knowledge.


 To study about women who work as online motorcycle taxi drivers
 To study about what made them take jobs as ojek drivers and their lives when they
became online ojek drivers.
 To study about gender equality related to female online motorcycle taxi drivers.
 To study about the views on the existence of female online motorcycle taxi drivers.

With the existing conditions in the field and the data that has been obtained by the
author, this article discusses the existence of female online motorcycle taxi drivers who are
among the many male online motorcycle taxi drivers. This study takes an approach by means
of a transcendental phenomenology study by setting aside the prejudices of researchers about
the existence of female online motorcycle taxi drivers using descriptive methods.

The focus of this research is on female online motorcycle taxi drivers in Malang, with
data collection techniques in the form of interviews with female drivers and in storing
documentation using a transcribed mobile phone voice recorder and note-taking. Data mining
begins with interviewing one female driver. and ask the female driver to provide her contact
acquaintance who is also another female driver.
In managing the data that has been obtained, the authors divide it into several stages.
The first stage, data starts from a small research that has been compiled beforehand. The
second stage, data that has been obtained from interviews with informants and other data
from the research location is processed and given a specific code. The third stage, after the
data is processed, the researcher re-checks the data that has been previously obtained,
whether the validity of the data can be recognized or not by comparing the data received from
the original sources with other sources. The final stage is data analysis, this section contains
the answers to the questions that have been formulated.

a) Background of Women Being Online Ojek Drivers

Some women choose to work as online motorcycle taxi drivers because in this modern
era the needs of life are increasing where the level of employment that is classified as having to
compete with others to get it, so that these women will try their hardest to make a living but
also with how to take advantage of technological advances supported by the emergence of
GOJEK in 2015 then GRAB and UBER in 2017 (Indriyani: 2018). The results in the field show that
most of the women who become online motorcycle taxi drivers are women who are the
backbone of the family because they are single parents and have to meet the needs of their
children. Becoming an online motorcycle taxi driver is usually used as a side item if the women
are in need of more funds because of some demands. Apart from being a side job, online
motorcycle taxi drivers are also the main job for some women.

Online motorcycle taxi drivers are the choice of some women because this job does not
need to spend a lot of capital and is quite easy to do, is not determined by time and can be
done anytime, anywhere. This job is friendly enough for women who have certain illnesses if
they work too hard, therefore becoming an online motorcycle taxi driver is considered the right
choice. Besides that is, being an online motorcycle taxi driver also has considerable advantages
to meet daily needs even though you have to go through the hot sun. As world economic
development progresses, it is possible that the needs of each individual will also increase.

b) Gender Equality related to the Female Online Ojek Driver

Gender emerges as a form of explanation that men and women have 2 characteristics,
namely innate traits that are born from God and traits that are formed by cultural and
environmental factors that are learned from childhood. With the existence of this gender term,
it can facilitate and open people's eyes that there are traits that can actually be carried out by
both men and women and can make us digest more about the division of roles that have been
considered more inclined towards men and women. In today's modern era, many women are
brave enough to speak out about gender equality and equal rights with the meaning of
improving the human resources of Indonesian society. According to Sukesi (1991), women
have 2 roles, namely tradition and transition. The traditional role is the role when a woman
becomes a wife, a mother, and a housekeeper. Meanwhile, the role of transition is the role
when women become workers, human development and part of society.

In this paper, what discusses about female online motorcycle taxi drivers in Malang is
actually a form or attitude of women who state that being an ojek can not only be done by
men, but also women even though men still dominate as online motorcycle taxi drivers. The
findings in the field show that women who choose to become online motorcycle taxi drivers
think that being an ojek can or should not only be done by men, but also women. They realize
that actually women can be in any position while women are able.

c) Experience During Becoming an Online Ojek Driver

Women who work as online motorcycle taxi drivers claim to have various experiences
when dealing with passengers. Various kinds of passengers have been experienced by these
drivers, such as generous passengers who will usually give more money to drivers, impatient
passengers will usually cancel orders because they are considered waiting too long, sometimes
meet passengers who actively invite to talk throughout the trip, but it is not uncommon to find
passengers who are a little indifferent so that there is no chat during the trip.

In addition to the experience with passengers, this female driver also admitted that she
had experience when buying food for customers where sometimes the food ordered was out of
stock and finally the order was canceled by the customer. However, it is not uncommon for
drivers to find customers who even though the ordered food runs out, they still order with
another menu so that the driver doesn't lose his customer. Also the experience when meeting
other male drivers, there has never been a conflict or the like because they think that they are
both looking for sustenance through an online motorcycle taxi application. Becoming an online
motorcycle taxi driver does require extra patience and painstaking in dealing with various
people with different backgrounds and of course characters.

d) Views on the existence of female online motorcycle taxi drivers

The view of online motorcycle taxi drivers towards other female drivers is that they
never make a problem even though ojek drivers are identical to men's jobs because while the
work done is positive and can help each other, this is not a problem. As fellow drivers, it is
appropriate to support each other, not drop them because everyone's sustenance has got their
own share. They consider this a form of gender equality in which jobs that are identical to men
can be done by women. Some women choose to form an online female motorcycle taxi driver
community as a form of the existence of women who become drivers, but some others also
choose not to join these communities because they prefer to gather with their families after

The viewpoint of male online motorcycle taxi drivers towards female drivers is not
much different from the previous view that they will still support each other while nothing
negative is done. Several male drivers admitted to being amazed and saluting the women who
work hard to become the backbone of the family to earn a living for their children, even doing
this by working normally done by men. The form of support is usually in the form of light
greetings when meeting fellow drivers on the road or while resting while waiting for orders to

Meanwhile, the public's view of women's online motorcycle taxi drivers is a form of
progress for women with an independent and hard-working nature so as to close people's eyes
to women who tend to be known as gentle and choose to stay at home and take care of
children. Also as a form of women who become parents who are responsible for the survival of
their families in the midst of globalization which has rapid development. In addition, in the
midst of this very strong job competition, there are still women who are able to survive and
even win this competition. Of course, with the development of increasingly sophisticated
technology, it is hoped that it can create many jobs for the entire world community.


The more advanced technological developments are, the easier it is society in advancing
his life. One of the results of current technological advances This is the existence of online
motorcycle taxis in Indonesia, one of which is in Malang. Taxibike online is one of the jobs that
is very synonymous with men, according to the stigma of Indonesian society. However, this
was denied by the emergence of motorcycle taxi drivers online women in several regions in
Indonesia. Become an online motorcycle taxi driver for some women are considered to be
natural things because now there are so many people who are starting to realize gender
equality because we know that Indonesia strongly adheres to a patriarchal culture. Feminism
views online motorcycle taxi drivers this woman as a form of voicing by women that is not
forever jobs that have been synonymous with men are impossible to do girls.




Cover ✔

Author’s name ✔

Year of publication ✔

City of publication -

Volume ✔

Journal name ✔


Publication -

Introduction ✔

Theoretical review -

Research methods ✔

Results -

Discussion ✔

Conclusions ✔

References ✔



Language This journal was written in Indonesian language, with correct

and relate grammar.

Fonts This journal writhing in Times New Roman, with font size is

This journal also use and easy and effective word. The words
used is also quite simple and easy to understand, so that it is

Effective language very supportive for readers to understand the purpose of each
journal content and i think everyone can read this journal.

This journal is quite neat because it uses justify so that the

writing seems neat and easy to see and read.
Neatness of writing

Picture This journal does not include picture, but it is still good and an
easy-understanding complete journal.

Tables This journal does not include a table, but use point of each
purpose and explain it one by one.

Graphics This journal does not include graphics



This journal does not have several colors so that it is

not so interesting from display and colour's view. But,
in some point, this journal use bold sentences, that
makes the readers can find the main idea easier and

Neatness This journal is quite neat. It is written in correct

journal structure and the contents of this journal is also





This rapid technological advancement has created a super application for all transportation
needs. Ease is not only felt by those who are going to travel. however, even those who have
difficulty finding job vacancies can be helped by this online transportation application. Not only
men who are pursuing the profession as online drivers. However, many women have also
plunged into online drivers. This is what is called emancipation, equalizing degrees between
men and women. Women are no longer seen as weak creatures. But women also have the same
rights as men.

This journal is quite good either in its structure or its display view, but i think for further
recommendation, the writer can add some picture or mind map so that the readers can better
know the goal of this journal.


Arofah, A., Alam, Y., 2019. Journal Sosiologi Nusantara. Existence Of Women Ojek Online Driver
As Gender Equality Form. Malang : 5 (2).

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