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“Analyzing The Views of Society Towards Masculine
Female Workers”
Lecture : Dr.Daulat Saragi, M.Hum.

RAHMADISA NAJLA (41911110109)




Praise and gratitude we thank God Almighty for His blessings and grace so that We are
still given the opportunity and health to be able to complete this mini research report. We made
this mini research report to fulfill the completion of the assignment in the Social and Cultural
Science course, hopefully this mini research report can add insight and knowledge to the readers.

In writing this engineering idea, we certainly cannot solve it our self without the help of
other parties. Therefore, I thank:

1. Both of our parents are always praying for us.

2. To the supporting lecturer, Sir Dr.Daulat Saragi, M.Hum.

I realize that this mini research report is far from perfect because there are still many
shortcomings. Therefore, I humbly apologize and expect constructive criticism and suggestions
for future improvement and improvement.

Finally, I wish you a happy reading and hope that the material in the mini research report
in the form of this paper can be useful as it should be for the readers.

Medan, 2nd of December 2020

Group 5

Table of Contents..................................................................................................2


A. Background.................................................................................................3
B. Problem Identification................................................................................3
C. Research’s Purpose and Benefits..............................................................3

CHAPTER II : THEORITICAL REVIEWS..................................................................4


A. Research Design..........................................................................................6
B. Research Scope...........................................................................................6
C. Research Location.......................................................................................6
D. Data Collection Method..............................................................................6

CHAPTER IV : RESULT AND DISCUSSION............................................................8


A. Conclusion..................................................................................................11
B. Suggestion..................................................................................................11


A. Background
The backwardness of women reflects the injustice and inequality between men
and women in Indonesia, this can be seen from the picture of the condition of women in
Indonesia. Indeed, gender differences with the separation of characteristics, roles and
positions do not matter as long as they do not create injustice. But in reality gender
differences have created various injustices, not only for women, but also for men.
Various direct and indirect differences in roles, functions, duties and responsibilities as
well as positions between men and women, and the impact of laws and regulations and
policies have created various injustices because they are rooted in customs, norms or
community structures.
Gender is still defined by society as gender differences. Society does not yet
understand that gender is a cultural construction regarding the role of social functions and
responsibilities between men and women. This condition results in gaps in social roles
and responsibilities resulting in discrimination against men and women. It's just that
when compared, discrimination against women is less profitable than men. Gender
injustice is a form of treatment differences based on gender reasons, such as limiting
roles, exclusion or favoritism which results in violations of the recognition of human
rights, equality between men and women, as well as basic rights in the social, political,
economic, cultural and other fields. other.
Gender injustice and discrimination are systems and structures where both women
and men are victims in the system. Various differences in roles and positions between
women and men, both directly in the form of treatment and attitudes, and indirectly in the
form of the impact of laws and regulations or policies, have resulted in various injustices.
Gender injustice occurs because of the belief and justification that has been instilled
throughout human civilization in various forms that not only affect women but also men.
B. Problem Identification
This research was conducted to determine the society’s view about women who
work in the masculine field type of job, and how female workers are treated.

C. Research’s Purpose and Benefits

 Purpose
1. Analyzing the views of society towards masculine female workers
2. Fulfill the social and cultural science course assignments.
 Benefits
After reading this mini research report, it is hoped that readers will eliminate the
stereotypical view of women with masculine occupations.

A. Meaning of Gender
The word "gender" is often defined as a group of men, women, or sex differences. The
word "gender" has often been used by Indonesians, but there is no word "gender" in Indonesian
(Antonius, 2008). Therefore, the word used in this study is the word "gender", not the word
"gender". In general, discussions about gender in everyday life are usually discussed, even to the
scope of Human Resources Science, gender has become a part of things that cannot be ruled out.
The following is an explanation from several experts regarding the meaning of gender:
According to Fakih (1999) quoted by Sujatmoko (2011) the first definition of gender is
found in the dictionary. "Grammatical classification of words and other words relating to them
which are largely related to the existence of two genders or neutrality".
According to Caplan (1987) "Gender is a difference in behavior between men and
women apart from the biological structure, mostly it is formed through social and cultural
According to Bem (1981) "Gender is a personality characteristic, a person who is
influenced by their gender role and is grouped into 4 classifications, namely masculine, feminine,
androgynous and unclassified".
B. Type of Gender
In general, gender is classified into 4 roles, namely masculine, feminism, androgynous
and not classified. As for the meaning of each of these roles, namely:
1) Masculine type, namely humans whose male characteristics are above average, their
femininity is less than average. Gender-related traits are more common in men, or a masculine
role or trait that is shaped by culture. Thus masculine is a trait that is believed and shaped by
culture as ideal traits for men.
2) Feminine type, namely humans whose femininity is less than the average. Traits or
traits that are generally found in women than men. When combined with "stereotypical", it refers
to a trait that is believed to be culturally more related to women than to men in a particular culture
or subculture. This means that femininity is a trait or trait that is believed and shaped by culture
as ideal for women.
3) Androgin type, namely humans whose male and female characteristics are above
average, in addition to thinking about masculine and femininity as being on a continuum line,
where more on one dimension means less in other dimensions, some say that the individual
-individuals can show expressive and instrumental attitudes. This thinking sparked the
development of the concept of androgyny.
4) The type is not classified (undiferentiated), namely humans whose male and female
characteristics are below average. the high presence of masculine and feminine characteristics
desired in one individual at the same time (Santrok, 2003). An androgynous individual is a man
who is assertive (masculine) and loving (feminine), or a woman who is dominant (masculine) and
sensitive to the feelings of others (feminine).
In this mini research we discuss about women who do masculine job. So we are
focus to the masculine type.
Masculinity is a concept of social roles, behavior and meanings certain attached to
men at certain times. (Kimmel and Aronson, 2002). Connell (2005) states that
masculinity is placed in relationships gender, namely practices that involve men and
women and have implications on physical experience, nature, and culture.
In gender terms, women are defined as weak humans gentle, graceful, motherly,
emotional, etc. both in the eastern world and in the west, women are line up to become
wives and mothers. This life, the trait which is worn on women is a being emotional,
passive, weak, decorative, not assertive and incompetent except forhousehold duties (Mat
his, 2001). But with continued rapid development era, women are also required to have
an independent attitude and can develop himself as a human according to his talents It
can be seen from the profile of Indonesian women today, there are very many not only
doing household duties, but also working in the world of work.
According to Beneria, working women are women who carry out roles productive
(in Rini, 2002). Women can be categorized into two roles, namely reproductive roles and
productive roles. Reproductive roles include the role of biological reproduction (birth)
while the productive role is role in work that produces something of economic value
(economically actives). Working women (employed women) are women who work to get
a wage (Matlin, 2004).
Meanwhile, according to Anoraga (2006) career women are women who get /
experience development and progress in the field of work. The agency named working
women to replace the term career woman. He also reiterated that What is meant by career
is any work as long as it brings something progress in his life.
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that women work are women
who play a productive role in producing products or services that have economic value
and aim to sustain life, get rewarded and increase the standard of life by experiencing
developments and advances in the field of work.


A. Research Design

In this mini research, we use descriptive research methods. This research method is a
method that seeks to reveal the facts of an event, object, activity, process, and human being as it
is at the present time or a period that is still possible in the memory of the respondent. In
addition to descriptive methods, this mini research also uses qualitative research types.

The purpose of this study is to know how the soecity’s view about women who work in
the masculine field type of job. This Mini Research also done to identify how the female workers
are treated and how was their condition in the work place, knowing if there’s still gender
discrimination between men and women in this era.

B. Research Scope

This research was conducted to determine the society’s view about women who work
in the masculine field type of job, and how female workers are treated.

C. Research Location

As a result of conducting online lectures, we conducted research in 2 (three) different

places according to our respective domiciles. This mini research was carried out in 2 city in
North Sumatera, Medan and Siantar. The participants of interviewees were 10 women around
Medan and Siantar at age 20-35 years old who work in the masculine field type of job.

D. Data Collection Methods

The data collection methods in this study are as follows:

1. Observation Method

The method of observation is defined as systematic observation and recording of the

symptoms that appear on the object of research. This method is used to obtain data related to the
general situation of online learning carried out by the school. In addition, this technique is also
used to look closely at the constraints in the marketing mix that have been carried out.

2. Interview Method (interview)

Interview method (interview) is a form of communication between two people,

involving someone who wants to get information from someone else by asking questions based
on specific objectives. In this case we use the direct interview method with several women who
who work in the masculine field type of job.


A. Graphic of Result
As we have said in the previous chapter, that in the data collecting we use
interview method, where there were two way of interview method that we used. The first
is we use the ‘Put your finger down’ method that now is very popular in the Tiktok
application. In this method we ask the interviewees to raise their right hand while we
asking the questions one by one, if the interviewees feel that the question is suitable with
their condition, then they can put their hands down. There are five questions in this ‘Put
your hand down’ method. We make an assessment range for this type of interview. If the
interviewees put more than 3 (three) of their 5 (five) right hand fingers, it indicates that
there’s a serious trouble about gender equality.

The second type of interview method that we use is the regularly interview,
where we asked the interviewees one by one(face to face situation) with some questions
directly, then they answer our questions directly too. In this second type of interview, we
asked the interviewees about their reason choosing this job, their experience while
working in this job, how is their family and neighbours’ reaction to their job, if there’s
any differentiation between men and women in their job’s place and if they had an
experience in gender discrimination. More about their responses, we have concluded it in
the mini research video that we made as the project task. But, here we can give a graphic
that shows their response in conclusion :

Respondens' Table

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B. Discussion of Result
Based on the graphic shown below, we can conclude that there is still a high value in
the poin of : society’s negative view and job categorical discrimination. More explanation
about the graphic is :

 From ten interviewees that we had interview, seven (7) of them said that their parents
and neighbours still have a negative views with their job. Their parents and neighbours
still asking and wondering why they take this job for women, because in the society it
is known as men’s job. This results give us a real proof about the people’s wrong
stereotype perspective that still think only men can do the masculine job and women
can only do the feminime job. if there is a statement that women are only suitable for
certain jobs, the world of work will not work. This is because there is no women's
perspective in engineering, environmental, and other matters. Palm oil production, for
example, always sees it from men's perspective which leads to wealth, which is
important to produce. Even though women working is not a new phenomenon, the
problem of working women seems to be still being discussed today. However, society
still views that the ideal family is that the husband works outside the home, and the
wife does homework. A strong stereotype in society is that ideally the husband acts as
a breadwinner and a loving leader, and the wife carries out the childcare function. It's
just that, along with the times, of course these roles should not be standardized,
especially the economic conditions that make him unable to close his eyes that
sometimes even wives are required to work as breadwinners.

 Of the ten (10) interviewees that we had interviewed, eight (8) of them said that there
was no distinction between men and women in terms of wages. This is because the
minimum wage of a company has been regulated by the government. So there is no
reason for naughty companies not to provide decent and proper wages to female
workers. Everyone emphasized that women have had the opportunity to work, be
involved in the politics of the country and play an active role in society. Unfortunately,
gender stereotypes that follow in everyday life are often ignored. For example,
stereotypes in the world of work have a serious impact on women, especially
regarding the wage gap. In fact, women in many countries have, on average, hourly
wages far below their male counterparts. The difference in wages varies by 10-40%,
compared and averaged over the entire working population divided by gender.
Formally this difference is noted. But is this fair? No, it's not always fair. In practice,
women seem to find it more difficult to earn more.

 From ten interviewees that we had interview, eight (7) of them said that they have
experienced job categorical discrimination. Women are often seen as incompetent
employees, have lots of burdens and problems at home and do not have stable
emotions. In the end, many of them are placed in low-level positions or in strategic
positions with wages that are not comparable to their work. They do not only question
low wages or the unfulfilled rights of women, such as nursing room facilities and
menstrual leave. In fact, the issue of gender stereotypes must return to the issue of
women's access to self-actualization. In the workplace, gender stereotypes still confine
women ranging from gender-biased recruitment systems to reasons for employee

 The Global Gender Gap Index report released by the World Economic Forum (2018)
states that the global wage gap has increased towards 51 percent and women's
leadership has touched 34 percent globally. However, the report regrets the imbalance
in the proportion of women and men in the workforce. Indonesia itself still has to
occupy the 85th position out of 149 countries with an index of 0.691. On the economic
sub-indicator itself, Indonesia gets an index of 0.629 with the 96th position with a
 Still at 52.9 percent of women who can participate in the labor force, compared to men
who reach 83.7 percent.
 The average per capita income per year of women is twice that of men (in dollars:
women are US $ 8,102 and men are US $ 16,495).
 The participation of women in the economic and political hierarchy is still at 27.5
percent, far from men's participation which has reached 72.5 percent.

A. Conclusion
Gender role stereotypes not only affect women, but also men. The lack of
information regarding the flexibility of gender roles in society has resulted in the
perception that men and women need to have different fields of work. If this is
maintained, of course, it will have a negative impact on the environment and even
ourselves. The demands of men to always show their masculine attitude by not crying
and not telling stories will have a psychological impact on men. This is not to mention
when there are men who cannot fulfill the expectations of their gender roles, because not
all men can fulfill these demands. Likewise with women, who will experience a double
burden as a result of being burdened with domestic roles that are always attached to
women. So basically, not only women are disadvantaged by gender role imbalances, men
are also disadvantaged.
B. Suggestion
When we look back at the definition of gender and gender roles, there is basically
no difference between “men's work” and “women's work”, because basically men and
women are capable of doing any job. So, so as not to cause harm to both parties, it is
better if we start to open up our horizons and try to be more flexible in implementing
gender roles.


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