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OTC 13992

Integration Schedule Reduction of the Brutus TLP

L.R. Rowland, K.G. Bowen, R.F. Figgers, Shell International Exploration and Production Inc. and V.E. Gibson, Gulf Marine

Copyright 2002, Offshore Technology Conference

associated major packages were leased and relocated from an
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2002 Offshore Technology Conference held in existing facility located in the Gulf of Mexico. Although each
Houston, Texas U.S.A., 6–9 May 2002.
of the components received some commissioning and testing
This paper was selected for presentation by the OTC Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
at their respective fabrication sites, most required to be
presented, have not been reviewed by the Offshore Technology Conference and are subject to commissioned as an integrated system. The project Integration
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Offshore Technology Conference or its officers. Electronic reproduction, phase was contracted to Gulf Marine Fabricators (GMF) and
distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written
consent of the Offshore Technology Conference is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print
utilized their Ingleside, Texas facility.
is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The The Shell Integration Project Manager assembled a
abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was
presented. core planning team approximately 18 months prior to the start
of the Integration phase. This team worked part time for
approximately 12 months planning the high-level
requirements and systems to execute the project. The team
The Shell International Exploration and Production, Inc.
relocated to the GMF facility for the detailed planning phase
Brutus Tension Leg Platform (TLP) project was challenged to
approximately 6 months prior to the arrival of the first
compress the overall project duration while minimizing costs.
components. The contractor experienced two ownership
The Integration effort is a specific project phase where all
changes during the detailed planning phase resulting in
fabricated assemblies from a structural, piping and electrical
changes in the majority of the contractor management and
perspective are assembled to form an operational facility. The
field supervisory staff. The change in key personnel initially
applicable newly integrated systems were Commissioned and
impacted the detailed planning effort for the project. The new
specific systems certified by the U.S. Coast Guard. The
management meticulously filled all key staff positions with an
Integration phase of the project was on critical path and
emphasis on having a successful project.
targeted to accelerate schedule by 30%. The Integration core
A structured, methodical approach was adopted in
team initially agreed to a 20% schedule reduction without a
planning all aspects of the project including the execution,
detailed plan of how to achieve this target. An additional 10%
management, control, and closeout phases. A final analysis
reduction was identified later in the planning stage. The
following a Lessons Learned Workshop was conducted for the
Integration phase of the project is highly visible due to all
Integration phase to determine the most significant
components coming together to create a working facility and
contributions to the success of the project. The learnings can
the proximity of this phase in the overall project schedule to
be summarized into five major categories; 1) early detailed
first production. The physical changes in the progress can be
planning and interface management, 2) structured application
visually confirmed weekly. This paper will share many of the
of principle-based project management systems, 3) structural
planning and execution solutions used to achieve the schedule.
interconnect design and execution requirements, 4) contracting
It will also highlight some benefits, concerns / issues, and
strategy, and 5) an integrated team approach. This paper will
risks associated with the planning and execution of this
attempt to capture the most beneficial best practices and
project. The benefits listed below are specific to this project,
lessons learned.
whereas the concerns / issues and risks are more generic to
assist those who may consider using a similar approach.
Planning started with a review of the known Integration scope.
This was a high level review because not all of the component
The Brutus TLP project was approved in May of 1999 for
designs had been completed. The team then developed a high-
installation in the Gulf of Mexico. Numerous contracts were
level work breakdown structure (WBS) of the known scope to
established to fabricate major components and assemblies in
frame the required effort for the Integration. Some of the
locations around the globe. These included items such as the
scope was defined by integration of the major packages, but
hull, major modules, compression packages, hydrocarbon
many of the details were based on the actual results and
dew-point control facility and cranes. The drilling rig and the

experiences from previous projects. Once the scope was The logistics planning was conducted with the
identified, or at least the known scope at that point in time, the assistance of the Shell Operations staff. The material logistics
primary focus was to establish the proper contractual addressed the receiving, storing, maintenance and
arrangements. The contract was developed based on an coordination of placement aboard the TLP. Supply lines were
established long-term relationship between Shell and the established as well as procedures and tools for ordering,
contractor. The result was a hybrid contract with elements of tracking and expediting the necessary materials. Additionally,
risk sharing, targeted activities, lump sum components, fees this team planned and coordinated the staffing requirements
and incentives. The contract flexibility allowed the Platform and movements of the Shell Operations staff prior to their
Assembly and Commissioning Team (PACT) team to arrival at the Integration site. The Shell Operations staff
optimize the various elements of the work scope, such as worked 24 hours a day for 7 days per week with scheduled
converting some scope to lump sum and subcontracting other crew changes.
scope. The contract was negotiated and supported aligned A communications plan was utilized to ensure critical
goals and objectives in the spirit of a “win-win” approach. It and necessary information was distributed appropriately. The
also allowed the flexibility to mutually agree to changes in the team also optimized the site layout and selected the best co-
objectives, if necessary. A code of accounts was generated to location of the team members. In addition to planning for
manage and track all labor, materials, subcontractors and warehousing and office spaces, the team planned traffic routes
expenses associated with the project. All scope and planning for personnel, vehicles and equipment.
efforts were aligned with these accounts and considered The PACT was expanded for the detailed planning
responsibilities of both the client and contractor. phase. The GMF team members were assigned late in the
The Shell Integration Project Manager selected a core planning stage due to the multiple ownership changes and
group of experienced Shell staff and key contractor personnel ongoing work assignments. Teambuilding and alignment
to commence the project planning. Lessons learned were sessions were conducted to establish an environment of open,
reviewed from the previous projects of similar scope, as well honest communications among all team members. The
as other deepwater projects, to leverage the knowledge gained members were selected and assigned responsibilities by
from these experiences. Proven practices, alternative disciplines such as structural or piping. The disciplines with a
approaches, inefficiencies and relevant issues were reviewed large amount of scope activities occurring simultaneously
for immediate implementation or documented for future were subdivided into multiple teams to distribute the scope.
consideration. The schedule and performance data from the The initial scope estimates were replaced with the detailed
previous Integration projects were analyzed for potential planning targets for all scope activities at this time. Many of
opportunities and threats. The criteria to be used in developing the initial estimates were based on previous project production
the Integration schedule and the project management systems rates. The final TLP design was then used to refine these
were outlined to ensure the management and control of the estimates. Some of the activity estimates were based on crew
execution would support the fast pace of an accelerated size and time elements. The resources and durations were
project. The Integration goals and objectives were reviewed to validated and challenged by the GMF field operations
ensure alignment with those of the overall project. Other areas personnel who were tasked with reviewing current
of execution, such as logistics, risks and quality were also calculations and providing suggestions for improving
studied to define the expectations and align their objectives. productivity. They also looked for innovative ways of
During the project management systems planning, an accelerating the work and reducing the critical path. This
extensive review was conducted of all existing contractor effort produced the baseline schedule, which had a high
processes and procedures. Many of the policies had been degree of credibility and buy-in by the entire team.
improved since our previous experience at this facility. The The schedule had been developed according to pre-
existing contractor capabilities were evaluated with respect to determined requirements. Some of these requirements were
the requirements criteria for managing this project. The intent managed through the use of code fields in the software to
was to maximize the use of all current processes employed by allow maximum flexibility in manipulating various scope
the contractor to maintain compatibility of all their systems. activities and the management of specific resources. All
Any differences between the contractor’s existing procedures human resource requirements were included in the schedule
and the agreed upon requirements for all management by discipline and skill. The resource-loaded schedule included
processes and systems were identified. The team proposed all prime contractor, subcontractor and selected
enhancements to the existing procedures to achieve the commissioning personnel time. This enabled very strict
requirements of the management systems by proposing the control and management of the project. All component
approach that was the least disruptive to the contractors’s deliveries and need dates were revised to coincide with the
existing systems. The project control systems were designed to Integration early start requirements. The TLP hull orientations
link all components to create a complete management system. were planned to minimize any required movements that
This internconnected design of the management systems impacted the work progress. Each activity was reviewed to
strengthened the flexibility and capabilities of the determine if a particular orientation was required to perform
new processes. the work. Critical path activities controlled most orientation

changes and received the most scrutiny. Activities with Risks during Planning. For schedules to be effective they
minimum float were the next priority. must be accurate. Unnecessary or insufficient resources will
At this point in the planning, there was a need to cause great damage to the credibility of the schedule. Once the
reduce the schedule an additional 10%. All opportunities to schedule has been proven unreliable, it is extremely difficult
perform pre-work of the component fabrication sites were to restore a credible status. Project personnel by nature tend to
analyzed. Examples of these opportunities are the pre-pulling be optimistic individuals. Their optimism and desire to be as
of select cables to expedite the electrical interconnects scope efficient as possible can lead to an unrealistic schedule. The
or the pickling operations performed prior to component win-win approach and commitment to aligned objectives must
deliveries to eliminate the conflicts between disciplines. Each be sincere. Open communications are bi-directional and this
TLP crane assembly and installation was planned at the trust must be built and maintained. Although flexibility in the
earliest possible opportunity. The cranes, once installed, were contract and schedule sounds intuitively beneficial, there may
used for equipment placement and material movement on the be risks if the relationship and trust have not been firmly
TLP. Cherry pickers and forklifts were to be placed aboard the established. Care should be taken when developing new tools
TLP to free up the cranes for other necessary lifts. The deck and processes. They should be developed from a systemic
structural interconnect plate installation sequences were perspective. It is easy to develop tools that perform adequately
optimized for safety and maximum utilization of resources. A when things go well. Significant effort is required to modify
welding profile school was held just prior to the hull arrival to these systems in the heat of battle. The risk identification
accelerate the learning curve for the primary steel welders; this process should be employed iteratively throughout the project
was a key lesson learned from previous projects. and given special emphasis during and following the
development of the baseline schedule.
Benefits of Early Planning. Early planning allowed a more
stringent review of the minor details. Alternate approaches and Execution
innovative solutions were reviewed, analyzed and generally With the arrival of the hull, the attention shifted from planning
incorporated. The planning allowed adequate time to level and to execution. The first three weeks of scheduled work were
optimize the use of the various resources. The advantage of heavily analyzed and reviewed prior to the hull arrival until
this schedule approach allowed different scenario plans to be the requirements became second nature to the teams. The
quickly developed and reviewed. The participation by the schedule was used as a reminder during this period to ensure
complete team allowed all members to become familiar with no daily work scope was overlooked. The lessons learned
the different needs and capabilities of each discipline. The from previous projects and experiences of the team members
safety team conducted detailed analyses and scheduled all were applied at every opportunity. Just prior to the hull arrival,
work with an increased safety risk between activities having the moored TLP location was shifted from a single bulkhead
large quantities of personnel working in close proximity of to the corner of two adjoining bulkhead to provide additional
one another. Additional reviews of the risk plan were access for personnel and cranes. A new orientation plan was
performed as schedule and other individual plan revisions created and placed in the schedule to determine the impacts
occurred. Early planning also afforded the team the time to and opportunities. All solutions by the PACT members
impact equipment delivery dates to improve the Integration adopted a “Best for Project” approach void of preferences for
schedule and to review opportunities to accelerate sail away. any discipline or subcontractor. The schedule was utilized as a
work authorization system. All work scope, including scope
Concerns / Issues during Planning. A common tendency is to growth and contingency plans, were included in the schedule.
focus too much effort on the schedule itself and ignore the The schedule controls in place governing new activities
critical processes and procedures necessary to support the ensured that only valid scope was added.
schedule. This phase of planning should require the team to The team conducted routine meetings at all levels of
develop a process outlining how they will plan, manage, the project hierarchy to effectively manage the project. These
control and closeout the project. If these issues are not ranged from daily morning toolbox safety meetings and
considered early enough to adequately plan them, they may be afternoon leadman coordination meetings to the project
developed reactively rather than proactively. Minimal steering team meetings comprised of senior managers. The
planning may be sufficient when things are going well, but be field operations personnel were empowered to manage their
inadequate under different circumstances. Even perfect plans area of responsibility or discipline to the best of their ability.
lose their value if not maintained as the environment or This empowerment was eagerly embraced and allowed them
progress changes. Teambuilding should be performed even if to optimize their work responsibilities, locations and crews to
the members have worked together on previous projects to achieve maximum productivity. The field operations staff
ensure they are aligned with the goals and objectives for the willingly adopted the new processes to maintain the schedule.
present project. This may be more important with experienced They actively managed the progressing of the schedule,
staff because of the assumptions that similar projects should analyzed discrepancies between the plan and the progress, and
be performed in a similar manner. It is also very important to utilized the schedule for timekeeping. Actual work time was
have the individuals involved in the detailed planning be the charged against the individual schedule activities. The project
same ones executing the plan. controls team edited all time cards to match the standard

accounts used by GMF. Almost without exception, the team solutions to these challenges were the greatest single enablers
members continued to develop their skills and proficiencies as of schedule compression.
the project progressed. This active management approach was
used throughout the duration of the project and was a key Benefits during Execution. The value should be obvious from
factor in the success of the Integration project. the pre-planning, the project management systems
As previously mentioned, the schedule was the development, challenges to the integration structural welding
primary management tool for the day-to-day operations. The requirements, the adopted contract strategy, and the selection
project was managed toward the early start curve. As the of team members. The structural design team investigated the
efforts to reduce the schedule duration continued, scope creep preferred integration scenario to optimize the welding
began to increase. Some of the scope creep was due to requirements. Previous project requirements were tailored to
components arriving incomplete and additional work was meet the specific needs of the Brutus Integration. This
required to support the accelerated Installation phase after sail innovative approach was continually applied because
away. Additional living quarters and temporary support additional benefits emerged with each improvement.
systems were installed to increase the personnel capacity The project execution was safe, efficient, well-
aboard during the offshore construction phase. All delays, managed and controlled. The accuracy and maintenance of the
such as weather or late deliveries, were aggressively pursued schedule supported precise adjustments in resource needs and
on a continuing basis to recover any time lost due to the delay. availabilities. Another large benefit was having an established
This focus allowed the team to incorporate all the new scope relationship of trust and commitment between Shell and Gulf
and accommodate the compressed schedule. The emphasis on Marine Fabricators. This relationship extended to new
how to the prioritize work between conflicting disciplines on contractor personnel added for this project. The empowered
the TLP shifted throughout the project. The discipline having team generated many great suggestions from all levels of
priority was able to control the crane usage and receive supervision and craftsmen. This empowerment created a
immediate attention logistically. The structural work was first sincere feeling of contribution and pride of ownership for the
priority due to the need to quickly create the physical project’s success at all levels within the team. All new team
interfaces. As the commissioning work scope crept close to members adopted these attributes as they were added to
critical path, priorities were redirected to the piping and the project.
electrical disciplines. When USCG certification required
systems be tested and witnessed, commissioning received Concerns / Issues during Execution. The leadership team
the priority. should ensure that the project management tools and systems
Safety was of primary importance during the project. are interconnected and consistent. It is also easy to overlook
It was always visible due to the very large, dedicated safety many of the administrative needs and infrastructure required
staff. The prime contractor, the client and most subcontractors to support an efficient execution. All team members at all
had safety representatives. Each activity was planned using a levels must have the space, tools and materials in a timely
safety-first approach and all work performed directly overhead fashion to be their most productive. Safety should always
or in the vicinity of others received added attention. Daily remain the top priority, especially during periods where the
reviews and walk-throughs were conducted to ensure no safety project is falling behind schedule or when the focus is
violations existed. The team also assisted in the resolution of on productivity.
any conflict arising between disciplines identified from a job Failure to allow for contingencies in the planning can
safety analysis. result in serious schedule impacts when the resources are
The primary structural steel activities were critical constrained. In the excitement and pace of an accelerated
path for much of the project. A detailed structural analysis was project, one should not forget the documentation requirements
performed based on the module and equipment installation and the active management of various processes or systems.
plan. Although the installation sequences for interconnect joint There is a tendency to defer these items to a more convenient
plates were optimized in the planning stage, the continuing time. Should a situation occur that required an urgent
challenge to compress the schedule resulted in further evaluation, opportunities may be lost due to the inability to
optimization efforts. Opportunities identified by PACT respond quickly. Resolute management and documentation
members were reviewed and ranked based on the maximum policies can be very powerful in a dynamically changing
benefits. The selected opportunities required additional environment. The contract should always be administered
structural analysis on an exception basis. The structural design from a position of partnering rather than conflict. Finally, it is
team reviewed the minimum welding requirements also very important to recognize the efforts and achievements
considering how much weld metal was required by location 1) of the team and to celebrate successes.
to allow the removal of the supporting structural members or
strongbacks and 2) to allow placement of additional weight on Risks during Execution. Most of the risks are obvious. There
the modules. The site had direct access to the lead structural will always be weather concerns, resource issues and
engineer and the requests to evaluate the actual field situations equipment delays. Materials may be unavailable from the
were always addressed in a timely manner. The timely supplier or even unavailable to the workers who need them.
Consideration should be given to material/component storage,

movement, interim placement and other logistical issues. There were approximately 35,000 manhours of scope
Major equipment, such as cranes or tugs, may not be available growth incorporated into the project schedule. The ability to
when needed if the schedule improves. The equipment address this increase of unplanned scope within the scheduled
constraints may negate all potential schedule benefits if not address unplanned scope within the schedule duration can be
taken into account. attributed to numerous factors. The continual planning,
There are also risks when working with numerous resource management, addition of new subcontractors,
disciplines and subcontractors within a limited workspace. continuous attempts to manage back to the early start
They may need to work in the same area, in close proximity to schedule, innovative structural solutions to specific situations,
one another, or the work of one crew may restrict access to the efficiencies and savings from minimizing orientation
work location of other crews. There are also problems with movements, shifting pre-work to the component fabricator,
overhead work. There are safety issues as well as other and productivity improvement suggestions by the entire team
conflicts that occur. Examples may include the inability to were just some of these factors. All of the Commissioning
scaffold or de-scaffold, move materials or equipment or gain team’s System Checkout Procedures (SCP) were completed
access to remotely placed support equipment. Sometimes prior to sail away. The schedule was successfully compressed
projects enter into a de-bottlenecking phase (optimizing or to 3 months and 1 week but this would have required some
increasing the functional capacity of a current system), minor incomplete Integration scope to be passed on to the next
challenged to alter functional requirements during the project phase. The sail away date was relaxed near the end of the
or simply experience uncontrolled scope growth. These Integration phase due to the Installation phase not being able
unanticipated events expend critical staff time and may require to support an earlier departure. This extra time allowed all
rework to accomplish. They should be planned in the same scope to easily be completed and the TLP outfitted for future
painstaking detail as the rest of the project. operations. The contract was closed out as efficiently as the
rest of the project had been executed.
The safety results on this project were excellent. The project Benefits. The contract flexibility supported an ever-changing
management systems and tools easily aligned with GMF’s project scope. The detailed planning by the team members
existing policies. The team members willingly adapted to new gave them intimate knowledge of the project scope allowing
ways of performing their work and were very open to them to quickly assess spontaneous situations and respond
suggestions. The activity durations in the schedule tracked effectively. The project management systems were adapted to
very closely with the actual performance. This allowed the changing needs and provided the information necessary to
team to accurately plan major efforts well in advance of the support critical decisions promptly. The structural design
traditional approach. The field operations personnel utilized analyses of site-specific situations allowed the team to
the custom tools and reports extensively. Their active accelerate the schedule and resolve particular issues having
management of all aspects of the project was a great asset. negative consequences. The detailed structural analysis
Many of the field operations supervisory personnel were performed during this phase identified potential design
exposed to new requirements for paperwork, documentation changes for future TLPs with integrated decks in support of an
and reporting that exceeded anything they had done in the accelerated schedule. Managing the schedule toward the early
past. Each one accepted the challenge and made major start curve created the right project atmosphere and was
contributions in their respective areas of responsibility. crucial to the project success. The high level of
Shifting the TLP from a single bulkhead to the corner communication among the empowered team members
of two adjoining bulkheads provided greater accessibility to minimized, if not eliminated, normal inter-discipline conflict.
more areas. The TLP orientation drawings identifying the
required and optional scope to be performed at each Concerns / Issues. Safety is a continuous challenge due to the
orientation was an extremely valuable reference. The pre- large volume of resources from numerous companies working
planning and interface management significantly reduced in congested areas. These safety systems must be reviewed for
production inefficiencies. The pre-staging of materials and any differences and preferably brought under a single system.
equipment prior to the lifting of major components allowed Accuracy in defining the scope activities is critical for
work to begin as soon as possible. The five major module lift schedule credibility. A well-maintained schedule is a very
and sets were completed in approximately 4 weeks. The one powerful tool for managing a project. Careful consideration
risk that was not considered was fog during the lift and sets. should be given to schedule requirements and expectations
All other weather aspects were considered and addressed. The before beginning the schedule development. Logistics become
unusually heavy fog impacted the dimensional control increasingly important where the possibility of alternate
functions during the lifting operations because of the line-of- schedule scenarios may occur. The schedule should also be
sight requirements to view the survey reflector targets. The continuously reviewed as the work changes to adapt to new
primary steel work scope to structurally interconnect these situations. Not only is communication important within the
modules with each other and the hull took approximately 12 project team, but the team should also maintain good
weeks to complete. Over 5 tons of weld metal was required for communications with all existing interfaces, including
the primary steel mating posts and interconnect joints. regulatory groups. One concern is the quantity of visitors. On

projects of a short duration, high visibility and very aggressive

schedule, the impact of visitors places a heavy demand on key
team members. Visitation rights should be carefully planned Projects' Schedule
and managed.
Risks. The risk of fog should be considered where line-of-
sight is a requirement for certain operations. There should be
some training and guidance in project management and

control when empowering a large team, especially when it
may be the first time for many. Excessive monitoring of team 4
members restricts innovation, whereas the lack of adequate
guidance may create some loss of control. Critical equipment
necessary for particular operations may be on a strict schedule. 0
When a schedule has shifted due to changes or productivity, Mars Ram/Pow ell Brutus
activities utilizing the equipment must be reviewed to ensure Planned 8 6 5
availability and avoid conflicts from simultaneous
Actual 7 5 3.5
requirements. Resources should be continually analyzed since
other obligations by either party may impact the planned
resources. Personnel may be worked longer hours for short
Figure 1
durations to make up scope or keep on schedule, but the long-
term effect of this practice will impact productivity. Clasher
checks between the major component interfaces usually occur
in the planning stage. However, sometimes smaller packages
or ancillary equipment may have different dimensions or
weight than were planned. These should not be overlooked
since they can easily lose importance once the execution
starts. Finally, floating projects with draft restrictions should
perform salinity checks of the water where the operations will
occur. If the tolerances are tight, there are several
complications that may occur, including impacting the
departure window.

There are many advantages to partnering with contractors to
achieve common goals and optimum efficiencies. A
completely integrated project management system should be
considered essential, especially for projects of this type.
Staffing the integrated team with experienced, positive, open-
minded, problem-oriented individuals who strived to
continuously improve was a critical key to our success.
Empowering the field personnel, who were aligned with and
committed to the project objectives, had a tremendous impact
on the project success. Interface management and
communications, internal and external to the project, were
critical factors in the successful execution. The schedule
achieved during this Integration was about as short and
optimum as possible based on the current design and the
particular scope. Refer to Figure 1 to see how the Integration
of Brutus compared with two previous projects.

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