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SEMESTER 2  Birth announcement

CLASS X BAHASA INGGRIS  Graduation announcement

CHAPTER 1  School announcement
ANNOUNCEMENT  Independence day school announcement
 Flight announcement
 Goods lost
Materi : Bagian A-G
Tugas : Bagian H  Job announcement
 Event
 Missing person, Etc.
A. Definition:
An announcement is a written or spoken F. Media:
statement in public or formal words containing We can find announcement by:
 Audio: on radio
information about an event that has happened or
 Visual: on newspaper, magazine, card,
is going to happen so publicly people know what,
when, and where it is about. billboard, etc.
B. Purpose/ Social Function:  Audio visual: on television
G. Examples:
To inform or giving people some information of
1. Birth announcement
what has happened or what will happen.
C. Generic Structure:
1) Title/type of event
2) Detail information about the event
(explanation); such as: date and time, place,
contact person/address.

2. Goods lost

3. Missing person
D. Language Features:
 Using simple present tense and simple future
 Exact noun
 Pronunciation and intonation (spoken
 Spelling and punctuation (written
E. Kinds of Announcement:
 Bussiness announcement
 Funeral announcement
H. Task 7. Pay attention to the text below and answer
1. Have you ever read or listened to an the questions number a-e!
2. Where do you usually read or listen to an
3. What kinds of announcement do you usually
read or listen?
4. Pay attention to the text below and answer
the questions number a-b!
Join Dancing Competition on 14th march 2012.
The Registration will be held on 10th-12th at
Osis room Free Registration and full of prize!
a) From the picture above, what
information do you get?
b) Why do you think the writer wrote the
5. Pay attention to the text below and answer
the questions number a-b!

All students must join the class meeting from

15th December to 21st Desember2008
a) What is being announced?
Principal b) Where is the announcement from?
Nathalie c) Who is the announcement for?
a) What kind of the text is it? d) When will the party be?
b) What is the text about? e) What presents will be provided?
6. Pay attention to the text below and answer
the questions number a-c!
English Conversation Club (SCC) o Please write your work on your task book!
is opening registration for new members o The deadline of collecting this task is on 1st
join us and improve your English! February 2021 through WhatsApp or FB
Every Thursday from 16.00 to 17.00 at the (Inbox)!
school hall
For registration, please contact

Wayan (XA)
Anissa (XB)
a) When do the members have meeting?
b) Where do they have the meeting?
c) How long does the meeting last?

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