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AP Language

2 Semester Vocabulary


SAT Words Rhetorical Terms Tone Words
luminous (adj) - giving off light; red herring - when a writer raises benevolent (adj) – characterized
glowing; bright an irrelevant issue to draw by or expressing goodwill or
permeate (v) - to spread or seep attention away from the real kindly feelings; desiring to
through; to penetrate issue help others
audacity (n) - boldness; reckless ad hominem - in an argument, fanciful (adj) – capricious or
daring; impertinence this is an attack on the person whimsical in appearance
rather than on the opponent’s
indignant (adj) - angry, especially ideas. It comes from Latin
as a result of something unjust meaning “against the man.”
or unworthy
synthesis - the combining of parts
forbear (v) - to refrain from; to to form a whole

SAT Words Rhetorical Terms Tone Words
frenetic (adj) - frantic; frenzied symbolism - the use of symbols or effusive (adj) – unduly
implicit (adj) - implied anything that is meant to be demonstrative; lacking
taken both literally and as reserve; overflowing
disseminate (v) - to spread or representative of a higher and
scatter widely; to distribute jovial (adj) – joyous humor or a
more complex significance spirit of good fellowship
pristine (adj) - pure; uncorrupted; apostrophe - usually in poetry but
unspoiled; in original sometimes in prose; the device
condition of calling out to an imaginary,
palliate (v) - to excuse; to cause to dead, or absent person or to a
seem less serious place, thing, or personified
allusion - a reference to a well-
known person, place, or thing
from literature, history, etc.

SAT Words Rhetorical Terms Tone Words
vex (v) - to annoy; to pester hyperbole - deliberate reverent (adj) – deeply respectful
conciliatory (adj) - making peace; exaggeration in order to create brash (adj) – tactless; hasty; rash
attempting to resolve a dispute humor or emphasis
through goodwill personification - the attribution of
squalid (adj) - filthy; repulsive, human qualities to a
wretched; degraded nonhuman or an inanimate
idyllic (adj) - charming in a rustic
way; naturally peaceful irony - a situation or statement in
which the actual outcome or
debauchery (n) - wild living; meaning is opposite to what
intemperance was expected.
AP Language
2 Semester Vocabulary


SAT Words Rhetorical Terms Tone Words
surreptitious (adj) - sneaky; secret oxymoron - a figure of speech choleric (adj) – extremely irritable
eclectic (adj) - choosing the best composed of contradictory or easily angered
from many sources; drawn words or phrases condemnatory (adj) – to express
from many sources simile - a figure of speech that an unfavorable or averse
temerity (n) - recklessness; a uses like, as, or as if to make a judgment
foolish boldness; audacity direct comparison between
two essentially different
truculent (adj) - savage; fierce objects, actions, or qualities
conundrum (n) - a puzzle; a riddle anecdote - a short, simple
narrative of an incident; often
used for humorous effect or to
make a point

SAT Words Rhetorical Terms Tone Words
garner (v) - to gather; to collect aphorism - a short, often witty disgruntled (adj) – displeased and
obdurate (adj) - stubborn; statement of a principle or a discontented; sulky; peevish
inflexible truth about life facetious (adj) – not meant to be
fulsome (adj) - morally offensive; didactic - writing whose purpose taken seriously or literally;
disgusting is to instruct or to teach. The amusing; humorous
work is usually formal and
spurious (adj) - bogus; false focuses on moral or ethical
dissonant (adj) - disharmonious; concerns. This type of writing
in disagreement may be fiction or nonfiction
that teaches a specific lesson or
moral or provides a model of
correct behavior or thinking.
jargon - the special language of a
profession or group. The term
usually has pejorative
associations, with the
implication that jargon is
evasive, tedious, and
unintelligible to outsiders.
AP Language
2 Semester Vocabulary


SAT Words Rhetorical Terms Tone Words
plumb (adj) – absolutely; without asyndeton - commas used (with empathy (n) - vicarious
question no conjunction) to separate a understanding of another’s
goad (v) - to urge forcefully; to series of words. The parts are feeling, especially when due to
prod emphasized equally when the similar, shared experiences
conjunction is omitted; in sympathy (n) – harmony of or
capricious (adj) - unpredictable; addition, the use of commas
likely to change at any agreement in feeling; power of
with no intervening sharing the feelings of another,
moment conjunction speeds up the especially in sorrow or trouble
alacrity (n) - eagerness; cheerful flow of the sentence.
readiness Asyndeton takes the form of x,
tacit (adj) - implied; not spoken y, z as opposed to x, y, and z.
polysyndeton - sentence which
uses and or another
conjunction (with no commas)
to separate the items in a
series. Polysyndeton appear in
the form of x and y and z,
stressing equally each member
of a series. It makes the
sentence slower and the items
more emphatic than in the
transition - a word or phrase that
links one idea to the next and
carries the reader from
sentence to sentence,
paragraph to paragraph.

SAT Words Rhetorical Terms Tone Words
tractable (adj) - easily managed or antecedent - the noun to which antipathy (n) - strongly negative
controlled; obedient the later pronoun refers feeling
deleterious (adj) – harmful epigraph - the use of a quotation manipulative (adj) – influencing
progeny (n) - offspring, something at the beginning of a work that or attempting to influence the
resulting hints at its theme behavior or emotions of others
sarcasm - harsh, caustic personal for one’s own purposes
esoteric (adj) - abstruse, difficult
to understand remarks to or about someone;
less subtle than irony
garrulous (adj) - extremely
talkative or wordy
AP Language
2 Semester Vocabulary


SAT Words Rhetorical Terms Tone Words
sagacious (adj) - wise; possessing shift - to change place, position, or surly (adj) – rude or bad
wisdom derived from direction of something tempered
experience of learning pedantic - a term used to describe caustic (adj) – severely critical
genial (adj) - gleeful and pleasant; writing that borders on lecturing. or sarcastic
friendly; helpful it is scholarly and academic and
nonchalant(adj) -indifferent, calm often overly difficult and distant
and unconcerned parody - a work that ridicules the style
sanguine (adj) - confident, of another work by imitating and
cheerfully optimistic exaggerating its elements. It can be
utterly mocking or gently
condescension (n) - snobby and humorous. It depends on allusion
pretentious manner and exaggerates and distorts the
original style and content

SAT Words Rhetorical Terms Tone Words
pedantic (adj) - too concerned point of view - the perspective from mock (v) – to attack or treat
with formal rules and details which a story is presented; with ridicule or contempt;
sardonic (adj) - disdainfully common points of view include to imitate in style
mocking the following: first person, third patronizing (adj) – displaying
person limited, third person or indicative of an
provocative (adj) - making people omniscient
angry or excited, sexually offensively condescending
arousing diatribe - bitter verbal or written manner
cogent (adj) - rationally
persuasive syntax - the grammatical structure of a
sentence; the arrangement of
cynicism (n) - belief that people words in a sentence. It includes
are insincere sentence length, sentence patterns,
and punctuation.

SAT Words Rhetorical Terms Tone Words
ambivalence (n) - conflict of ideas oversimplification - when a writer droll (adj) – amusing in an
or attitudes, uncertainty obscures or denies the complexity odd way; whimsically
lugubrious (adj) - gloomy, of the issues in an argument humorous
mournful, especially to an non-sequitur - Latin for “it does not nostalgic (adj) - sentimental
excessive degree follow.” When one statement isn’t recollection
petulant (adj) - sulky or ill- logically connected to another.
tempered in a peevish manner imagery - words or phrases that use a
insolent (adj) - rude or arrogant collection of images to appeal to
lack of respect one or more of the five senses in
order to create a mental picture
acerbic (adj) - bitter sharp in tone,
taste, or manner

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