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Activity 1: Pastimes

1. Click on the audio player to listen to a recording from the website

2. Play the recording as many times as you wish to answer the questions.

3. Decide whether the statements are True or False and write down the answer.

Question Answer (True or False)

1. Alex likes to go hiking.
2. Alex likes to go biking.
3. Alex never goes far on his bike.

4. Alex likes to go out with Friends on TRUE

5. Alex’s mom doesn’t like cooking.
6. Sometimes, Alex cooks for his Friends.
7. Alex hates to go to restaurants.
8. Alex doesn’t like to go to discos.
9. Alex likes going to bars.

10. Alex enjoys going out of town on his TRUE


4. Read each question, choose the correct answer, and write it down.

Question Options Answer (a, b, c)

11. What does he like doing on a. mountain biking A
weekdays? b. hiking
c. walking
12. Who does he usually go with? a. alone A
b. his friends
c. someone else
13. Who likes cooking? a. his mom A
b. his cousins
c. his grandparents
14. Where does he enjoy going? a. bars C
b. discos
c. clubs
15. When does he go out of town? a. when he has time A
b. when he has money
c. when he is by himself

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