Ai Enhance Investment LCC Loi - Signed - Funding Consideration - Combined

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Al Enhance Investment LLC

Al Enhance Tower, Cooperate office, Muscat, Oman

Tel: +971521827445| Fax: +971520001111
Website: www.

Ref: AEI-LLC/70038/020
Date: 17/11/2020
TO: Genconstar Construction Services
Genconstar Group International

Dear Dwight C. Deocampo

Ref: Funding Consideration for Langaran Park Hotel and Resort Projects

The board of Directors of Al Enhance Investment LLC has carefully reviewed on your funding request of
US$299,000,000.00 (Two Hundred and Ninety Nine Million United States Dollars) for Equity to fund the
Langaran Park Hotel and Resort Project which the documents has been presented to us for funding. Having
extensively reviewed your financial projection to support your funding request, we have unanimously
agreed to grant your request by expanding funding to the Langaran Park Hotel and Resort project for the
purpose as stated herein. This funding will be granted to you on Equity interest.

This Consideration being formally made today 17/11/2020 on the completion of our initial assessment on
the project as presented to us by Mr. Wayne O’Brien. We hereby state that this project falls within our scope
of funding and our approved budget for re-investment can accommodate its funding within the period under
consideration , hence the Al Enhance Investment LLC is offering 100% funding to Genconstar Group
International operating under the name of Genconstar Construction Services for this project. Having made
this unanimous decision therefore, your official Executive Summary has to support this investment project
summary for final Due Diligence (project re-evaluation assessment and analysis ) by Antares FZE
Solicitors Due Diligence team. Your official application for Equity investment MUST be supported by the
following for the purpose of the required due diligence.

* Official Application form as attached herein (filled and signed)

* Official introduction/presentation of Business plan/investment Proposition
* Financial analysis, projections and speculations supporting business plan
* Payment of 50% R-evaluation/Due diligence and application processing fee of $20,800 (Twenty
Thousand, Eight Hundred USD)

It is based on the due diligence report and recommendation of Antares FZE Solicitors Due Diligence Team
that Al Enhance Investment LLC will reach a final agreement on specific terms at which we can extend our
funding to your proposed project.

However, this fee is refundable only if the Business Plan/Proposition is rejected for funding base on the re-
evaluation, analysis and recommendation by Antares FZE Solicitors Due Diligence Team to AL

All corresponding should be relayed as an email attachment for necessary review.

Feel free to contact us for any clarification

Yours Faithfully,

Merza Abdulrsool Altawash

Al Enhance Investment LLC

Investment Banking | Capital Markets | Asset Management | Project Loan

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