Eals Week 5 Las Gmo

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Name: __________________________________________________Date:______________________

Section: ___________________________________________Parent Signature: _________________



Read the questions carefully and ENCIRCLE the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. In order to bear the organic label, organic produce cannot be subject to:
a. Synthetic pesticides
b. Genetic engineering
c. Irradiation
d. All of the above
2. Other than purchasing organic produce, pesticide residue can be reduced by:
a. Washing all fruits and vegetables
b. Peeling or trimming fruits and vegetables
c. Eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables
d. All of the above
3. What portion of a food must be organic to be labeled “made with organic ingredients?”
a. 70% to 95%
b. 25% to 70%
c. 10% to 25%
d. 0% to 10%

Foods with 95% or more organic ingredients can be called organic on the main label. Foods with less than
70% organic content can use the term “organic” only on the ingredient information panel.

4. Organic food is more nutritious than conventionally grown food.

a. True
b. False

The answer isn't yet clear. A recent study examined the past 50 years’ worth of scientific articles about the
nutrient content of organic and conventional foods. The researchers concluded that organically and
conventionally produced foodstuffs are not significantly different in their nutrient content.

5. Which foods use GMOs to the largest extent in the foods’ production?
a. Cheese
b. Vegetables
c. Meat
6. Of the food we eat, how much contains the genetic material DNA?
a. 0-30%
b. 31-60%
c. 61-90%
d. 91-100%

All plant and animal cells contain DNA, so nearly all food contains genetic material regardless of whether the
food has been genetically modified. There are a few exceptions, however. During the processing of some food
products, such as vegetable cooking oils, nearly all of the DNA is removed.

7. Most foods derived from genetically modified crops contain:

a. The same number of genes as food produced from conventional crops.
b. The same number of genes as foods produced from hybrid crops.
c. One or two additional genes.
d. Hundreds of additional genes.

Genetically modified crops contain one or two additional genes than either conventional or hybrid crops.

8. Are foods made from genetically modified crops required to pass human testing?
a. Yes
b. No
There are currently no regulations that require human testing of genetically modified crops. Producers are
required by the Food and Drug Administration to disclose where the genes come from and to disclose
nutritional properties, but no human testing is required.

9. There is genetically modified food containing animal genes for sale in the U.S.
a. Yes
b. No

Scientists recently genetically engineered (GE) an Atlantic salmon that contains artificially inserted growth
hormone genes from Chinook salmon and a genetic promoter from ocean pout (an eel-like fish) that make the
salmon grow to market size faster. After an exhaustive and rigorous scientific review, FDA has arrived at the
decision that Aqua vantage salmon is as safe to eat as any non-genetically engineered (GE) Atlantic salmon,
and also as nutritious. The GE salmon will be produced in Canada and Panama, but as of January 2016, this
salmon is not commercially available for sale.

10. Corn is the most genetically modified food on the market in the U.S.
a. True
b. False
11. As a result of genetically modified crops, chemical use on farms has:
a. Gone up dramatically.
b. Gone down dramatically.
c. Gone up on some but no change on others.
d. Gone down on some crops but there is little or no change on others.
e. Not changed.
12. The first plant that was modified by genetic engineering was produced in a laboratory in:
a. 1954.
b. 1964.
c. 1974.
d. 1984.
e. 1994.
13. Will insects develop resistance to the toxins produced in Bt corn?
a. It is impossible for insects to develop resistance to Bt corn.
b. It is unlikely that insects will develop resistance to Bt corn.
c. Under certain conditions insects may develop resistance to Bt corn.
d. It is almost certain that insects will develop resistance to Bt corn.
e. Insects are already resistant to the toxins produced in Bt corn.
14. Does Bt corn or Bt cotton only kill specific pests that damage the crop?
a. The Bt toxin kills all insects.
b. The Bt toxin kills European corn borer and other flying insects.
c. The Bt toxin kills the European corn borer and its close relatives.
d. The Bt toxin only kills the insects for which it is targeted.
e. The Bt toxin repels but doesn't kill insects.
15. When did crops become resistant to herbicides?
a. Crops have always been resistant to some herbicides.
b. After the introduction of Bt corn in 1997.
c. After the introduction of Roundup-ready soybeans in 1996.
d. Crops are not resistant to herbicides.
16. Can genes escape from genetically modified crops and jump to other plants?
a. Yes, and often do.
b. Only to some crops, but those crops aren't genetically modified.
c. Only during rare climatic conditions.
d. No, genes cannot move from species to species without human intervention.
17. If we make plants that survive in regions where they normally wouldn't survive, such as very cold regions,
could this cause unexpected ecological changes?
a. No, the crops are only suited for cultivated fields.
b. It is possible that a crop might invade the surrounding ecosystem.
c. It is certain that the crop would move from the fields into the surrounding ecosystem.
18. How long does it take to develop a new genetically modified crop?
a. Twenty years.
b. Ten years.
c. Five years.
d. One year.
e. Six months.
19. Can scientists predict with certainty where an inserted gene will go on a plant chromosome?
a. With modern genetic techniques, scientists can insert genes precisely.
b. Genes are inserted on the proper chromosome, but there is no control on where it goes on the
c. Scientists have a general idea of where the gene will go and what it will do to the plant.
d. It's just a shot in the dark.
20. Can agricultural biotechnology reduce our dependence on petroleum?
a. Most of it.
b. Some of it.
c. No effect on petroleum use.

PERFORMANCE TASK- Draw a genetically modified organism and make a comparison from the non GMO’s
or natural breed organism (ORGANIC)

5 4 3 2

idea and Complete Incomplete
idea but Not
DESIGN with idea with idea, no
with no applicable
important little details details
Details are
details are Lacks details
present with
present but with no
LABEL slight Very Vague
no oneness of oneness of
oneness of
thought thought
Acceptably Distractingly
attractive but may messy or very
NEATNESS AND attractive and Attractive and No longer
be messy at times poorly designed.
ATTRACTIVENESS particularly neat neat in layout applicable
and or show lack Does not show
in layout
of organization pride in work

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