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Observe that each of us has the faculty of ‘Natural Acceptance’, based on

which one can verify what is right or not right for him. (As such we are not
properly trained to listen to our ‘Natural Acceptance’ and may a time it is also
clouded by our strong pre-conditioning and sensory attractions)

Natural Acceptance:

 Food for nurturing (health) or Food for taste?

 Cloth for body coverage or Cloth for Respect?
 Mobile for communication, sharing or Mobile for show-off, Respect?

Total Acceptance or self, Other, Nature and existence without any condition i.e.
Unconditional and total acceptance of self, other, nature and existence is known as
Natural Acceptance.

Characteristics of Natural Acceptance:

 Natural Acceptance does not change with time.
 It does not depend on the place.
 It does not depend on our beliefs or past conditioning.
 Natural Acceptance is same for all of us, it is part of Humanness.
 NA is ‘constantly there’, something that can we refer anytime and anywhere.
The basic Human Aspirations are:

 Continuous Happiness
 Prosperity

Prosperity meaning:
Feeling of having or being able to have physical facilities more than required.

 So for being prosperous, Human Being requires Physical facilities.

 In case of animal, Physical facilities are necessary and complete.
 But in case of Human, Physical facilities are necessary but incomplete.

Besides Physical facilities, all human want relationship,

Relationship with Other people or human being Like: Father, Mother, brother, Sisters, friends,

Human Being wants a good relationship with all of them to be happy.

But Today, Human being feel deprived despite having enough physical facilities that
creates Unhappiness. Why?

Lack of Right Understanding

To live happy in continuous: there is need of right understanding at all four level:

 Myself
 Family
 Society
 Nature/Existence
Lab assignment:

Explore the following:

Q. (i) What is Naturally Acceptable’ to you in relationship the feeling of respect

disrespect for yourself and for others?

Q. (ii) What is ‘naturally Acceptable’ to you - to nurture or to exploit others?

Q. Is your living in accordance with your natural acceptance or different from


Second Part:
Q. Out of the three basic requirements for fulfillment of your aspirations - right
understanding, relationship and physical facilities - observe how the problems
in your family are related to each. Also observe how much time & effort you
devote for each in your daily routine.

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