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Activity/Assessment 1

- Recall a project you had been part of during your On-the-Job Training. On a scale of 1-5,
rate the Key success factors for project implementation of that project. Explain your
answers. (NO OJT YET)

- Give at least three (3) sample activities for each Project Management Knowledge Areas

1. Project integration management

Monitoring and Controlling of Project Work – this includes monitoring of the project
performance, estimating the results achieved, and identifying any possible project changes and

Directing and Management of Project Work – focusing on the production of the project’s
deliverables and their release.

Performance of Integrated Change Control – If there is a need to change in the administrative

parts of the project such as the review of project documentations or project sponsor, it then
involve the integrated change of control tasks.

2. Project scope management

Scope Definition – Scope definition is concerned with the detailed description preparation of the
scope of the project. It assists on identifying issues and hidden risks.

Scope Validation - is concerned about the approval and acceptance of the project deliverables
released by the stakeholders of the project.

Requirements Collection is the collection of detailed requirements in order to define the

features and the requirements for the stakeholders of the project for the process of project

3. Project time management

Schedule Management Planning - Is the listing of the employee that was given the duty for the
execution of the schedule management plan and includes the details how strict should it be and
which circumstances it can be amended.
Schedule Development stage - deals with the creation of a diagram which includes a critical
path. This is considered as the longest way from the starting towards the finishing points; the
activities and their early starting dates are included in a graphical bar chart and also includes in
detail the allocated resource usage for each activity. In this manner you assign your resources

Schedule Control - With this stage, it can be identified if the project is late or is ahead of
schedule. It is the evaluation of the progress of the project with regards to following the

4. Project cost management

Cost Management Planning - To create a plan that determines the methodologies and
procedures to estimate the budget of the project. This includes the planning, management,
expenditure and the control of project costs.

Costs Estimation - This activity includes the estimation of the materials, equipment and labor
cost needed.

Costs Control - This activity is about the analysis of how the budget of the project was spent and
its status during a specific time.

5. Project quality management

Quality Management Planning - Creation of a document about the specifications that define the
quality of the deliverables.

Quality Management - The regular checking and approval of the quality of the deliverables.

Quality Control - Assuring the quality meets the standard quality requirements established.

6. Project resource management

Activity Resource Estimation - is the activity of ensuring that all the resources are available for
the fulfillment of the project.

Team Development - Activities such as training and seminars for team members to develop the
skills they need for their tasks. This also includes having team building activities to develop
among team members strong interaction.
Team Management - The procedure of monitoring your team and assisting and guiding them to
be able to deliver products of high-quality.

7. Project communications management

Communication Management Planning - This activity is the creation of a plan that defines the
requirements for communication. This plan must include the kind of means for communication
for interaction daily and when to have meetings and how often they should be.

Communication Management – oversee the implementation of the created communication

management plan.

Communication Monitoring - The activity concerned at monitoring the execution of the

communication plan and followed. This also includes the necessary revisions and adjustments in

8. Project risk management

Risks Identification - The identification and recording of risks in the project and the monitoring
of such risks with the aim of preventing them from occurring

Risk Response Planning - The detailed action plan establishing the ways on how to respond
when major risks happen.

Risk Response Implementation - This activity is all about the execution of the ways and steps
established in the risk response plan.

9. Project procurement management

Procurement Management Planning - Assists in defining the needs of the project and the setting
of parameters for the hiring of extra specialists.

Procurement Conducting - The searching of an outsourcing company or hiring an employee. This

also give the definite conditions for outsourcing a part your work and the requirements of the
project that the responsible party needs is required to fulfill.

Procurement Control - Involves the monitoring of the contracts, the management, and
informing of the parties when there are changes in the project.
10. Project stakeholder management

Stakeholders Identification - One of the first steps needed to initiate the project. In the Stake
holder’s register, the roles of the stakeholders are outlined.

Stakeholder Engagement Management - Responsible for the identification of the stakeholders

and their expectations in meetings.

Monitoring of Stakeholder - Involves monitoring whether the needs of the stakeholders were
met and their future needs.


Kulakov M. (2020, Sept. 4), Project Management Knowledge Areas — All You Need to Know,
Retrieved from:

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