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Nicole Fort

Element Superhero Story

Salty Na (real name: Sodia), was born on 1807 on Earth. As a child she hated
water and she was very reactive, which made her very easily emotional or angry. She was
made fun of as a child because half her body was made of metal. As she grew, her
personality became softer and more moldable. Not knowing that one day her life would
completely change. Sodia never really knew where she came from. She only knew was
that she is part metal. Also, her father, Humphry Davy, always told her to stay away from
water. One day she was playing outside when, she fell into a lake that was behind her
house. She started panicking and started to release some sort of gas. She grew hot as if
she were burning. After her father helped her get out, she sat for hours to get dry.
Once she was taught about her special abilities from her father, she really wanted
to test them out. She found out that what she thought was just metal was actually called
sodium and it could easily mold into different shapes. Since sodium is made up of
multiple isotopes, it is very difficult for her to die under any condition. Through training
you could withstand many different weather conditions. Although in battle, she can easily
be hurt because of her delicate exterior. Her powers gave her the ability to shoot salt out
of her hands. It also gave her the abilities to shape-shift into different organisms. She
discovered that when she combines with other acids, she gives of hydrogen gas which
can cause explosions (useful when fighting). When needed she rarely uses water to get
the upper hand. Also, she doesn’t require the normal things humans require to live (eat,
drink, breath, etc.).
When she perfected her powers, she figured she could help many people by using
her powers for good. However, she soon found out she can’t save everyone from death.
For example, her “father” who died in 1829 after suffering a stroke. Her ego went down
for a while after because of the guilt she had for not saving him. She became more
vulnerable in this state, especially to the battles against her arch nemesis Aquatica.
Aquatica was very intelligent and hated Sodia. Once she found out Sodia’s
weakness to water, she decided she was going to kill her in order to take over the world
and turn it into one huge ocean. Sodia wasn’t going to let that happen which led to
numerous battles against Aquatica. She also made a promise that as long as she was on
Earth, she would never let Aquatica take over the beautiful land she grew up in. Today,
Sodia lives in the stars as she found it easier to regain her strength. She has hideouts in
table salt as crazy as it sounds. Although she still mourns the loss of her beloved father,
she has saved millions of lives on Earth. Unfortunately, the fights against Aquatica are
still ongoing but she remains true to her promise. She has proved that if you put your
mind to it (especially if it’s something you love) you can do anything, and nothing is
impossible. She has gained many allies like Hydra (Hydrogen) and Banana girl
(potassium). Everything she does is for the sake of the Earth and the people.

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