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2.1 Character in Education

2.1.1 Definition of Character in Education

The meaning of character is a reliable inner disposition to respond to situations in a

morally good way. Then, “Character so understood has three interrelated parts: moral
knowledge, moral sense, and moral behavior”. Namely, noble morals (good morals) include
knowledge of goodness, and lead to commitment (intention) of goodness, and ultimately do
good. In other words, character refers to a set of knowledge (cognitive), attitudes, motivation,
behavior and skills, Lickona in Kamaruddin (2012). From this it can be understood that
character is the values of all human behavior related to God, himself and humans which are
manifested in thoughts, attitudes, feelings, words and actions based on religious norms, law,
manners, culture, and customs.

According to Suyanto in Ratih (2017) states that character is a way of thinking and
behaving individuals who are tricks for each individual to live and work together both in
society, in the family and within the country. This means that character is the main tool for
socializing in the family, society and country, without character we cannot survive in this

Azra (2002) as cited in Pratama & Aman (2017) said there are nine pillars of
character values or good character universally:
(a) the character love of God, (b) Independence and responsibility, (c) Honesty or
trustworthy, (d) Respect and polite, (e) Generous, like helping, mutual cooperation, (f)
Confidence and hard work, (g) Leadership and justice, (h) Tolerance, peaceful, and unity.

According to Anugrahwati & Agustien (2015), etymologically, education comes from

educare (Latin) “to raise”, namely to educate “to bring up”, “to bring out what is in it”, “to
bring out potential”. and the “lead” ducere. Education in the greatest sense is any action or
experience that has a formative effect on one's thoughts, character or physical abilities. In this
case, the definition of education is a process where people deliberately transmit the
knowledge, skills and values that have been accumulated from one generation to another.

As stated in article 1 paragraph 1 of Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National

Education System states that education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an
atmosphere of learning and a learning process so that students actively develop. his potential
has religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and
skills needed by him, society, nation and state (Hidayati, et al, 2014).

Furthermore, someone who has good character will feel good and act well, Azra
(2002) as cited in Pratama and Aman (2017). Based on the description above, the researcher
understands the notion of character in education is an activity to develop the knowledge base,
skills or character of students in order to realize the vision of the National Eduacation System
in Indonesia. Includes attitudes, actions, behavior and personality related to patterns of
thought or point of view that can influence moral attitudes in everyday life. For that to
achieve perfection in life, good character is needed.

2.1.2 Function of Character in Education

The function of character in education which is in line with the 1945 Constitution
section 3 (3): “The government will regulate and regulate the national education system,
increase in true faith and piety and good morals in order to educate life nation, which is
governed by law”.

In Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System it is regulated

in Article 3: “National Education aims to develop the potential of students to become people
who believe and have devotion to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled,
creative, independent and a citizen democratic and responsible”. Based on these
commitments formulated the general purpose of education is the character.

Character in education is essentially purposeful develop the character of each

individual in order to be able to realize noble values of Pancasila; develop basic potential to
be good-hearted, good-minded, and well behaved; strengthen and build nation behavior
multicultural; and improve civilization socially competitive nation world.
2.2 Character Education Values

2.2.2 Kinds Of Character Education Values based on Education Curriculum

Character is an important thing that must be implemented in the educational process at

every level of education. As stated in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education
Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, the function of Indonesian
education is to build national character and uphold national civilization. Related to that, the
main program of the Ministry of Education is to develop character education for students to
improve the quality of national education (Islami, 2016).
Poerwati, et al (2013) suggests that national character development can be done by
familiarizing students with moral values and familiarizing themselves with the character of
the nation. In case of emphasizing character education, The Ministry of National Education
(2010) proposes that in the Guidelines for the Development of Character Education for the
Government of Indonesia, there are 18 character education values that must be implemented.
The values formulated by the government are:
a) Religious
Attitudes and behavior that are obedient in implementing religious teachings, tolerant towards
the practice of other religions and beliefs, and harmony with people of different religions.
- Celebrating religious feasts
- Reciting prays before and after study
- Providing opportunities to students of performing religious teachings
b) Honest
An attitude based on one’s efforts to make himself someone who can be trusted in words,
actions, and work.
- Prohibition of cheating
c) Tolerance
Attitudes and actions that respect religion, ethnicity, opinions, attitudes and actions are
different from those of a person.
- Respect and giving the same treatment to others religions, ethnicity, race and groups
- Working in different group
d) Discipline
Orderly and in accordance with all rules and regulations.
- To obey the rules
- On time or in time
e) Hard Work
Resilient behavior in overcoming difficulties and in completing study assignments.
- Compete well
- Never give up
- Work hard in learning
f) Creativity
Thinking before doing something to find a new way or result of what someone has.
- Create new works and ideas
g) Independent
Attitudes and behaviors that do not depend on others to complete tasks.
- Able to complete the assignment by him/herself
h) Democracy
A way of thinking, behaving, and acting that sees a person’s rights and obligations the same
as those of others.
- Accept the differences
- Discuss before making decision
i) Curiosity
Attitudes and actions that generally seek to discover more about what was learned, observed
and listened to.
- Exploring
j) Spirit of Nationality
A way of thinking, acting, and having views that place national interests higher than personal
or communal interests.
- Celebrating the national day
- Cooperate with team
k) Patriotic
A way of thinking and acting that reflects loyalty, concern and respect for the national
language, along with the land, social, economic and political aspects of society.
- Using Indonesian language well
- Using Indonesian local product
l) Achievement Appreciation
Attitudes and actions that encourage oneself to produce something that benefits society and at
the same time recognizes what other people do.
- Appreciate students‘ achievement
m) Friendliness/Communicativeness
Actions that demonstrate a desire to talk, interact and cooperate with others.
- Socialize
- Team work
- Communicating politely
n) Love of Peace
Attitudes, words, and actions that cause other people to feel happy and safe because of one's
- Create peaceful situations
- Full of love
o) Love Reading
The habit of spending time reading various materials to learn other insights and virtues for
- Visit library
- Often reading
p) Care of Environment
Attitudes and actions that generally seek to prevent damage to the natural environment and
make efforts to repair environmental damage that has occurred.
- Do not litter
- Keep clean everywhere
- Love environment
- Stop global warming
- Think green
q) Social Care
Attitudes and actions that tend to help others who are helpful.
- Harmony relationship
- Empathy to people
r) Responsibility
Attitudes and behaviors that assume obligations towards duties and duties and take care of
oneself, the community, the state and God.
- Understand the obligation of him/herself

Character education is education throughout life, as a process towards perfect human.

Therefore, education characters require exemplary and touch from an early age until
adulthood. The most sensitive period and determining is deep education the family that is the
responsibility parents (Kartadinata, 2009). On the other hand mentioned that character
education must be an integral part of education over generations. Education is humanitarian
issues that must be approached of human development itself (Kartadinata, 2009).

According to Marzuki (2013), education character contains three main elements,

namely knowing the goodness (knowing the good), loving the good (loving the good), and
doing good (doing the good). Character Education is more than just teaches what is right and
which is wrong to learners, but more from that character education instills habits
(habituation) about the good so that students understand, are able feel, and want to do good.
So, character education carries a mission which is the same as Moral Education.

2.3 Textbook

Language materials are those resources that can be used to facilitate language learning
such as textbooks, videos, graded readers, flash cards, games and websites. Among the
variety of materials, textbook is the most widely used (Maroko, 2013). The student’s book
usually comes with other materials such as a workbook, a teacher’s book or even additional
texts for reference as a textbook package (Masuhara & Tomlinson 2008). The following
explanation describes the nature of textbooks, the role of English textbooks in teaching, the
advantages and disadvantages of using textbooks, the functions of a textbook, common
problems in textbooks selection, the criteria of good textbooks, and the English textbooks for
senior high school students published by the ministry of education and culture.

Textbooks are one type of teaching material used in learning. A textbook is a

collection of knowledge, concepts, and principles from a selected topic or course. These are
usually written by one or more teachers, college professors, or education experts who have
authority in a particular field. The textbook is usually briefly written, tightly organized, and
greatly condensed. In addition, Anshary and Babaii (as cited in Setiawati and Fatima, 2010,
p. 58) stated a textbook is a framework which regulates and times the programs. A textbook
provides ready-made teaching texts and learning tasks. In short, a textbook is the most
common information source used in classroom.

According to Supriyadi (2000) books used at schools consist of four types, namely:
(1) textbooks or course books, (2) reading books, (3) resource book, and (4) teacher’s
handbook. Reading books, textbooks, teacher’s handbook and resource books differ between
teachers and learners for elementary school, Junior high school, and senior high school.

The use of textbooks in teaching has been widely used by teachers for certain
subjects. One of the main reasons for choosing textbooks for EFL lessons is that they allow
teachers to easily design, develop, and monitor courses because they are practical to use and
require less time and effort for lesson preparation.

Moreover, Richards (2001) stated textbooks are an unavoidable element of the

curriculum because they define the content and scope for syllabus items. Furthermore,
Sheldon (1988) mentions three main reasons for using the textbook:
a. It is difficult for the teacher to develop their own classroom materials.
b. Time available for the teacher is limited while developing new material takes a lot of time.
c. Limiting external pressure negatively affects for the teachers.
In addition, Ahmed (2011) explained that textbooks are inseparable parts of teaching
for the following reasons:

a. To help students
b. To help in self-teaching
c. To provide essential knowledge at least in one place
d. To provide logical and comprehensive material
e. To ensure good standard uniformity
f. To provide confirmation and sustenance
g. To provide a basis on which both the teacher and students can start and continue working.

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