Minutes (CDD-Form and Narrative)

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CDDAG2 = Foun MUNICIPAL ACTIVITY MINUTES FORM Region Pravinoe: Municipality: Total Number of Brgys: 13 BARANGAYS’ Venue: LALIMAR BEACH RESORT Date: AUGUST 11,2020 4. Activity Profile Program/Project (eg. NCDP, KC-MCG, ete): KC-NCDDP Cycle: peels 5 Activity Name: PROCUREMENT TRAINING Facilitators: GRAFELYN DIATE, MA, ESTILA BULADO AND CATHERINE GANAGAN: Documenter/Secretary: JESIE C, BALDE 2. Attendance Male attendees: “we Female altendees e Male IP attendees: o Fomale IP attendees: ' Male Attendees 60 years old and above: 0 Female Attendees 60 years old and above: ‘+ Barangayls represented: Barangay South Poblacion, North Poblacion, Talayong, Marto, Cantupa, San Jose, Biga-a, Maragondong, Mandapaton, Slonggon, Pisong, Manghulyawon, Cangabo, Manluminsag, Mapalasan and Pangea 3, Agenda/Objectives Overview on Community Procurement What are the Methods of Procurement in KALAHI CIDSS- NDDDP Methods of Emergency Procurement Threshold for Emergency Procurement Procurement Activities vvvyy 4. Highlights of the activity including details of facilitation process and quality of participation of men and ‘women during the activity. (Attach the LGU prescribed minutes) The activity started at 9.00 am with the opening prayer led by Jeane &, Atubang BSPMIC Chairman of North Poblacion falowed by the National Antham led by Mary Rose Q. Dela Cruz BSPMC Chairman of Mapalasan, then f acknowiedgement of partcipants by Ms, Jonalyn Coming MCT-CF. then followed the Welcome address and @ Rationale/Objective of the Training-Workshop given by Mam Jeniefe F. Dellona ACT- Area Caordinator Prepared by: Republic of the Philippines Province of Negras Griental Municipality of La Libertad MINUTES OF THE KC-NCDDP COVID-19 RESPONSE PROCUREMENT TRAINING HELD ON AUGUST 11,2020 AT LALIMIAR BEACH RESQRT, SAN JOSE, LA LIBERTAD NEGROS ORIENTAL |. PRELIMINARIES: The activity was stated at 9:00 am with an opening prayer ltd by Jean E, Atubang BSPMIC Chairman of Bray. North Poblacion and followed by the singing of the National Anthem led by Maryrose O, Dela Cruz BSPMC Chairman of Brgy. Mapalasan Then rolicall of the barangays’ represented hy miss Janalyn Caming, there were 16 Barangays’ Represented Barangay South Poblacion, Nerth Pobiacion, Talayong, Martila, Cantupa, San Jose, Biga- ‘a, Maragondang, Mandapaton, Stonggon, Pisong, Manghulyawon, Cangabe, Manlumirsag, Mapalasan and Pangea. Acknowledgement af the participants was given by maam Jeniefe F. Dellona ACT- Area Coordinator I. PROGRAM FLOW: A. Rationale and Objectives of the Training B._KC-NCDDP COVID-19 RESPONSE Emergency Procurement Procurement Principle and Palicies Procurement Methods Procurement Planning Procurement Methods Flow Roles and Function af the Community Volunteers Procurement Planning Workshop and Simulation rroes7ron Ill Rationale and Objective of the Training was given by Maam Jeniefe F. Dellona ACT: Area ‘Coordinator IV. DISCUSSION PROPER: Maam Grafelyn P. Diate ACT-CF discussed the following topic KC-NCDDP COVID-19 RESPONSE Emergency Procurement, Procurement Principles and Policies, Emergency Procurement Planning: Emergency Procurement. What is Procurement? Why is Pracurement important? What is the Legal Basis for Community Based Procurement? Procurernerit Prisiples and Policies FEETA. Fairness, Economy, Effectiveness, Transparency, Accountability veyyye COMMUNITY BASED PROCUREMENT METHODS: © Generally accoptable methods: 2, Community shopping b, Community bidding 3 Community direct contracting Reapeat order Small value procurement Single source selection Pakyaw contract Emergency procurement Emergency Procurement Planning EMERGENCY PROCUREMENT * Toprocure urgently needed goads, services and infrastructure facilties to assist disaster-atfected communities * Community is eligible to use this method “only” upon a declaration a of State of Calamity * Disaster can either be natural or man-made RGENCY PROCUREMENT NO threshold prigr-review for contract 2M and above + Accelorated'waived timelines (Planning, Serving of Quotation to Issuance of P.O) Contract) © Closely facilitated by ACT /MOT * Bid tperformance Security is waived but 10% retention is imposed to work contract costing P1M and above Estimated Budget for the Package (EBP) is not ptice ceiling of quotationsiproposals, However, thers must bé available fund to cover the quotation in exeess of EBP before the Contract is awarded to the suppliericontractor fino one supplier is able to provide to required quantity the community may procure ‘rom the Several sources and shall nel be considered as spliting af contracts Includes pracurement of indigenous goods and services from non-registered suppliars in the communityimunicipality, such as lumber, fine and course aggregates. and other materials that Gam be acquired and produced in the barangay including manual praduction oF hollow blocks. +e that are tequired forthe subproject EMERGENCY PROCUREMENT METHOD AND PROCEDURES Under the disaster respanse operation procedures (DROP), the following adjustments to the Brocurement procedures are to be followed. The adjustments in the community procurement shall bo in-foree until the cornpletion of the sub-project. Ia project began under the emergency mode, the ‘emorgency procurement process will continue until the project is completed, aven if the declaration of emergency is lied or has lapsed EMERGENCY PROCUREMENT METHODS ‘Community Shopping ~ Works: Goads Direct Contracting (negotiated procurement) = Works - Goods Agency-to-Agenoy or Community to Government Agency Pakyawr Contract Indigenous Materials Applicable certifications are: +. Cerifcation from the Barangay Captain or Barangay Treasurer of non-availability of supplier in the area, and 2. Certification from supplier's of nan-wilingness ta supaly indicating spacifie reason, + Ifthere are ane or more registered supplier, procurement procedure shall follove direct contracting, or simple shopping Maam Catherine Ganaganag ACT-CF discussed on Community Shooping for Goods and Works, Procurement Preparation Meeting. and What is 2 supplier of “Good Standing": 1. Community Shopping for Goods and Werks > Whatis Community Shopping for Goods and Works? Community solicits at least three separate price quotations from supplier Community solicits at least three separate price quotatians from supplier 2. Procurement Preparation Meeting 3 What is Procurement Preparation Meeting? = Convened by the BAC te meet all officials invelved in the procurement. To discuss all aspects of a specific procurement It is required to all procurement transactions for work contracts A. Procurement Pregaratian Meeting ( Discussion) Discuss all the items for the procurement from the CBP 1B, Preparation Review and Signing ‘The BSPMC, BAC, PT and TWG i. Discuss the pracess of documents areparation ii. Filkup the forms and ii Reviewing and signing of the required procurement forrms Request for Quaotation - Acknawiledgement Receipt - Abstract of Quotation Purchase Grder . Review ofthe List of Possible Suppliers {RSPMC, BAC and FT} “Review the inventory of available suppliers/ contractor = Identify all the passible suppliers to be issued with RFQ 3, What is 2 Supplier of “Good Standing"? Supplier of goad standing for GOGDS should be: © known tobe in the business af providing the goods for at least ane (1) year, ~ Dull registered with: a, DTI {Sole Proprietorship) b. SEC (Corporation) ©. €DA (Cooperative! - With 2 Mayor's PermiteMunicipal Neense D. Possible Causes of Procurement Failure ~ _ Identify possible procurement concerns based an the conduct of procurement ~ Devise some mitigating actions to avoid failure of procurement E. Action Planning (BSPMC, BAC, °T and TW} Plot out the dates of the succeeding activities ~The TW will pravide TA and coaching to CVs in the conduct of each activities, Then Maam Mo. Estela Marie Bulado, ACT- CF she discuss onthe last topic activity flow of Community Shopping for Goods. Preparation of POW and CPP ‘Identification of items far community shopping for goods Procurement preparation meeting Issuance of RFQ ve Issuance of Request for Quotation Prand CeF for 1% serving Delivers RFQs to at least three (3) Suppliers a. Suppliers to acknowledge receipt of the RFQ form by signing the Acknowledgement Receipt (AR). b. The supplier to accomplish the Request for Quotation farm Suppliers may submit their quotation in two ways: A. Immediate Submission of Quotation: 1. PT to.wait for the supplier ta accomplish the form and 2. PT to receive the quotation ina sealed envelope 8. Submission Prior to the Deadline: 1. PT: Receives sealed quotations at the barangay hall or designated area based.on RFQ. 2, Submission must be befare the deadline. 3, PT member records receipt in the logbook with the following information: 4, PT: Sealed envelope and the logbook be kept inside the filing cabinet at BSPMCrtice 5, BAC: Quotations submitted after the deadline shall be declared “Late” and should NOT be accepted Preparation for the Opening of Quotation 1. The venue for the opening af quotations 2. The opening should start on time as stated in the Request for Quotation Opening of Quotations 1. PT: Bring the logboak and sealed quotations inside the bid box (The Bid box must be locked.) 2. BAC to declare quorum before the apening ef canvass. ‘Q: What is a quorum? ‘A: The BACis composed of 3 members. 2out of the 3 persans canstitutes a quorum. ‘G: What if the BAC Head/Chairperson is nat present during the opening of quotation? ‘A:Not @ requirement, but must have 2 Quorum, 3. BAC: Open the padlock of the box and open one by one the sealed envelopes 4. If only one or two envelanes are received itis not considered as failure, the opening will proceed , provided more than 3 sets of quotations were served 5. BAG opens one envelop at a time. 6. BAC reads aloud the following for each individual envelope: 2) Name of the Supplier b) Address of the Supplier «J The items quoted, quantities, units and their unit prices and Total quotation €) All attachments to the quotation 7. BAC (all present) shal initia] every page of the original copies of all quotations received and opened 8, PT shall prepare record af opening of quotation; Record must be ready after the opening af Quotation Evaluation of Quotations a} The BAC with the TW shall determine the LCRQ based on the RFQ requirements 'b) Quatation is responsive if: % Meets the requiced technical specifications; Indicates the following: = quoted price for all items ~ by item or by package ~awhether for delivery or by pick up, - specifies the date of delivery €) BTwill prepare the minutes of evaluation of quotations. d)_ The farangay Treasurer keeps all the documents CONTRACT GF AWARD 1. PT: Prepares three (3) copies of Purchase Order (copy the specifications stated in the REQ. form) 2, Barangay Treasurer: Certifies to the availability of funds 3, BSPMC Chairperson: Approves and signs the FO. 4. PT: Delivers Purchase Order to supplier 5. 5. PT: Furnishes one “original copy" of PO to Brey Treasurer 6. 6. PT: Furnishes one “original copy” of POte MIT ‘CONTRACT IMPLEMENTATION Roles and Functions of Community Volunteers Project implementation Team (PIT ~ responsible for supervising the implementation of the sub-project ensure that contract implementation are done in accordance with the guidelines of the CBPHA Monitoring and Inspeetion Team (MIT ~ _ Is responsible for monitoring and inspecting deliveries of goods per Purchase Order ~ Undertaking quality control of delivered ikerns Audit and Inventory Team (AIT): + ISresponsible for conducting value for meney audit ‘ensuring the funds are utilized according ta the required procedures Roles and Functions af ACT/ MCT ‘Municipal inter- Agency Committee (NIAC 's responsible for providing technical assistance to the community ‘Municipal Financial analyst (MEA responsible far processing vauchers and checks For payment purpases Oren Copies of procurement, finance and contract implementation documents at ACT Office Community Emnowerment Facilitator: ~ Review and ensure that all Procurement, finance and contract implementatian documents are in ccordance with the requirements and procedures of the KC NCDDP ‘Technical Facilitator: + Provide technical assistance to the community * Review requests for variation or change orders ~ Validate accomplishment reports among others Area Coordinator 7 frsure thot procurement dacuments are complete before issuance of Purchase Order (Pa) ~ Signs checks for payment DELIVERY OF Goons ~ _ If Seppler falls to start the delivery within the agreed date of delivery, the BSPMC can cancel the P.O, ~ And aurard the contract to the succeeding responsive supplier, ar conduct re-canwass. Since there were no other question being raised by the participants, then will praceed ta reflection session, Mrs. Erma Sapotalo BSPMC of Barangay Marti is very thankful to the community faclitator as a resource person because the discussian is very clear for us ta understand, 1._PINCOs and Grievances | Whe assed the Cancem.and |” PINGOS and Gievanoes | ResolilonNew SapsiAgrsonen] | _ Profile of the Person | | Mr Marcas Vilahermasa | He raised the question, | CF Estela Bulado in emergency | mam in kalany cidds they | procurement no need philgaps, but need @ PHILGEPS fram the | the requirements of he suppliers are | suppliers? | OTI, mayors permit and BIR. | Since there were no other question being ralsed by the participants, they wil proceed to reflection session, Mrs. Erma Sapotalo BSPMC of Barangay Martilo-is very thankful to the community facilitator as a Fesource person because the discussion is very clear far us ta understand, ‘fer the reflection session, the activity adjourened at 3:45 pm. Prepared by: JESI ACT- CF

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