Minutes (CDD-form and Narrative)

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e002: EF MUNICIPAL ACTIVITY MINUTES FORM Region: vil _ Province: HEGAOS “opeWmL Municipality, LA UBERTAD Total Number of Boys: (© Venue: Date: 4. Activity Profile Program/Project (8.9. NCODP, KC-MCC, etc):_WCDDP Cycle: CYELE 4 INFeASTMUcTULe Fit Ap)G ELvic p. CARTAGENA, SUE WAET. FABIMAR, SESSIE B. maLpe Documenter/Secratary: EsARAiN Ty. Emir 2. Attendance Male attendees: Oo Female attendees: be Male IP attendees: =e Female |P attendees: ee Male Attendees 60 years old and above: Fomale Attendees 80 years old and apove:_j_ Barangays represented: SALONEEON» TDLYONG, MABAOULOON'S , COUT FEB MMILO mA HLUMINJAG, MABOC AN BibS-A Maho HULYAWON caneSBO , poUT BOE aneca, FSGUb SAmsacE .wiaind pero 3. AgendaiObjectives RALARA=CLUSS HCHO? wTBoduchon y PRIET nupuQMGATATON PRINCIPLES, us ploNCE emTERORIES , FSS __funcnon of (miLEMBITADEN TEM, commun AY wanda aid = paler wuplawavtanon BLAIS SeWvanrs SAFETY foweUs, soeal f envieonMEMOL GAFEEGADES 4 CaCO oF AVEPRATE —EcamoLowy, 4. Highlights ofthe activity including details of faitation process and quality of participation of men and women during the activity. (Attach the LGU prescrised micutes) 5. PINCOs and Grievances Whorraised the Coneem and | —PINGOs and Grievances) — Resolution'Next Stepsi Profile of the Person i i Ex. Joan, P member Prepared by:¢ / Approved by: + —— oe _RWALD 2. Crrepryy _ ape F.PEUDDA Signalurestisr Printed Name Signattwe ater Printed Name __SomMUNITY FACIL TATOR _ BOT HAC = Posi Position -Atecherets tot ited othe towing depending onthe svi 1 Atefance Shee! 2 Resolutions 3. suf Dutt of he Actuy (Copy of lng) coo Aca f MUNICIPAL ACTIVITY MINUTES FORM Region: vil Province: NEGROS ORIENTAL Municipality: LA LIBERTAD Total Number of Brgys: 18 BARANGAYS Venue: LALIMAR BEACH SORT Date AUGUST 13.2090 1. Acti Gyole: 4cyG) ‘Aciivity Name: INFRASTRUCTURE TRAIN! cilitaors: JESIEC. DE, JULIE ET. FABILLAR AND ELVIE P. DocumenteriSecretary: 2. Attendance Male attendees: Female attendeas: Male IP attendees Female IP attendees Q Male Attendees 60 years old and above: 0 Female Attendees 0 years old and above Q a Barangayls represented: Barangay South Poblacion, North Poblacion, Talayong, Martilo, Cantupa, San Jose, Biga-a, Maragondong, Mandapaton, Slonggon, Pisong, Manghulyawon, Cangabo, Manlumingag, Mapalasan and Pangea 3. AgondalObjectives A. Rationale and Objectives of the Training 8. KALAHI CIDSS Introduction C Sub-Project Categories 1D. Roles and Function of Project Implementatation Team E. Community Managed Sub-Project Implementation Product Standards F. Safety Protocols and Environmental Safeguards. G, Construction Forms and Timeline HW, Reflection Sessions. 4. Highlights of the activity including dotails of facilitation process and quality of participation of men and women during the activity. (Attach the LGU prescribed minutes) ‘The activity was started at 9:00 am with an opening prayer led by Fe G. Tundag BSPMC Chairman of Bray. Maragondong, ‘The host speaker represented by Ana Marie Paunillan MCT CEF rollcall the barangays participants’ , there were 16 Barangays’ Represented Barangay South Poblacion, North Pablacion, Talayong, Martilo, Cantupa, San Jose, Biga-a, Maragondong, Mandapaten, Slonggon, Pisong, Manghulyawon, Cangabo, Manluminsag,Mapalasan and Pangea. Acknowledgement of the participants was given by maam Julie Mae Fabillar ACT Community Facilitator KC NCDDP La Libertad. IV, DISCUSSION PROPER: Rationale and Objective of the Training was given by Maam Helen C. Ybanes Community Development Officer IV Maam Julie Mae T. Fabillar ACT-CF discussed the following topic KC-NCDDP Intaduetian and Rules and Function of Community Volunteers: 1. KALAHI CIDSS NCODP REFRESH > Wha is KALAHICIDSS - NCDP? © Kapit bisig Laban sa Kahirapan Conprehansive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services. > Whatis Project and Sub - Praject? > Whats the Project Implementation Principles? * Localized Decision Making, Empowering, _Transparent,Community Priaritization,tnclusive and Multi Stakeholder, Deman Driven Simple and Sustainable ("LET CIDSS") Sub Project Categories + Public Goods , Enterprises Development , Human Resource Development and Envirorimnental Protection and Conservation, 2. Roles and Function of Implementation Team > Division of labor work force personnel ino specific job with proper coordination tothe Project Engineer 2 Proper use of Constructions Tool should be provided by the community volunteers and workers, Determine the delly task based on POW in order to insure the advance and delay of work accomplish J Address all issues and concer and give solution ta the problem togethar withthe project ‘engineer. % Oversee and handie all physical status of project implementation and insure % {BSPNMC Chairperson) © Oversee and handle all physical and financial status of project, implementation and approved all procurement activirties and disbursement, + Signs checks for payment Project implementation Team (PFT) ‘+ responsible for supervising the implementation of the sub-project © ensure that contract implementation are done in accordance with the guidelines of the CBPM > Monitoring and Inspection Tearn {Mit ‘+ is responsible for monitoring and inspecting deliveries of goods per Purchase ‘Order © Undertaking quality contro! of delivered items > Member of Technical Working Group { TWIG } * Atea Coordinator, Technical Facilitator and Finance Analyst * Municipal EngineeciMunicipal Agriculture Officer/Teacher ‘© Voluntears Professional in the Community 4. Community Manage Sub Project Implementation > Three (3) basic stages of the Project * Project Planning ,Project Implementation and Projact Evaluation. > Major Activities during Implementation + Planning the works and assigning people to do the task * Organizing the work + Directing Activities Controlling the Execution © Tracking Progress and Reporting = Analyzing the Resutts The second presentor lead by Maam Jessie C, Balde ACT-CF discussed on Sub Project Implementation List of eligible Sub Projects and Product Standard: The menu of eligible sub-projects shall be implemented in the given timefine and will comply with the requirements of the Public Heaith Emergeney protocol; social distancing, hand hygiene, cough and sneezing etiquette, use of appropriate personal protective equipment, environmental elesning ‘measures, isolation and other DOH requirements, List of Eligible Sub Projects for Implementation 1. Cash-for-work 2. Bray. Covid9 Response Tearh training 3. Refurbishing/ retrofitting of heaith faciliey 4. Repair of Water Supply 5. Proc. of BOH med. Tools Temporary Facilities 7. Rental of Vehicles 8. Procof COVIDIS PRES 9. Cash assistance 19. Economic recovery 11, BAUIK PROBINSYA PROGRAM, Products Standard Important of Praduct Standard = Globalisasyon © Free Trade © Aron ang predukte mabaylo-baylo o mausa ug gamit + Kasiguraduhan sa level sa performance © Makahatag ug kuman nga kuminkasyon sa manufacturer ug user > Possible results of using unsafe and substandard products = Death or injury © Damage to Property © Damage to Environment Product Certification © oT ‘¢ Import Commodity Clearance (ICC) Certificate ‘© Philippine Standard (PS) License Certificate * Mandatory Markings and Labels for Materials * Quantity Computation + COMMGN UNIT OF MEASURE a. VOLUME ~ cuble meter fcum,) b. AREA —squate meter (eq.m,) c. LENGTH — kilometer (ken) = meter (m) — foot (ft) WEIGHT ~ kilograrn the & QUANTITY — —pieeas (pes) f CEMENT = =bap/s e. LUMBER —board foot {bd.ft) Lastly the last presentor Maami Elvie P. Cartagena, ACT- CF she discuss on the last tapic activity: flow of Safety Protacols ,Construction Forms and Time Line. Relative to KC-NCDDP sub-project implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic, the RPMOs are Instructed to ensure strict adhere to the following additional safety measures, Prior to Deployment 1. Only persons between twenty oneand fifty nine years of age and without pre-existing health conditions are allowed to be part of the workforce. Employees sixty years old ancl abave may be allowed fallowing Section 2, Item 3 {ECO}, Section 3, item 3 (MECA), and Section 4, em 2 (GCQ) of the Grinibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community ‘Quarantine in the Philippines issued 29 April, 2020 (Attached). 2, Warkers from outside the barangay where the sutt-project is located shall be required to consult with a medical doctor and undergo COVID-19 testing before being deployed to the sub-project site, 3. Only persons between twenty one and fifty wine years of age and without pre-existing health conditions are allowed to be part of the workforce. Employees sixty years old and abave may be allowed following Section 2, item 3 (ECO), Section 3, item 3 (MECQ), and Section 4, Item 3 (GCQ) of the Cmnibus Guidelines an the implementation of Community ‘Quarantine in the Philippines issued 28 April, 2020 (Attached), 4.Wvorkers from autside the barangay where the sub-project is located shall be required te consult vith a medical doctor and undergo COWIO-19 testing before being deployed to the sub-project site. > During implementation 1. Workers from outside the barangay must be housed in the lodging facility provided far the duration of their work, Otherwise, pre-deployment requirements shall be required (.c consultation and testing}. 2, Errands to be conducted outside the barangay shall be minimized. Site supervisor shall designate a maximum of twe persons to run errands. Proper disinfection shall be conducted before the worker is sllawed back on site. The warker shall be monitored for CVID-1 symptoms for fourteen days upon return. 3, Wark schedule must be programmed! considering the required physical distance between workers, 4, Workers from outside the barangay must be housed in the lodging facility provided for the ‘duration of their work, Otherwise, pre-deployment requirements shall be required (Le consultation and testing). 5. Errands to be conducted outside the barangay shall he minimized. Site supervisor shall designate a maximum of two persons ta run errands. Proper disinfection shall be conducted before the worker is allowed back on site. The worker shall be monitored for C\D-18 symptoms for fourteen days upen return, 6. Work schedule must be programmed considering the required physical distance between workers 7. For roads ar other sub-projects spread-out within the barangay, workers shall be provided with aclequate transportation and disinfected before deployment and upon return to the barracks. 8. Materials and equipment shall be unloaded at a designated area, received by designated personnel, and disinfected before use. 9, Proper segregation and disinfection of waste materials and PPE shall be follawed before ciisposal 5 CONSTRUCTION FORMS © Materials record sheet © Weather chart © Canstruction Logbook © Construction Gant Chart + Employment Record Sheet + Suspension Order © Change of Extra works * Itemized Cost OF Revisions * Joint Inspetion Report > Community-fManaged implementation Timeline * Community-tManaged Implementation Timeline June ~ july—Opening of bank Aceount + RFR& ist Tranche, August = September Procurement, August September + SPiCompletion, September - 2020 5. PINCOs and Grievances ‘Who raised the Concem and | PINCOs and Grievances ResolufoniNext Stapsiigrooments Profile of the Person | | Mts. Jane A. Fabilaran she raised the question, CF JESIE C. BALDE answer that mam what are the saope of | based on the lst of eligible sub works for cash for works? projects Menu leaning and sanitzing | Of public places and govemment offices including boundary cttock inting,and isolation area are common activities under cash for works Only minimal question are being ask and being answered also by the faclitator,sines there wer no other question being raised by the participants, the reflection session was being follawed. Maam Jeanie E, Atubanga 8SPMC of North Poblacion-is very thankful ta the community facilitator aS 2 resource person because the diseussion is very understable, clear and consize that is easy for us tounderstand, ‘After the reflection session, the training was ended by a clossing prayer given by maam Mary Rose O Dele Cruz aBSPMC of Brey. Mapalasan and the activity ended al 3:30pm Prepared by: Approved by: RONALD R. DELLA’ JENIEFE F, DELLONA ACT-CF ACT-AC eDDAM2 = Fenn MUNICIPAL ACTIVITY MINUTES FORM. Region: wil Province NEGROS ORIENTAL Municipality LALIBERTAD Total Number of Broys: 13 BARANGAYS Verwa PACUAN PUBLIC MARKET Date: AUGUST 13,2021 1. Activity Profile Program/Project (e.g. NCDDP, KC-MCC, ele): KC. Cycle: A CYCLE Activity Name: FRASTRUCTURE TRAINING Fazlilators ‘GRAFELYN DIATERONALD R. DELLATAN AND VINCENZOBALSAMO- DocumentariSecretary: RAIN T EMIT 2. Attendance: Male attendeos: Femaie attendees: Male IP attendees: Female IP attendses Q Male Attendees 60 years old and above: 0 Female Attendees 60 years old and above Barangay/s represented: Barangay Aniniaw, Aya,Bagtic,Susiae fll, Gulhob,kansuman die, INazunggan, Pacuan,Piong Pogo, Talaon and Flecia, 3. AgendalObjectives Rationale and Gbjectives of the Training KALAHI CIDSS Intraduetion Sub-Project Categories Rioles and Function of Project implementatation Team Community Managed Sub-Project Implementation Praduct Standards. Safety Protocels and Environmental Safeguards. Construetian Forms and Timeline Reflaction Sessions, Zorrene> 4. Highlights of the activity including details of facilitation process and quality of participation of men and women during the activity. (Aitach the LGU prescrited minutes} ‘The activity was started at 8:00 am with an opening prayer lad by Cristal V, Surtida BSPMIC Chairman of Bray. Kansumandig The host speaker represented by Jonalyn Mae Coming MCT CEF rollcall the barangays participants’ , there were 12 Barangays’ Represented Barangay Anitlaw Aya Bagtic Busilac, cli, Guihob,kansumandig,Masunggan, Pacuan,Pisong ,Pitogo, Tataon and Elecia. Acknowledgement of the participants was given by maam Grafelyn Diate ACT Community Facilitator KC NCDOP La Libertad. IV, DISCUSSION PROPER: Rationale and Objective of the Training was given by Maam JINIEFE F. DELLONA ACT area coordinator kalahi cidss. Maem Grafelyn Diate ACT-CF discussed the following topic KC-NCDDP Intoduction and Rules and Function of Community Volunteers: 1. KALAHI CIDSS HEDDP REFRESH » Whals KALAHI CIDSS - NCDDP? ‘© Kapit bisig Laban sa Kahirapan Conprehensive and integrated Delivery of Sotial Services Whatis Project and Sub Project? » Whatis the Project Implementation Principles * Localized Decision Making, Empowering, Transparent;Community Priaritzation,Inelusive and Muitl Stakeholder, Deman Driven Simple and Sustainable (“LET C1085") } Sub Project Categories * Public Goods, Enterprises Development , Human Resource Development and Environmental Protection and Conservation. 2. Roles and Function of Implementation Team > Division oFlabor work force personnel into specific job wth proper coordination to the Project Engineer > Proper use of Construct workers. > Delermine the dally task based on POW in order to insure the advence and delay of vrork accomplish J» Address all issues and concern and give solution to the prablam together withthe project engineer. » Oversee and handle al ohysical stalus of project implementation and insure 's Tool should be provided by the community volunteers and > {BSPMIC Chairperson! © Oversee and handie all physical and financial status of project Implementation and approved all procurement activirties and disbursement, '* Signs checks for payment Project implementation Team (PIT} ‘+ responsible for supervising the implementation of the sub-project ‘+ ensuretthat cantract implementation are done in accordance with the guidelines of the-coPM, © Monitoring and inspection Team (halt: © Gamage te Property * Damage to Environment » Product Certification * on * Import Commodity Clearance (ICC) Certificate © Philippine Standard (PS) License Certificate * Mandatory Markings and Labels for Materials * Quantity Computation © COMMON UNIT OF MEASURE a. VOLUME ~cubic meter {eum} bo AREA ~ square meter (sq.m,) © LENGTH ~ kilometer (km) meter (m) ~foat (ft) 4. WEIGHT ~ kilogram (ke) 8 QUANTIFY pieces (pes) cement —bag/s ge. LUMBER ~ beard foot fhd.ft) pastly the last presentor Mir, Vincenzo A. Balsamo, ACT- CF she discuss-on ‘the last topic activity flow of Safety Protocols ,Construction Forms and Time Line, Relative to KC-NCDDP sub-project implementation during the COVip-19 Pandemic, the RPMOs are 'nstructed to ensure strict adhere to the following additional safety mencorce > Priarto Deployment reat eersans between twenty one and fity nine years of age and without pre-existing health conditions are allowed to be part of the workforce, Employes sity een cra nn above may be allowed following Section 2, tem 3 {ECO}, Seetion 3, lem 3 (NECA), ano fection 4, Item 3 (GCO) of the: Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines issued 29 April, 2020 (attached), 2 Workers from outside the barangay Where the sub-project is located shall be required to consult with a medical doctor and undergo COVID-19 testing before being deployed to the sub-project site, 3. Only persons between twenty one and fifty nine years of age and without pre-existing health canditions are allowed to be part of the warkfarce, Employes sixty years old and above may be allowed fallowring Section 2, Iter 3 (ECO), Section 3, item 3 (MECQ), and Section 4, lem 3 {GCQ) cf the Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine inthe Philippines issued 29 April, 2020 (attached). 4.Workers from outside the barangay where the sub-project is located shall be required to consult with a medical doctor and undergo COVID-19 testing before being deployed to the sub-project ite, * During implementation 1. Workers from outside the barangay must be housed in the lodging facility provided for the Suration of their work, Otherwise, pre-deployment requirements shall be required {ie consultation and testing) 2. Errands to be conducted outside the barangay shall be minimized. Site

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