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Solved: The Hydrogenics case is the first in a series of

The Hydrogenics case is the first in a series of four cases that illustrate a comprehensive
analysis of an international corporation. In this case the balance sheet will be analyzed with the
income statement and cash flow statement analyzed in cases for Chapters 3 and 4. Chapter 5
will include a comprehensive analysis of Hydrogenics using the information from Chapters 2
through 5. The financial statement analysis template can be accessed and used at The balance sheet for Hydrogenics and excerpts from the
notes to the financial statements are included after the instructions for the case.


(a) Once you have linked to the template you should see a window that asks whether you want
to enable the macros. You must click on "Enable Macros" to use the template. (You may have
to change the security setting on your computer in order to use this feature.) Familiarize yourself
with the instructions. The tab for the instructions is at the bottom of your screen and is labeled
"ReadMe." Print out a copy of the instructions to be used for all Hydrogenics cases in each
chapter of the text. Click on the link at the bottom of the screen labeled "Cover." Enter the
required data in the template for Hydrogenics with the exception of the check figures for the
income statement and the cash flow statement which will be added to the cover sheet when
completing Hydrogenics cases in Chapters 3 and 4. Use the instructions to help you locate the
necessary information. The amount for "Rent Expense" can be found in Note 20 under the
heading "Commitments". Note 27 addresses dividends. Print the cover sheet when it is
completed. Save the template on your computer or a disk in order to use it with subsequent
problems in later chapters.

(b) Click on the "Balance Sheet" link at the bottom of the template. Input the data from the
Hydrogenics balance sheet by clicking on the "Edit" link at top of balance sheet page.
Hydrogenics has combined multiple different accounts into one category for several line items
on the balance sheet. For example, accounts payable has been included with other current
liability accounts in the line item "Trade and other payables". Information in excerpts of Notes 4,
6, 9 and 11 should help you identify the correct amounts to input on the balance sheet. When
you have finished inputting the data, review the balance sheet to make sure there are no red
blocks indicating that your numbers do not match the cover sheet information check figures.
Make any necessary corrections before printing out both your input and the common-size
balance sheet that the template automatically creates for you.

(c) Using the Hydrogenics balance sheet, common-size balance sheet and excerpts from the
notes, evaluate the asset, liability and equity structure of the firm. Explain trends and changes
found on the common-size balance sheet. Assess the sources of liquidity.

(d) Analyze accounts receivable and the allowance for doubtful accounts. The sales growth rate
is 33.81% from 2012 to 2013.

Reach out to for enquiry.

(e) Describe the commitments, contingencies and guarantees of Hydrogenics and the
significance of these items.

The Hydrogenics case is the first in a series of


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