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Vishakha Nakshatra
The Forked Branches of a Tree
Nakshatra (Asterism) Vishakha
Sanskrit Root Word Vi = in different directions; Shakha = branch/ region
Seed Name of Nakshatra Khe (Vishakhe)
Ancient Names Aindra-agna, Aindragnika, Bhisaja, Dweesha, Dwidaivata, Indragni, Radha, Radhika, Raara,
Sadvhava, Shakragni, Satragni, Surpabha, Vrashagni, Vishakam, Vaishkya, Vishakhe
Rasi (Zodiac) Libra/ Scorpio
Range 20o 00’ Libra- 03o 20’ Scorpio (Sidereal)
Exaltation/ Debilitation Moon reaches Deep Debilitation at 03o Scorpio in Vishakha Pada 4
Navamsa Padas Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer (Sun, Moon, Rahu and Jupiter are Exalted; Saturn, Mars and Ketu
are Debilitated)
Navamsa Pada Number of Pada 7, 8, 9 of Libra and Pada 1 of Scorpio
the 9 Quarters of the Sign
Navamasa Pada Number of Pada 61, 62, 63 and 64 of total 108
108 Quarters of the Zodiac
Ruling Planet Jupiter (As Per Vimshottari Dasa System of Parashara Maharishi)
Number of Stars 4 (Alpha Librae/ Zuben El Genubi, Beta Librae/ Zuben El Hakhrabi, Gamma Librae, and Iota
Librae. They form the Left Half of the Hanging Scale Shape of the Constellation Libra. The
Ancients saw this forming a Forked Branch and Associated it with the Abode of the Gods under
the Rulership of Indra, the King of the Gods. Alpha Librae gives the Ability to Concentrate on
Goals, and Overcome Obstacles. It is Social, Clever, but Unforgiving and Revengeful)
Yoga Taras (Principal Stars) Az-Zubanan – Zuben Elgenubi (Alpha Librae) and Zuben Elhakhrabi (Beta Librae)
Meaning “The Forked One”, “Two Branches”, Radha the “The Delightful One”
Indication “The Star of Purpose”
Pratima (Symbol) A “Triumphal Arch” covered with Leaves and used in Marriage Ceremonies (The Archway is a
symbol of Success and Achievement and indicates moving through Thresholds of Spiritual
Initiation), a Potter’s Wheel (symbolises the Patience that must be developed in order to
Progress on the Spiritual Path), a Tree with Spreading Branches giving Protection to Others, a
White Lotus
Devata (Presiding Deity/ Indragni or Chakragni (the Dimorphic pair of Indra and Agni in one Body). Indra (Chief of Gods,
Tutelary Archetype/ God of Transformation, God of Lightning) & Agni (God of Fire, representing the Pure Fire of
Regent) Consciousness), this nakshatra is also controlled by Radha (the Romantic Consort of Sri Krishna)
Body Part The Arms, the Breasts
Guna (Quality) Sattwa (Tamas – Sattwa – Rajas)
Gana (Race) Rakshasa (Demon)
Purushartha (Goal) Dharma (Righteousness)
Tridosha Kapha (Phlegm or Water + Earth)
Nadi (Nerve, Blood Vessel, Antya (End)
Nature/ Category of Star Misra (Mixed/ Sharp and Soft), Sadharana
Varna (Caste) Mleccha (Outcaste)
Gotra (Clan) Vashistha (name translates as the “Possessor of Wealth”)
Direction East
Place Cottonfield, Shoonya Sthana (Dark Place)
Pancha Mahabhuta Agni (Fire)
Shakti (Power) Vyapana Shakti (The Power to “Achieve and Make Manifest, Power to Achieve many and various
Fruits of Life”)
Basis Above To Cultivate
Basis Below Reaping the Harvest
Desire To gain the Greatest Splendour amongst the Gods
Result of Shakti, Basis, & Fruit of the Harvest
Shaktis of Each Nakshatras “Vishakha provides the effort to achieve our goals abundantly through time, like a farmer

Copyright 2017. Dr Arjun Pai Astrology

by Dr David Frawley ploughing his field. It does not give immediate results but perhaps greater long term gains. Indra
and Agni here are agriculture Gods showing the ripening effect of heat, rain and seasonal
Activity Active
TriMurthi (Process) Brahma (Create)
Direction / Motion Adho Mukha (Looking Down/ Facing Downwards)
Yoni (Gender) Male
Animal Symbol Vyaghra (Tiger)
Deity Connected to the Ayyappa
Animal Symbol
Bird Red Tail Sparrow, Karanda Pakshi, Hamsa (Swan)
Nama Aksharam (Astral Thee, Thoo, They, Tho (ती Ti, तू Tu, ते Te, तो To)
Tree/ Plant Vikankatha, Nagkesar, Kaith, Vila, Elephant Apple or Wood Apple (Latin Name: Mesua Ferrea or
Limonia Acidissima)
Colour Golden
Pushkara Navamsa Vishakha 2nd and 4th Pada
General Characteristics/ Jealous, Stingy, Triumph, Conqueror, Goals, Dictators, Courage, Impatient, Egocentric, many sided
Themes Activity, Steel Will, Develop Ideologies and Dogmas, Devoted, Learned
Strength Success through Own Efforts, Intelligence of the Highest Order, Powerful Achiever, Bright
Appearance, Attracts Others, Has Respect for Intelligent and Spiritual People, Enterprising, Self-
Satisfied, Determined, Clever, Accomplishes Many Things, Humanitarian, Politically Inclined,
Excellent Communicator, Persuasive Speech, Leadership Qualities, Truthful, Sexually Alluring, A
Strong Desire for Marriage, Benefits through Marriage, Traveller, Mathematically Skilled,
Weakness Overly Talkative, Militant, Creates Quarrels Between People, Restless, Envious of Other’s Success,
Critical and Finds Faults with Others, Infidelity, Overly Ambitious, Manipulates Others to Meet
Their Own Needs, Socially Isolated, Does not Take Advice, Offensive, Stingy, Difficult to Like,
Greedy, Deceitful, Aggressive, Authoritarian, Quick to Take Offense, Argumentative, Jealous,
Frustration and Anger When Goals are Obstructed, Suspicious, Possessive, Envious, Feels
Suppressed and Taken Advantage of by Others, Too Many Interests, Not Satisfied by
Favourable War, Executive Ability, Argument, Harshness, Mental Focus, Goal Oriented Acts, Ceremonies,
Parties, Functions, Awards, Decorative Acts, Romance, Sexuality, Penance, Resolving,
Accomplishing Tasks, Aggressive or Harsh Activities, Executive Talents, Argumentative Tactics,
anything requiring Focus on Goals, Celebrations, Ornamentation, Getting Dressed Up, Romance
and Sexual Activity, Making Resolutions
Unfavourable Marriage, Travel, Beginnings, Tact, Initiations, Diplomacy
Nakshatra Beej Mantra “ॐ घम्म” “Om Gham” & “ॐ ङ्गं” “Om Ngam” 108 times or Om Indragnibhyam Namah || 108 times
Nakshatra Gayatri Mantra Om Indragni aagatam sutam girbhirnamo
varenyam aspatam dhiyeshita ||
Famous Personalities Ascendant in Vishakha: Napoleon Bonaparte, Clint Eastwood, Margaret Thatcher
Sun in Vishakha: Demi Moore, Prince Charles, Whoopi Goldberg, Richard Burton
Moon in Vishakha: Gautam Buddha, Jimmy Carter, Alexander the Great, Uri Geller, Harmann
Goering (Hitler’s Right Hand Man)

Copyright 2017. Dr Arjun Pai Astrology

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