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Concept of Tort

Clark Field Taxi , Inc is owned and operated by Sergio and Antolin Naguiat

Their business stop due to expiration of RP-US military agreement and the employees were separated


those who were actively engaged in the management or operation of the business
stockholders shall be held to strict fiduciary
Said stockholders shall be personally liable for corporate torts unless the corporation had
obtained reasonably adequate liability insurance
President who had actively engaged in the management and operation of CFTI is held solidarily
liable however, the Vice-President in the absence

Section 100, paragraph 5, (under Title XII on Close Corporations) of the Corporation Code,
“(5) To the extent that the stockholders are actively engage(d) in the management or
operation of the business and affairs of a close corporation, the stockholders shall be
held to strict fiduciary duties to each other and among themselves. Said stockholders
shall be personally liable for corporate torts unless the corporation has obtained
reasonably adequate liability insurance.”

tort” consists in the violation of a right given or the omission of a duty imposed by law.[35]
Simply stated, tort is a breach of a legal duty.[36] Article 283 of the Labor Code mandates the
employer to grant separation pay to employees in case of closure or cessation of operations of
establishment or undertaking not due to serious business losses or financial reverses, which is
the condition obtaining at bar. CFTI failed to comply with this law-imposed duty or obligation.
Consequently, its stockholder who was actively engaged in the management or operation of the
business should be held personally liable.

1. breach of legal duty

(private remedy – money )
- There is no universal for tort liability

2. act or omission producing injury to another

3. court provide remedy in the form of an action of damages

4. demand payment for damages

Intentional Act

. willful and desire to achieve outcome, deliberate adoption of course of action to cause a harmful end

Distinguished from negligence – foreseeability of the risk

- knowledge (failed to exercise due care), no desire to cause injury

intent in court in most cases appear by way of malice (ill will)

Bad faith – ill will, furtive design, intentional design to do harm.

Fraud- kinds of deception

Strict Liability

Liability without fault

Product and service liability

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