MCQS of Mechatronics Medium Page 2

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11)   How is the speed of operation of conventional relay system as compared to digital controllers? 

a. very slow
b. very fast

c. same

d. almost similar

ANSWER: very slow

12) The capability of convention relay systems for complex operations is ___________ that of the PLCs

a. poor than
b. excellent than

c. as good as

d. unpredictable as

ANSWER: poor than

13)   How is the noise immunity of PLCs to electrical noises as compared to that of conventional relay

a. poor
b. excellent

c. as good as noise immunity of conventional relay controllers

d. unpredictable

ANSWER: poor

14)   Micro-controllers are ________________ than the PLCs. 

a. bulky and expensive

b. bulky but cheaper

c. portable and cheaper

d. portable but expensive

ANSWER: portable and cheaper

15)   According to Nyquist theorem, the sampling rate should be _________ as fast as the highest
frequency of the signal being measured or sampled. 

a. twice
b. thrice

c. ten times

d. hundred times

ANSWER: twice

16)   Data acquisition of all the physical quantities in the real world is done in 
- Published on 15 Sep 15

a. the analog mode

b. the digital mode

c. either analog mode or digital mode

d. none of the above

ANSWER: the analog mode

17)   What is/are the maximum number of arrow/s (Input/s) allowed to go inside the block? 
- Published on 15 Sep 15

a. One
b. Two

c. Three
d. Four


18)   What is the transfer function of an electrical system given below?

I: Current
V: Voltage
R: Resistance 
- Published on 15 Sep 15

a. V

b. 1/V

c. I

d. 1/R


19)   ________ is the curve plotted between input and output by giving known inputs to an instrument
and obtaining corresponding outputs. 
- Published on 15 Sep 15

a. characteristic curve
b. accuracy curve

c. calibration curve

d. sensitivity curve

ANSWER: calibration curve

20)   The process of establishment of a relationship between the input to the instrument and output from
the instrument is called as_____ 
- Published on 15 Sep 15

a. static sensitivity
b. static characterization

c. static accuracy

d. static calibration

ANSWER: static calibration

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